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Master of the ECKKK
Apr 30, 2009
In the world of Change.
Chapter three was interesting. Wonder how John's going to play out in the following chapters.

Well your about to find out! Get ready for some murder! Cause here comes chapter 4!

Chapter 4

A few days after I met John, I went and found Emily, at the library. All though now that I try to think about it, I had almost fallen in love with her. Imagine that! Me in love! Anyway I went to the library that she was working at, which happened to be a very large library in New York. I remember the building very well. It was a large gray building with a large sign that stated the name of the library. All though I can't remember it right now, it said something along of the lines of New York State Library. Anyway, the inside was much different. The walls were dark brown with maple shelves, with thousands of book in them. At first I was awe struck by how many books man had made.

I was staring at everything for so long that I did not realize that many eyes were staring at me. For the truth was I had never been in a Library this big. Back home they were just a few shelves and a few books. I was backing up when I bumped into someone. I became quite flustered as I never did such things. That was how I met Emily.

She was a slim girl, about 5'5" tall. She had dark green eyes that had a certain flame in them when ever she was reading her books. she also wore crescent Len glasses, which made the flame sparkle. She had been carrying a large stack of books and when I bumped into her, she had dropped all the books on the ground.

"Oh dear!" She cried in alarm seeing all the books on the floor. I hurriedly began to pick up the books, not noticing her feature til I looked up.
"Oh I'm so sorry! I've never been in such a large library!" I said trying to tell her why I had bumped into her. She shook her head while not looking up at me as well.
"No it was my fault! I should of been more careful! Please." she said stopping me by touching my hand. Her hand on mine, it felt odd. Like two fires touching each other and becoming more and more hotter. At her touch it felt as if my skin was on fire, I could tell that she felt the same thin I did and looked at me more closely, holding her hand.

"Your a..." She mouthed. I nodded my head. She then began to pick up the books with a renewed vigor, and stared at me.
"So what's your name." she asked. I told her my name and she made me follow her.
"So you went to see John. He sent you here... Why in the name of god would he do that! Does he not remember what happened to the..." she said a little bit angry at the man who sent me. She shook her head and stared at me. She became very apologetic after she said that.
"Please forgive me, but I must do my job before I teach you anything." She said pushing her glasses back up her nose. I nodded and she got up to leave. I stared as she left some books on the table we were siting at. I took the first book, which was "1984". I began to read it, and became drawn into it so much that I did not realize time had flown by. It was 7:00 pm, by the time she came back, I had been reading that book for 5 hours.

She poked me smiling as she saw the title of the book.
"Do you like that one?" she asked curious at my reaction. I stared at her with a smile on my face.
"It's very interesting. Imagine if the government really did watch everyone." I said staring at the book. Her face changed from sadness back to happiness as she saw how I loved that book.
"Well if you like that one, I could get you more. Like..." she said trying to get a book from the nearest pile. She took one out and handed it to me.
"2001: A Space Odyssey?" I asked intrigued. She nodded.
"It's a very good book. One of my favorites." she said straitening up.

"So!" she said as we headed outside of the building. She locked the front doors, and began to face me.
"You want to learn how to use your talent's for other purposes?" She asked the fire still in her eyes. I nodded. She sighed shaking her head.
"Well to tell you the truth I can't. With work and my personal life..." she said sighing again.
"Well if you want, I can do your housework, and other stuff. So that way you have more time on your hands." I suggested. She thought about it for a while before answering.

"All right then! you do the chores, and make dinner, and get the mail everyday, and I will teach you how to use your power and combine it with other things." She said smiling as she headed towards her apartment. I followed happy enough. Her apartment had 2 bedrooms and 1 bath, meaning that we had to share the restroom. It also had a small kitchen with a very small dining room. It was perfect for us, since it had only one window facing towards an abandoned lot. As the days past, and I learned how to use my fire abilities with different materials, I began to have feelings for her. Each day these feeling would get stronger.

After eleven months, something happened. To this date I still don't understand what happened. The events that happened that one night still haunt my dreams. It was around 7:00 o'clock at night. Emily and I were at home watching the new TV she had bought.
"We need something to make for dinner." she said at the commercial. I looked at her with a odd look on my face.
"Well what do you want?" I asked her trying to see what she wanted to eat. It was always different each night, well at least not in the same order anyway. She began to think, and answered in a happy way.
"What about Chinese?" she asked. I nodded my head and got up.
"Get us the regular! You know I love those dumplings!" She said smiling at me. I smiled back at her, not knowing something would happen.

After a half hour of waiting for my order, I began to walk back towards the apartment. I had earlier heard sirens head towards the direction of home, not knowing that the police were heading towards Emily's home, due to the fact that crimes happened a lot near there. I turned the corner from where I was expecting the same old thing, when I see police officers around the apartment complex.I dropped my bags when I saw them. An officer came up to me, seeing the shocked look on my face.

"Do you know Emily Sheldon?" He asked. This was the only time that I had cried. When he said her first name, I knew what happened.
"She's dead, ain't she?" I said not realizing the words coming out of my mouth. Emotion's I had never felt before came to me in a wave. He looked down at the ground.
"I'm truly sorry son. She was...burned to death. Apparently she had caught on fire. Either by cloth catching or..." when he said caught on fire I stopped crying. How could she have been set on fire? She controlled fire for Christ sakes!

"W-what do you mean burnt to death?" I asked becoming quite serious with the officer. He looked up shocked at what I had just asked. He tipped his hat.
"Well it seems her body caught fire, like she had been set on fire. Poor girl, didn't have a chance." He said shaking his head. I had ignored the last part thinking to myself.

Was it possible that another person with the power had killed the first girl I had ever had a connection with? Or was it a freak accident? Maybe it was an accident, but something told me otherwise. To that day I still believe that she was murdered. Boy, that thought cost me more than just the life of someone dear to me. It ruined the rest of my life.


Master of the ECKKK
Apr 30, 2009
In the world of Change.
thanks Chaos anyway it looks like the protagonist's name is... Lucas!
all right...so i have to get use to that...plus chapter 5 should be up at around...7 to 9ish


Master of the ECKKK
Apr 30, 2009
In the world of Change.
Chapter 5

After her death something took hold of me. I didn't know if it was grief or maybe it was something about her death that didn't seem right to me.

She died from fire. How was that possible? People with the Power were able to control the Power and tame fire, making it not hurt them, yet she died from it? No something was not right. I thought about it for a week and began to wonder what could of happen to cause someone to kill her. Was it that she was in the wrong group? No...she was a librarian and I always knew where she was. She would never...lie to me? would she? Unless..she cared for me and didn't want me to worry about her. A few weeks after her death, her funeral was held and I met her mother, and her younger brother. They were so sad...something I could understand.But this was their sister and daughter. I could never understand something like that.

"So your Lucas." A voice was heard after the burial. I turned to see Emily's mother staring at me with an odd look on her face. I turned to face her and nodded my head.
"Yes, I'm Lucas. I'm...so sorry..." I muttered. Sadness was welling up inside of me but I had to make sure it wouldn't show. She smiled and a few tears went down her cheek. She was a petite woman of about 5'1", and had dark brown hair and blue deeps eyes. Emily was the spiting image of her.

"She talked highly of you. Such a good friend. I thought that she had feelings for you." She said smiling. That shocked me a little, but soon began to make me feel worse even more. She had liked me...more than a friend...
"I certainly thought that sometimes as well..." I muttered. I turned back to her and my eyes began to drift towards the floor.

"You know...she had the same glint in her eyes that you have." She said out of the blue. I looked up at her with a puzzled look on my face. Did her mother know about the power that her daughter had?
"She was always fascinated by fire, and everything that burned. She soon became a Girl scout so she could use fire in certain situations. She soon became fascinated by books soon after. Such an intelligent girl." Her mother said as if she wasn't speaking to me.

"Well...I'm very sorry for your loss...I do hope that..." I couldn't find words to finish that sentence. I shook her hand and left. I felt her gaze the entire time I was leaving, as if she were trying to figure me out before I would disappear forever.

Months went by and all I could do was keep walking and traveling. I soon found myself in Europe and in France. Paris to be exact, where I was welcomed by the inhabitants of an apartment that I rented. They were very friendly but I tried to not get involved with any of them. I became absorbed by figuring out what had happened. I found a job, as a librarian. I enjoyed it as much as she did, more so maybe. After about a year after her death I got a package from the States. It was a large purple book that had a lock on it. The color was faded, and looked to be a little burnt.

I soon realized what it was. It was Emily's diary. A note was attached to it, smudged by the carrier. I was able to read most of it.

"Thought this would help." It read, there was probably a name on the piece of paper, but I couldn't read it. I took it out of the package and left it on the coffee table. I sat down and stared at it for an hour before getting the courage to open it. I flipped through the pages til I found a month before her death.

"It seems I'm getting closer to finding out the truth! I'm sorry to say that I have to keep telling Lucas the lie about me heading out to meet with friends." The first few lines read. At first it bothered me that she had lied to me, but after a while I understood why she did so. I kept reading.

"Well...maybe I could tell him in this Diary...that is if something were to...no! That won't happen! I'm way too careful for them to find me. But I guess telling it to an inanimate object helps ease the pain of understanding how I obtained the power. I guess it helps to explain. When people with the Power like Lucas and I, we develop it in the womb, by a chemical reaction that I still can't figure out. Something about an extra chromosome...maybe it's the brain... I still haven't figured out how it appears. But in the case of Lucas...I guess it would be a major event, like stress or trauma. Even a child getting beaten by his parents could cause it. Well that's all I have for now." The entry ended. The developing of the Power was not new to me, but what confused me was the brain thing. Was it possible that my brain was more advance than a normal human? I continued to flip through the pages til I found the last entry.

"No...even as I write this...I...today I found out how the power is created. It shocked me so much that...I had to lie really hard to face Lucas tonight. He asked me if I was okay and I said yes. I can't tell if he knows...but I doubt it. But...the Power...It's created by a chemical reaction that happens in the cells of the baby. A chemical reaction causes burn marks to appear on the finger tips, which starts to re heal itself and starts the beginning of the Power. After a while the Power becomes dormant...only to be awaken by the...death of a parent....now I understand what happened to my father...he was abuesive towards my mother..as I found out from her this last week. She said that he died in a fire. I remember that moment...I was 7 years old... and I saw him beat my mother...I killed him." A tear stain was seen on the page.

"But that's not the only thing...it seems that a man is after me...I suspected him for a while...and I can't write his name...in case he ever found it. But now I understand...I fear that...I might die soon....in case I do...Lucas if your reading this...I always loved you...but it was too hard for me to tell you...and now I doubt I will ever tell you. Please forgive me... E." The entry ended. I began to sob. All the emotions from months before came in me. Feelings of sadness and regret came as well. But after a while I stopped and became angry.

She was murdered. By another person with the power. Now I knew, and I would get my revenge.
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Master of the ECKKK
Apr 30, 2009
In the world of Change.
Chapter 6

Revenge is and shall always be bitter sweet. Just the way I imagined it would be. The first week of discovering her diary sent me in a fit of rage. I remember what happened. I blacked out the entire week, and when I woke I turned on the Tele. The first thing that appeared was a large fire in the nearby forest. I looked down at my hands and saw that they had the burnt tips.
"Damit!" I said as i gripped my hands. They were remembering the pain.

Months later I had returned back to the states. I was 25 years old. It had been a long time since I had been here. I didn't even think about going to New York. Too many bad thoughts there. I went to a small city in Florida. That's where I met the first member of the Order.

I was walking though a local park, which I began to walk daily. He appeared out of nowhere, coming from a tree with an apple in his hand.
"So...your Lucas." He said through a mouthful of apple. He stared at me with an analyzing look on his face. He stared at me, figuring me out. I stared at him. He had dark red hair and blue eyes, slim body, muscular. He wore gloves on his hands. He took another bite of the apple.

"Well...I guess that's it. Later!" He said throwing the apple away in a trash cans. I walked after him.
"Who the hell are you?" I demanded. He pushed me away with his hand. When he did that his hand felt like it burnt my shoulder. I gripped it and he stopped. He turned around and stared at me again.

"You...have the Power?" He asked with a questioning look on his face. I stood still, and nodded my head. His mouth began to form a smile.
"Well that make this easier. Names Tomas! I work for the Order. But you probably didn't know that. Right?" He asked a puzzled look on his face. I shook my head no. He smiled again.

"Well might as well tell you. I'm part of a Organization called the Order. We all have the Power in one form or another. Most of us have the same type of Power as you. Fire." He said the last word with such dignity it made me wonder why I had never learned of this order before.

"So...you were assigned to watch me walk in the park each day?" I asked him with an odd look on my face. He smiled.
"Well more like understand you. you've seen a lot of pain huh?" He asked looking at me. I looked down.
"Right...Well then! Might as well take you with me. That is unless you want to learn to control your power and help us?" He asked.

I stared at him. Why would he ask such a thing?
"What are the goals of the Order?" I asked.
"Would you believe me if I said World Peace?" He said with a sarcastic tone. I laughed, and he laughed with me.
"Well we just try to help people with our Talents, and help them become one with Society. But those who don't want to leave are trained to look for potential members. I was sent to find you and recruit you." The boy said as he walked towards a car.

"You never told me where this place is..." I said questioningly. He looked at me.
"Well it's a large mansion in California. Most of the people who go there either become talented artists or extras in movies. Either way we make a living." Tomas said to me. Somehow i had the feeling he wasn't telling me the entire truth.

After a long trip on a airplane and a long car ride we arrived at the Mansion. The feelings I felt were strange. I accepted an invitation from a stranger to see this place. What was I thinking? After we arrived a Girl greeted us, she came up to Tomas and hugged him.
"Tomas! It's been a while! How was your mission?" The bubbly girl asked. Tomas smiled and laughed at her.
"It was good as you can see!" He said helping me out. I wiped my clothes off and shook her hand.
"So your Lucas?" She asked with a glint in her eyes. The same.... I shook the thought away. She giggled at me.
"Tomas...aren't you going to introduce me to him?" The girl looked at him with a funny look. He began to get nervous and began to laugh.
'Well this is my sister. Her names.."
"Janet! Nice to meet ya!" She cut him off as she curtsied. I bowed back. She giggled even more.

"Anyway it's been nice to talk to ya Lucas! See ya later!" She said as she waved good bye. She then ran off. Tomas began to laugh again.
"She's a handful eh?" He said turning to me.
"Well let's go inside and get your uniform." He said leading the way to the front door.
"Uniform?" I asked puzzled.

"Yeah! your going to be a student to learn how to control your powers." Tomas said opening the doors. The doors to my future.

The Doors to my first step towards revenge.


Master of the ECKKK
Apr 30, 2009
In the world of Change.
Chapter 7

My time at the Order was very long yet it only felt like minutes. I left the Order at 28, and set sail for a long forgotten place.

But before that story, I must tell you why I left, and what the Order is really about. The Order is a school for those with the Gift, as they call it. People who can control fire, Water, anything paranormal. They give these kids the ability to control their powers and use it to recruit others. Then there are the Seekers, those who work directly for the Headmaster as he called.

The Headmaster is a very rich man with plenty of resources. There are many rumors about what he looks like and why he opened the school. Some say that his sister was a Gifted, and she died at the cost of her powers and dedicated this school to her. Still others believe that he is trying to create an army of super kids. Most of these are rumor and nothing more. But I met the Headmaster, and he was a mix of these rumors. He was a very short man standing at around 5'0". He had white hair that was styled to be wavy yet stand upward. He had dark brown eyes and his face was that of an eagle. One who could see all and protect those who he needed for his plans.

The true reason for the School was for "World Peace". Headmaster saw a world where no one was hurting each other and killing each other, but he was a hypocrite, using us as tools to kill each other if we did not listen to his orders. The Seekers are the Headmasters personal Police Force. they have the Gift and use it to make sure that everyone stays under control. They were part of the reason why I left.

Truth is, I left because something didn't feel right. I left because Tomas and his sister Janet were not right. Something about them gave me bad feelings, about them, their minds and the school. The only good thing about the Order was that you could leave if you were over the age of 21. So I left, heading to the only place that I knew I was some what safe.

Home. The rundown town, where I had learned about my Gift, and killed my parents. Where I learned tat the Girl, who was my best friend, liked me, and I had ignored her for 10 years. I never understood why I came back, only this deep feeling, or urge to come back. See what had changed over the last decade.

Nothing changed. It was the same old Town with the same old people, just older. And somehow I didn't feel anything. Nothing in my body felt excited, or happy. I just stared at my hometown, and wondered why.

"Because she is here." I muttered as I Walked towards the town. When I reached the Town's limits, no one came to greet me. There was no celebration, so I went to the local bar. When I opened the door, people looked at me, then back at their drinks. I sat down at the bar putting my suitcase down.

"What will it be?" the bartender asked.
"Glass of Scotch light Ice." I asked. He nodded his head and served it to me. I took the glass from his and stared at the brownish liquid. After a few moments I gulped the drink down. It burned my throat but somehow it felt good.

"Do I know you?" the bartender asked. I looked up at him and shrugged.
"I'm good with faces, but yours doesn't seem to ring a bell. You from the city?" He asked i looked him up and down, there was nothing familiar with him.
"Nah, I'm just a traveler. This be my hometown. Nothing has changed in the last ten year eh?" I said jokingly. He filled my drink back up and kept on staring at me.

"So you from here? And you went and left ten years ago...I remember a boy leaving here about ten years ago. Name as Lucas...poor boy. Lost his parents in a fire." The bartender said cleaning the bar stand.

"Yup that be me. Names Lucas." I said to him unenthusiastic. When I looked back at him his face was beaming.
"Well I'll be! Hey! Everyone! This here is Lucas! You know the kid whose parents died in the fire ten years back!" He yelled at the people in the bar. A few head perked up but most still stared at their drink.

"Lucas? Wow been a long time! How ya been?" A voice asked me. I shrugged.
"Been better. Traveled around for a while. Might stay here for a couple of weeks." I replied to the voice.
"Wow! we got us a traveler here!" Another voice said whistling. I got up, this was irritating.
"I'll be leaving now." I said as I pulled out the cash to pay for my drinks. The Barkeep nodded and waved good bye. When I left i could hear laughter.

This place was Hell and I knew that there was only one piece of Heaven that I could at least be happy to see. So I began to look for a man named Shane, and his daughter, a daughter who once was my best friend.

Jane E. Parker.
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Master of the ECKKK
Apr 30, 2009
In the world of Change.
Chapter 8

I don't know what caused me to head towards my old home, or where it use to be anyways, but something inside me made me head in that direction. I walked along the same roads Jane and I use to walk on, when we walked home from school. So many memories, so many years gone...
So many things that I forgot.

As I turned the corner where my home use to be, I saw a red car come towards me. It slowed down and let me by, but not before I heard the voice of a familiar voice changed over the last ten years.
"Lucas?" I turned around to see a girl around the same age as I, staring at me. She had only changed in the fact that she was using make up. Something she never put on in front of me back then. I stared at her and how many years I had never sent a letter or anything back. Living in my own hell made me this way.

"Jane? Jane Parker?" I asked a bit startled at the woman I was looking at. My best friend had changed and seemed as if she forgot that I had left or in this case existed. She got out of the car and came running at me and hugged me. I was startled at the force she used, she hugged me so hard that I thought she was going to kill me. I put my arm around her and all of a sudden I heard the soft whimper of tears coming from my shirt. Jane was crying.

I looked down at her and she looked back up at me, I had grown quite a lot over the last ten years. She use to be bigger than me when we were kids, but now I was taller than her. She wiped the tears away from her face and all of a sudden she slapped me.
"WHACK!" Right across my face. I touched the place where the pain was coming from. I looked at her and she was making the same angry face she made a long time ago when ever she got mad.

"Where in the name of the lord have you been?" She asked me with the tone of a mother or a wife. I laughed at how serious she had become. She had missed me, and somehow I felt safe here. She smiled and began to get back into the car, I hopped in.

'So how ya been Jane?" Was all I could think of as a way to start a conversation with her. She shrugged her shoulders.
"Been better. Haven't gotten married yet. But I went to Collage and got a Bachelor degree in English." She said proudly. She was the first in her family to ever go to college. I laughed at how proud she was.

"What about you Lucas? What have you been up to?" Jane asked. I was afraid of this. I also shrugged.
"Nothing much, traveled around the Europe for a while. Lived in New York for a year. Other than that nothing like going to College." I said kidding. She laughed at my comment. I sat back in the comfortable chair she had in her car.

"How's ya pa?" I asked wondering if the old man was still around. She laughed, apparently a good sign that he was still alive and kicking.
"He's the same, always working trying to make sure I'm good even though I'm getting paid to teach kids at our old school." She said as we pulled into the Supermarket. Apparently she was picking up supplies for the night.

After she had bought all her goods, we got back into the car and just sat there. She looked at me and I could feel her gaze, wondering if I was real or not. I stared back at her. She smiled.
"It's good to see you. Lucas." She said warmly. I looked away and stared at the stars.
"Yeah. It's good to be back." I lied. I hated this town. She was the only reason to be here. She drove back home in silence, and after I helped unpack I saw that her father was siting on the couch watching some sort of sport.

"Pa! Guess who's here!" She said as she put the groceries on the table.
"Jane! What is so important that you have to..." Was all he said before he turned to face me.
"Hello there sir. Been a long time eh?" Was all I could think to say to this man. He was my real father, raising me to become the man I use to be. He got up and suddenly my hand was being shaken up and down like a mad man.

"Well Ill be! If it ain't the boy who use to live here! Lucas! How ya been?" He began to ask. After I told him the same things that I told Jane I noticed her staring at me from the corner of my eye. This time it wasn't the warm looking stare she gave me earlier. This was a lot more...


"Hmm. Well that be a mighty interesting tale. Glad your back." He said patting me on the back. He looked from me to Jane. I turned to face her as well, she no long was staring at me but was focusing on the food she was preparing. Had something happened while I was gone? Something felt...wrong here now. The same feeling from before. The Bar...now this?

"Well Jane be a mighty good cook. Why don't you stay for dinner? And maybe for the night?" He asked the light sparkling in his eyes. Those same eyes that I had seen before...but from where? After the meal was prepared we began to eat. Jane had prepared us an old fashion meal, with biscuits mash potatoes, gravy and chicken.

"That be the greatest meal I've ever tasted. Jane you sure know how to cook." I told her. The food was amazing and she began to blush at my comment. I smiled as I looked at her. After the dishes were washed Jane helped her father go to bed. I was left in the living room where pictures were hung. I went from one picture to another and noticed one that I didn't remember. It was a picture of a young Jane...and me? No...I don't remember any picture like this. It looked quite recent or at least restored. Maybe it was real? I looked to be very young in the picture and i might of forgotten it.

I took hold of it and stared at the picture of me. Something was definitely not right in my hometown. Why could this feeling of fear not go away?
"That was a long time ago wasn't it?" I heard and turned around to see Jane there standing in the darkness. I nodded my head. She took a step closer.

"Why did you lie to me and my father?" I was shocked. How did she know that I had lied? That answer hit me when I remembered that we had been best friends and she could tell when I was lieing. I stood there in the darkness wondering what to say.
"Well?" She asked again this time with a hint of sadness. I shook my head.
"The things that I've seen, Jane, most would not understand. I was just protecting you and your father." Was what I should of said.

"Lucas...please why didn't you send us anything? A letter or a postcard?" She asked the hint of sadness growing. Still I could not say anything. Then when she was standing right next to me, I finally found my voice.

"Jane...somethings...are better kept secret. I'm sorry for not sending you any sort of message or postcard. I was just so..." I lost my train of thought. But that was all I had to say before she began to weep silently into my chest again. What had I done to this poor girl? She really had loved me and I just abandoned her. Never telling her my pain, my happiness. And now that I thought about it, I loved her very much at that moment. I hugged her tightly and I kissed her softly.

The next morning, I awoke in the sunlight, the beating of someone Else's heart next to mine. I smiled and stroked her hair. She murmured in her sleep and as I got dressed, she spoke to me.
"Wont you stay for a while longer Lucas?" She asked. I turned to her and smiled.
"One day. I will and this time I will send what I'm doing. Somethings are meant to be secret, and the things I'm apart of should not deal with you or your father. I have one last thing I have to do before I can be with you." I said as I put on my clothes and my hat. She laughed at how old my hat had become.

"Well at least I know you will be here...one day." She said before finally returning back to sleep. I opened her door and stared at her. My revenge would not interfere with this calm and peaceful home. The fear i had felt was because I was not use to such people. Generous and warm, things I had never felt before as emotions. Only warmth would make my Power feel such ways. My next stop was to head back to the school. Tomas and his sister, both had been good to me. I had to tell them how much I wanted to thank them.

Too bad that when I reached the Order's HQ, there were dead bodies everywhere.
Echos of a lunatic laughing were heard throughout the halls.
But that is another story. For now, this part of my Impure existence will have to be put on hold. The Police are here again. I'm going to hide this book, it seems they want to search my home. I can't let them find these writing's til I get the truth on paper.
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