It's a surprisingly engaging game, the conversion of the traditional Kingdom Hearts assets to Unity makes this game look far sleeker than the HD Remixes.
I swear the Symphony of Sorcery's mini-games are harder on console too.Really? No wonder I beat it first try then. I played the PSP version. And here I thought I actually had some level of rhythm skill, lol. Explains why I'm sucking at the MoM demo.
Gaming journalists have bad opinions and the sky is blueIt's funny because fans are mostly in love with it, while regular video game journalists say that it's annoying and it looks ugly.
Gaming journalists have bad opinions and the sky is blue
One thing that can't be said is that the game was made lazily. There's so much charm to it and it's every bit a Kingdom Hearts game as the other titles. Idunno, I really love what I've seen and played so far and while it's an extremely different KH experience, it's more than suitable enough to keep me satisfied until the next big title.
I really, really don't want to play this game with the TV mutedI'm a lot better at the game at the start of the day than I am after coming home from work. And getting all excellents is much easier tooespecially when I have the TV muted
On a on related note (lol) I finally got my first A++ and Full Chain in the demo. It happened in Wonderland. No hits at all, and perfect gliding. Just wait till November, MoM. You'll find my rhythm powers have double since the last time we met!
Only thing I’m struggling with is controlling the party, controlling the leader is easy but I need to get the timing right on L1 and R1 for Donald and Goody.