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News ► Impression and Images from KINGDOM HEARTS HD 1.5 ReMIX CM Event!

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trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009

Just a few weeks ago Square Enix launched a fan campaign for a special commercial and web content feature for KINGDOM HEARTS HD 1.5 ReMIX, which filming took place for today in Japan. The special session has been completed and the official KINGOM HEARTS Twitter is excited to share the results soon on the official KINGDOM HEARTS HD 1.5 ReMIX website.

The special fan campaign was done as a way to "connect everyone's feelings" and memorialize the love fans have for KINGDOM HEARTS. 200 lucky fans who entered into the campaign were invited to a location somewhere in Tokyo to take place in the special photography session and write down, in 40 characters or less, their memories about a specific event from the series. For KINGDOM HEARTS FINAL MIX, they were to talk about the opening of the game. Fans who were selected to write about KINGDOM HEARTS Re:Chain of Memories had to talk about the lost memories, and for KINGDOM HEARTS 358/2 Days they were to write about the fourteenth member, Xion.

From these photos and written memories, cutscenes would be placed alongside them from KINGDOM HEARTS HD 1.5 ReMIX and aired on televisions across Japan, as well as online. 

This is not the first time fans have been included in a KINGDOM HEARTS commercial, the last time coming from the special premiere event for KINGDOM HEARTS 3D [Dream Drop Distance] held in Japan on March 3rd 2012 a few weeks before the game's release.

Expect the special commercial to air sometime around the release of KINGDOM HEARTS HD 1.5 ReMIX which releases in Japan on March 14th 2013, and will be out Fall 2013 in North America and Europe.

We've got a collection of photos and impressions from the special CM recording event yesterday that you can view below, with translations provided by Zephyr:

During the day, we had to write a description in 40 characters or less about our memories of the scene. We were being photographed one by one. (@ mimi_alice00)

Writing our fond memories for each scene appears to differ in time length. When it was my turn, there were 16 people. They showed an opening, KINGDOM HEARTS Re:Chain of Memories was about lost memories, and KINGDOM HEARTS 358/2 Days was about the fourteenth member. (@ mimi_alice00)

In the middle of the billboard (laughs) (゜ ∀ ゜ *) (@ Noir_plus)
Souvenir poster (@ Noir_plus)
Some Information about the denim strap, denim pouch set, one FINAL MIX penset... (@ Noir_plus)

There were questions for KINGDOM HEARTS, KINGDOM HEARTS Re:Chain of Memories, and KINGDOM HEARTS 358/2 Days and there is a theme for each. We had to write in a limited number of characters. (@ Yossthan)
We had to write our impressions based on the HD footage they shown us. (@ Yossthan)
The famous Dentsu Inc. was in charge of this commercial! (@ Yossthan)

The contents of the KINGDOM HEARTS commercial photo session was held in secrecy. We were chatting in full harmony... (@ Skyloveyuto)
There were many goods along the way for people who participated in the shooting! (@ Skyloveyuto)


I finished the shooting!!! I got folders that wasn’t for sale!! (@ __SORA__9502)

Souvenirs from the KINGDOM HEARTS HD 1.5 ReMIX commercial shooting! I got a strap. Many people got folders. (@ kakki_vivi)

Impressions/Conclusions on Twitter (@ Okikuta4)

[KINGDOM HEARTS Commercial Shooting]
I went before the last day of the KINGDOM HEARTS HD 1.5 ReMIX event~ (Moonlit Meow


Source: aibo_ac7 via Twitter [2], FF-Reunion, mimi_alice00, Noir_plus, yossthan, skyloveyuto,  __SORA__9502, kakki_vivi, Moonlit Meow, Official KINGDOM HEARTS Twitter



We are Moogle! Hear us...kupo?
Oct 5, 2009
Wherever I am right now
Wow that sounds so fun! Come on SENA, MAKE IT HAPPEN! I'd really love to not only go to something like this, but to experience and meet up with all of these Kingdom Hearts fans! I'd fly out to CA to attend something like this haha it just sounds so awesome!

On the topic of the merchandise (you know I had to bring this up)...MOTHER OF GOD!!! I'm not a huge fan of the strap or folder (I don't collect any of the folders) but that wristband, bag, DENIM POUCH, AND PEN SET!!! I must add that pen set and denim pouch to my collection. Judge me all you want, but how exactly did someone get those items? Was it just by attending the session? I'm only curious because I really want to find someone who would sell that stuff. You guys are so lucky haha I hope you enjoyed it!!!! xP


trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009
Yeah, the attendees got the swag. Granted, there were 200 of them only chosen at random from the countless applicants through Square Enix Members Japan.


We are Moogle! Hear us...kupo?
Oct 5, 2009
Wherever I am right now
Yeah, the attendees got the swag. Granted, there were 200 of them only chosen at random from the countless applicants through Square Enix Members Japan.

Oh wow, that's so cool to hear those lucky people's impressions xP

"Dear People with Swag,

Give me all your swag!!! That is all"

jkjkjk I don't even know where to begin searching for that stuff online. Well, I'll add the pen and denim set to my KH wants list that is so rare I'll probably never find it haha xD


trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009
Fingers crossed that they may hold a similar event overseas then!


We are Moogle! Hear us...kupo?
Oct 5, 2009
Wherever I am right now
Fingers crossed that they may hold a similar event overseas then!

I KNOW!!!! I really hope they do >_< Do you think its likely? I mean, has any game company done stuff like this in Japan before that the US hasn't? However, if they do do this in the US, I really hope it isn't random selection because I think everyone on KH forums deserve a significantly higher chance than those casual fans who "don't give a crap about those useless side games that deal with Roxas, Vatoos, Aqwa, and Zion" -.- However, I can't expect SE to actually watch every video sadly so it'll probably be random selection :(


Memory of Melodies
Staff member
Aug 3, 2007
Here are translations from Moonlit Meow's blog.

Moonlit Meow said:
Today, I went to the KINGDOM HEARTS HD 1.5 ReMIX event that I've applied for to make a special appearance in the KINGDOM HEARTS commercial and WEB contents~

KINGDOM HEARTS HD 1.5 ReMIX Official Homepage

Here are some photos of the souvenirs I received for those that participated. An ecofriendly re:coded bag~

As usual, I got kind of lost along the way somewhere in Tokyo but I finally arrived. A staff guided me to the placard outside as strong cold wind was blowing. Cheers for the good work!

From the last 19 hours of the time I was inside, I was honestly surprised about the studio. I was nervous and when I was at the waiting room, Utada Hikaru's Hikari was playing.

And then...
Lucky charms... wall... films...
Video... looping...
The staff there almost cried...

I was alone... the cameras lit...


We had questionnaires where we had to respond according to the description. During the shooting, I got a souvenir and then went home~

The atmosphere was great and harmonious. It was a really fun event. (laughs)

On sale March 14, 2013 (Thursday)!

SQUARE ENIX Official e-Store

When you buy it from the e-Store, you can get an item for KINGDOM HEARTS χ [chi].

Also, when you reserve the game at 7-Eleven, you can get an original PS3 custom theme that can be downloaded with a product code. It has to be reserved in the store; it can't be bought online. (Mon.) 3/11. Very early!


Adiosヽ ('ー `) ノ
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KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 1, 2009
I did a translation myself~

Please credit KHInsider, me, FFReunion, and the indicated contributors!


It went sort of like, after we received an explanation of the day's flow of events, we had some time to write about our memories of a designated scene from each title in under 40 characters, and after that we had our photos taken one by one. (@mimi_alice00)

By the way, it seems like the scenes we had to write about our memories for were different depending on your session! My session had 16 people in total, and we did it about the opening of KH1, the memories lost in CoM, and the 14th member in Days! (@mimi_alice00)

A sign on the way (゜∀゜*) (@Noir_plus)
A souvenier poster (@Noir_plus)
Just what I'm hearing going around right now, but apparently gifts people have got include a denim strap, denim pouch, KH1FM pen set, CoM clear folder, Re:coded clear folder, BbS clear folder, Re:coded tote, Re:coded fan, Roxas wrist band, compilation CD and bonus CD holder, 1.5 poster... (@Noir_plus)

It seems that the content of the questions are set topics for each of KH1, CoM and Days, which we are to write about within a word limit. (@yossthan)
I hear people are watching HD remastered clips while they write their impressions. (@yossthan)
This commercial is being handled by the famous Dentsu Inc.!! (@yossthan)

At the KH commercial meeting, due to confidentiality I can't say what about, but we all had a lot of fun chatting happily ☆(*^^*) Before we went home, a lottery was drawn and we all received different KH merch~! I got a CD case with Sora and Roxas on it ♪ I think it was from around the time of FM+, maybe?? (@skyloveyuto)
By the way, here's the merchandise that the people who were with me for the photo shoot had ♪ We all were pretty different (@skyloveyuto)

Photo shoot over!!! I got a gift-only clear folder!! (@__SORA__9502)

A souvenir from the Kingdom Hearts commercial photo shoot! I got a strap. There were also people who got clear folders in the lottery. (@kakki_vivi)

[Annonymously submitted report]
I also went to the commercial photo shoot! It was fun!

As for the scenes I answered, first I had the scene from KH1, where Sora and Riku and Kairi talk about outside worlds on Destiny Islands, and Riku says 'That's why we need to go out there and find out. Just sitting here won't change a thing.' Second was a chapter titled 'The Girl Who Never Was' from the 12th floor of Re:COM. Third was the chapter titled 'Why the Sun Sets Red' from 358/2 Days.

After I had an individual photo, I also had photo taken paired with one other person who was there.

We received gifts that were drawn from a lottery, and I got a KH CoM strap. Anyway, I had fun! Even though, of course, it was the first time I had met all the other people at the photo shoot, we could get on well talking about KH! It got to the point where the staff were mistaking us for old friends haha. I did go home from that photo shoot having six new friends! Hahaha. This time it was only among a limited number of fans, but I hope that next time there will be an event that lots of fans can enjoy together!

[KH Commercial Photo Shoot Report by Moonlit Meow]
Good evening, Shinozou at your service.

You know that KH HD 1.5 ReMIX pre-sale event, well I applied for it all like, 'why don't I see if I could be in a KH special commercial and web content~' and then, oh wow, I actually got in! And today I went~

'Upholders of justice! Confidentiality... calls upon you~!' So yeah, I wasn't able to upload many photos lol. The people who were participating with me let me take photos of their gifts, so I'll stick those here. I got a Re:coded tote

With my knack for getting lost operating full throttle as always, I did finally arrive at the place in Tokyo. (To the staff standing outside in the freezing powerful wind with placards who guided me, thank you so much, you did a wonderful job!)

I was in the last group going, from 7pm, and I was super surprised by the full-blown studio they had set up inside! I was nervous since I'd never done anything like it before, but after I settled things with reception and went into the waiting room, Hikaru Utada's 'Hikari' was there for me ♪

And then...
Questionnaire... lucky charm... walls... pre-designs...
Clips... on loop....
The staff... and I thought I was going to cry....

The photo shoot was...
Pla... alone... with someone el... camera man...
Had f...

(*Cough cough*)


I listened to an explanation, filled out the questionnaire, did the photo shoot, got a gift and went home~

The whole thing had a great atmosphere, it was a very fun event with a very relaxed and nice mood! (Dry laugh)

KINGDOM HEARTS HD 1.5 ReMIX goes on sale 14 March 2013 (Thu)!

Pre-order from the e-store and it will come with supporting merchandise that you can use in KINGDOM HEARTS χ [chi].

Also, pre-order at 7-Eleven and it will come with a product code for a downloadable original PS3 custom theme. By the way, this means pre-ordering in-store, not through 7-Net Shopping. Offer ends 11 March (Mon), so hurry!

Adios ヽ ('ー `) ノ

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Dad of Boy
Jun 30, 2008
yo hold one of these in albany, hit me up square


New member
Feb 20, 2013
are those god damn kingdom hearts gauges?! I can tell the bag, the cd case, and the wrist band, but what is the fourth one? Because if they're gauges I would never be able to contain my orgasms.


trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009
And none of have been put up on 3rd party seller sites yet :( Does anyone know if Japan uses Ebay much? I really want to know if I should be looking elsewhere >.<

Keep in mind that only 200 guests were able to attend that event, and the merchandise they were given aren't available for sale anywhere. I don't think it's because you can't find them, but instead because they aren't being sold.
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We are Moogle! Hear us...kupo?
Oct 5, 2009
Wherever I am right now
Keep in mind that only 200 guests were able to attend that event, and the merchandise they were given aren't available for sale anywhere. I don't think it's because you can't find them, but instead because they aren't being sold.

Dear fans with merchandise,


lol This is probably true, thank heavens it is just pens, a pouch, and some keychains and stuff which although VERY nice, isn't something I'm dying to have ^_^
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