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Help/Support ► I'm considering religion.

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Chrono Mizaki

Aug 19, 2008
Bradford, England
I'd really like to have a go at Islam, too, but I kind of feel like I wouldn't be accepted by the mosque around here. I mean, I don't know any of the Islamic protocols about attending church and I don't want to muck it up.

If you have a friend of Islamic Faith, ask to see if you could tag along with him/her to a mosque. But beware, not many mosque are not really welcoming that you're best off visiting a 'islamic forum'. My father brought a friend [of white ethnic background] to a mosque. The results weren't merely nice. It's rather to do with racial issue than cultural issue, with a group of Muslims paining the religion as 'exclusive to middle easterns'.

You can have a shot at it. Or buy yourself a Qu'ran with english translations.

Though personally, if I was you, I'd rather stay away from Islam.


` dragon dance
Jul 8, 2009
netflix probably
I don't think I'm ready for it yet. I've been talking with myself about it (okay, not talking, but you get me) and I don't feel like I'm ready to give myself up to God yet.


sans 911
Oct 8, 2008
I don't want to dedicate my whole life to him and swear by his word because I still uphold my 'scientific' beliefs, but I would like a relationship with God wherein I am happy and content but not dependant.


I'm a Christian, and my experiences have help me a lot with doing the right thing.
Also, Christianity only calls for you to have solid faith in that Jesus died for your sins. The only real way to keep your faith strong though, as I've come to seen through experience, the only way to keep your faith is to try and do the right things and not sin.
And most sins are basic morals that most people try to not do because it is wrong by most, if not all, people. ie. Idolization, Murder, Sexually Immorality, Stealing, etc. etc.
So, it's not something that depends on you, or you depend on. It's just doing the right thing and believing what is true.
And God does know that we will mess up, over and over, but God only wants to see that we are truly trying to not sin, even though it is impossible for us not to.
Baptism is another thing in Christianity that is, and isn't required. It's not a required thing to go to heaven, but it's something that you should be willing to do if your faith is strong. And if you aren't willing to be Baptized, then your faith is probably not to strong, or doesn't even exist.

That's just a basic explanation of Christianity, and there is a little bit more, but not so much. The Bible is actually kinda repetitive with lessons, only giving slightly different explanations of different things.

Anyways, I'd recommend you read the 4 Gospels: Mathew, Mark, Luke and John. They are the 4 first books in the New Testament, and they explain who Jesus is. It's not to much reading length and time wise, but you also have to think about what you are reading so that you understand it.

If you want to go further, I'd then recommend reading the book of Colossians, which is a short book in the New Testament, for a look into how you should be acting as opposed to a sinful person. And then if you want to learn about the history of God, read Genesis, the first book of the Bible. Genesis will take some time to read, as it has 50 chapters, but it'll give you some good insight on somethings.

Also, Genesis does do a good job of showing the Scientists/Historians aren't crazies, but they just don't read the Bible and see how it all relates. (Except for the Humans comes from Monkeys theory. That's just stupid.) For example, in the Bible it says that millions of years for us, seems like a day in the eyes of God. So, when you read the first chapter in Genesis, and see that it takes over 7 Days, you can know that it's not 7 Human days, but Millions and Millions and Billions of Human years. The whole Earth was thought out during that time, and things came about slowly, and not as fast as that chapter makes it seem.

Anyways, if you want to, which I pray you do, read those books in the Bible.
It may be hard to understand some of it, so going to a Christian Church and talking to a Preacher/Minister about it can be a good thing. Or even going to a Bible Study or Sunday Service.

Also, if you find that Christianity is a religion you want to be part of, I'd recommend eventually reading Revelations, the last chapter in the Bible. I'd also recommend reading Revelations with a group of people, because it is the most confusing thing ever written. And it's supposed to be confusing because it's all prophecy, which we don't know much about. The most highest scholars can't figure it out. But still, read it. Because if those events unfold while you are alive, you will know, and you will then be able to understand it more and more, and know what to do, until the final day.

hehe... I hope I didn't scare you off with this huge thing.


New member
Feb 26, 2004
Liverpool, England.
Thanks for the great response, guys. This has been really helpful. I think I'm going to 'test' religions out so I'll be going to church on Sunday and if it feels right, I'll keep going.

I'd really like to have a go at Islam, too, but I kind of feel like I wouldn't be accepted by the mosque around here. I mean, I don't know any of the Islamic protocols about attending church and I don't want to muck it up.

Might have a go at Catholicism though that seems way to serious compared to what I'm looking for.

Buddhism is always a good alternative and perhaps Judaism.

I can only try my hand.
Waiiit are you telling porky pies? Living in the north of England has put me off Islam for life personally. :p

If you're serious I suggest you do some research to see which religion is most accurate in terms of prophesies and such. That could help..I suppose.


A boy nobody owns
Apr 16, 2007
St. Louis
Researching religions is your best option then find one that you think suits you best. Really though you have to ask yourself first off: is there really a god? I mean ask yourself that, and then look over the religions and find which one gives you the answer to the question.


nothing ever ends
Jan 30, 2009
If you have a friend of Islamic Faith, ask to see if you could tag along with him/her to a mosque. But beware, not many mosque are not really welcoming that you're best off visiting a 'islamic forum'. My father brought a friend [of white ethnic background] to a mosque. The results weren't merely nice. It's rather to do with racial issue than cultural issue, with a group of Muslims paining the religion as 'exclusive to middle easterns'.

You can have a shot at it. Or buy yourself a Qu'ran with english translations.

Though personally, if I was you, I'd rather stay away from Islam.

Waiiit are you telling porky pies? Living in the north of England has put me off Islam for life personally. :p

If you're serious I suggest you do some research to see which religion is most accurate in terms of prophesies and such. That could help..I suppose.

this explains why my visits to england have always been unpleasant


Sp00ky GuRl
Apr 22, 2009
Once you get into Religion and then find out it is not for you and try something else, the Religion you believed in first will just shun you. If you want to try it, do so. Just make sure you find one suitable to you.


dick to a lot of people
Dec 15, 2004
I'd really like to have a go at Islam, too, but I kind of feel like I wouldn't be accepted by the mosque around here. I mean, I don't know any of the Islamic protocols about attending church and I don't want to muck it up.

The best thing to do is to go with a friend, or just go to the mosque and find a person and tell them you want to go in but you are unfamiliar and don't really know what to do, at least in America, mosques are very welcoming. (Apparently people from England have different experiences).

It's rather to do with racial issue than cultural issue, with a group of Muslims paining the religion as 'exclusive to middle easterns'.

Pakistan =/= Middle East
Aug 27, 2010
Lol. "I'd really like to have a go at Islam, too."

Never knew religion was like a sport, that you can conveniently pick and choose.

"Yeah...Those guys over there piss me off - say I can't eat pork. But those dudes over yonder!? Crackers and booze, man!"
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