Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
"I've had enough, I'm going, I'll try and look for answers by myself, since you don't want to colaborate" Eliza exclaimed, as she walked down the path.
"What else am I supposed to do?!" shouted Faith. "I'm stuck here with three other teens and I have no idea where I'm going! Where else would I go?!" She looked upset and sighed. Why did this have to happen to us? "If ... if we find who's responsible for this, then ... we can go back to the real world ... right?"
"We have already found the responsible one, the thing is, is that we have to kill him or so, and until then we can't to anything but hope." Eliza said.
So ... there is a chance we might go back. I hope we do or I'll be stuck living a nightmare for the rest of my life. Yeesh ... "Hey, how long has it been since we ended up here? You know, when we met ... how much time has passed since then?" said Faith.
"Neither do I for some strange reason," said Faith. Again, I blame that bottle of Vodka I drank down. Gee, I hope my body isn't suffering on the outside. "I remember passing out on the bed ... and then I was here."
"There could be a library here," said Faith. "We just have to look for it over the town. Wait a minute ... the monsters like humans. So all we gotta do is ask around, right?" She smiled.
AJ stood there watching the two talk as he looked up at the sky.What are we gonna do this is kinda stupid why don't we just start moving or something.He thought as he looked back at the two.