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I'll shall kill my newest challen... oooooooh look, a bunny.

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Bronze Member
Aug 8, 2004
Or you could watch, Zets or LoC. They're two of the most experienced RPers.


New member
Apr 2, 2007
Actually I was in the middle of a fight with zetsumi but he suddenly stopped poting in it. I dont know what happened.


Mar 27, 2007
Or you could watch, Zets or LoC. They're two of the most experienced RPers.

...oh yeah. o-o
Those two...those two pwn. Hell, LoC could take down everybody on these forums if he desired...he could have a Valyon vs. Everyone Else thread and win.

Now, I will stop machine-gun posting and wait for MasterofTerraOblivion to begin...


Deception is Truth, Verity is Lying
Feb 15, 2006
In and out of what is real and what is true
The moon of this world shook as a sudden flash of light blinded any on-lookers. For a moment the area where the flash had come from was still covered in a white orb. The light began to fade and there, calm in all his glory, was the being known as Karimac. His body was strong, his demeanor regal, his essence cloaked in a shining light of glory. He sat there for a moment, basking in the light of his power, then carefully landed down upon the earth of the desolate moon. For a moment nothing moved, then a sudden burst of sound caught the being's attention. It was a soft humming noise, coming from the depths of the moon. The being followed it until he came to a small tunnel. He stuck his hand down and was amazed to feel a cool breeze on his hand, as well as the cold, salty spray of the ocean. He grinned, then turned to face the sun of this solar system. It was small, white, and altogether fairly new. He had been to this solar system once before, but not for ages, and not this planet, or its moon.

The being stood in the desolate area for a while before he at last began to gather energy into his palms. He flicked his wrist, and as he did so, the rocks beneath him rose and began making circles around his head. Then, with little effort he morhped the rocks into little flames. THe flames danced for a moment, before becoming a cooling breeze and finally a refreshing drink. By this time, the being had used about as much energy to make a person's pinky move a quarter of an inch, highly miniscule. Then the being stood, opened his arms wide and called out with a voice like an ocean. "Warrior, do not hide from me, I know you are coming to fight me, show yourself!" Then he dropped his arms and the words echoed out into space, where they were meaningless. "Now I wait."


Mar 27, 2007

The being called Mr. had appeared right behind the esscense of pure light, without a sound or a word. Mr. was an odd sight to behold - he was dressed in all grey, unlike the usually white or black robes he wore. This was the result of being in his pure Neutral state; he now was gifted with extreme power. This being was an inbalance to the world at large - it radiated too much light, gave the good side too much power. All things must be balanced...

With that thought, Mr. grabbed a small, runed box from the corner of his belt, and opened it, point-blank. He pointed it at the person, and waited, to see if the being had a soul. If this being did have a soul, his body would become inactive; the Box could capture the soul of any being instantly, and at point-blank range, the capture of his astral spirit would be instant. He would lose before he even began to fight...sad indeed.

With that phase over, Mr. teleported away, standing on the underground ocean that Karimac was looking at before. If he didn't have a soul, then this battle would still be going on, and Mr. would be on the defensive. He liked to put some distance between his opponent and himself after using a technique. After all, it was also good to be safe...

(Crappy, but I need to put you on the defensive.
Nehehe. You just got pwnt if you have a soul. >:D
If not...then we continue.)


Deception is Truth, Verity is Lying
Feb 15, 2006
In and out of what is real and what is true
OOC: Ha, you're incorrect my friend, techniquely, the soul is unimportant to a body if the will is strong enough, but that doesn't really matter because techniquely Karimac has forced a true soul out of the body when he was reincarnated. Technically he is just a will of incredible power and sentient mind.

IC: Karimac grinned, the thrill of battle feeding his arrogance. With a flourish, he turned, sweeping his arms behind his back and kicking up into the air. He laughed as he turned into the air, heading to where a trace of energy beckoned him. There, atop the ocean he had felt before, was a man, clad in perfect grey. This would be intresting, for this man seemed obssessed with balance. The light Karimac had been putting out must have called him, for Karimac had no idea the intensity of the being. With a swift movement, the staff of creation was brought forth. It began to glow, soft, pure white, then red as Karimac used his power to bring forth little flames. They danced for a moment, then exploded into life. The roaring flames covered Karimac's dive as he pulled a buble of air around himself and slid into the water. He followed a creature of the deep, then allowed it to chase him to the surface. The huge maw began to close in on the two fighters.

OOC: WOrse than your post, couldn't really think of much currently.


Mar 27, 2007
OoC: Actually, the box technically draws your whole astral self to the Astral Plane. So, willpower or not, you'd still get pwned. After all, the will to go on is embodied in the soul...without it, it would be extremely hard to even want to breath. ;D But now to the battle.


Mr. glanced as his opponent laughed, and did not even move as he ignited in flames, diving into the water and going deep, very deep. Mr. was not amused by this fellow - his arrogance would surely kill him, if not today than later in his lifetime. Mr. was not afraid to admit he was not the most powerful of beings in the Omniverse, however, this fool could not even rank himself with the arcane magicks Mr. wielded.

When the man brought the massive being up to the surface, Mr. simply watched and waited, waited for the being to get very close to him; with a flurry of movement, Mr. disappeared, leaving in his place nothing. Or so it looked like...

When Mr. had disappeared, a variety of things had happened. First of all, he had given a boost of speed to Karimac, accelerating him up slightly - enough so that he wouldn't notice, but also so that if he tried to move around too much, he would spiral out of control. Secondly, Mr. opened up a portal to the Elemental Plane of Water underneath him - the water in that plane was identical to the water in this underwater lake, and Karimac would not notice in his arrogant fury.

When Karimac sped into the portal, Mr. simply closed it behind him; to Karimac, it had simply seemed like the sky above had turned into water and the ground below had disappeared. Mr. was not worried about taking him out, however...the beings in that plane would do so for him. When Karimac sped into the portal, a MASSIVE shark began to swim at sonic speeds towards his body; this shark was almost one hundred feet in length, twenty-five in width, and was nearly impervious to most magical and physical attacks. How would Karimac get out of this one...

(Once again, I phail at roleplaying. D:


Mar 27, 2007
OoC: Not on the inside it isn't...but if you're in the inside, you're basically dead meat. Literally. lol.
And then you have to find a way out of the water dimension. ;D


Deception is Truth, Verity is Lying
Feb 15, 2006
In and out of what is real and what is true
OOC: HEhehehe, read up on sharks, my post ill make since after that.

IC: Karimac blinked for a moment, he had never before seen a shark this huge, and knew one thing, he was way to small to make him an appetizing meal. The shark was to large to have attacked the small creature without reason, which meant it had been provoked somehow and the best thing was to use his immediate strength to remove a tooth or eight and get inside the shark and dismember it from the inside. If he could get pass the initial bite he would be safe, for a shark just held down and tore into a victim before swallowing the mostly whole being. Karimac began to swim, straight towards the super sonic speeding shark. With an electrically charged fist, Karimac slammed his arm into the side of the shark as it tried to bite down on him. Fortuantely for Karimac he was to far to the right of the eye for the shark to see him. THe lightning had not caused harm to the shark though and this did not surprise him. The beings of this solar system were fairly resistent to attacks of any sort.

Now te real battle between the man and shark began. With a flourish, Karimac drew forth his staff and began twirling it, making a current that would slow the shark down. Then as it charged, he would bring the current to the right and Karimac could enter between the massive gills. Here he could stab into the lungs, killing the shark and keeping him safe. The only thing was if the current would hold against such a huge beast. "Here's where we find out, isn't it?" The staff began to spin. With a roar, or the best roar a collosus can give underwater, the shark shot forward. It was going so quickly it was hard to follow with the untrained human eye, but as I've mentioned before, Karimac isn't human. The shark hit the current and for a moment it slowed. As that moment began to end, Karimac reinforced the first current with a second that pushed the shark so that its side faced him. Then with blinding speed the man shot into the gills, catching his arm on the sharp skin of the shark. He then hurried as fast as he could, for the smell of blood would surely madden the shark.

As the man entered the blasts of water tried to push him back. Luckily he had just enough control of the water he could turn it aside from him as he swam towards the lungs. For the shark the rushing water would be fatal, but Karimac was able to transfer the water into a flow of oxygen for his body. As he saw the large whitish pink lungs he laughed. It would be easier than he though, a jab with his staff here and there and this danger was finished. With a flourish and a quick stabbed, the elven-like man stabbed the sharp point of his staff into the lung of the shark. Then with a quick series of spins and stabs, a series of gashes and holes appeared in the lungs of the shark. With a final spin and a great stab the electrically charged point of the staff came down in the center of the right lung. THen he swam away, but he began to notice that the shark was not sinking and it continued to move about normally. Then an idea began to form in his head. At first it seemed curel, unusual and extremely dark, but then it began to make more sense as a need for survival. With a sudden tap from his staff, the water headed towards the lungs began to speed, ripping into the tears and holes in the lungs, flooding them with killing water. Then Karimac began to feel the shark die, its heart speed up, then slowly stop. It was over, for now. Karimac slowly swam out of the lungs, and in to greater danger.


Mar 27, 2007
However, you still have to escape from the water dimension, or else we can call it a draw.)


New member
Apr 2, 2007
You know I did say I would judge, and no one ever said that if he stayed in the water dimension he would lose. Unless there is something there that will kill him other then the shark which is now dead, the fight continues.


Mar 27, 2007
(...well, if he can't escape either, then we both haven't won.
Thus, we can call for a draw. o-o

I think he can escape...however, he just didn't in his last post.
Return, MasterofTerraOblivion. I'm gonna pull some cheese on yo ass. >:D)


Mar 27, 2007
OOC: Si, I can escape, but I didn't want to make the post incredibly huge before you read it. Yum, Ass cheese, great with toast! Before I escape, just so I don't make some illeget mistake, how is this dimension exactly formed?

OoC: It is infinite, only filled with water. It does not loop...it simply spans for so long it never ends. Well, it does, but not even extremely immortal beings could tire out the journey. So you can't go to the edge of it and hop on out.


Deception is Truth, Verity is Lying
Feb 15, 2006
In and out of what is real and what is true
OOC: K, that's what I thought, this post is gonna sound rushed cause I only have a few minutes to write it until SOuth Park starts.

IC: Karimac looked around himself, trying to find out exactly where he was. The staff's aura had begun to change, becoming more blue, much like the water around him. He began to notice that the water was just empty space, with no life for at least a good forty kilometers. It seemed to him that this was a water dimension and less of a world. Of course the demision must be connected to something and with enough energy and force, the fighter could force the astral body free from the realm. That usually consisted of using far more energy than need be, and if he did escape that way, he would be too tired to fight with the "balancer". The only other way was actually much shorter, and required much less energy, especially for an element changer like Karimac. All one had to do was change the physical form of themself and enough of anything around it into the conflicting element. This causes the elemental plane to lose grip upon the object or objects, thus forcing it back to the original place it came from. By changing himself and at least three hundred squared gallons of water into fire, he would rip open a void of nothing which would eventually suck him and the three gallons of what is now fire, back into the exact place he exited the planet. This would, A. free Karimac from the plane, B. force Mr. to change battle tactics, and C. dump three hundred sqaured gallons worth of fire unto an open field of water, creating vast amounts of steam, blocking out the field of both fighters vision momentarily, giving Karimac time to regain energy from the changing of the elements and give him time to plan. Now, all for Karimac to do was begin the energy and elemental change.

He focused his energy, calling upon the spirit of fire to first engulf his body, then the first three squared gallons around him. Then he began to multiply that, first by five, then 2, then 2, then 2, then adding 1/3 of the total, to make three hundred square gallons. Then the water around the fire began to shake, then within 400 hundred miles all the fish and other animals scattered. Finally, the shakin stopped and a sucking sound began. Only Karimac, so consumed by the flames could hear it, but it was faint and he did not think of it as sound, for now he had fused with the elemental mind of the fire. Finally, with a shudder Karimac and the flames were ripped through the void and sat in nothingness for a few minutes until at last, he and the flames were dumped unto the void of water. Karimac changed back to normal, and steam began to form. (Stick that in your pipe and smoke it)

OOC: Finished.
Last edited:


Mar 27, 2007
During the whole charade of trapping, Mr. had charged up a ball of astral energy that he took directly from the moon itself. His plan was this - he would bond Karimac's soul to the moon, thus making Karimac a representation of this moon. He felt what this moon did, he knew what this moon knew - and he died when this moon died. If Mr. could destroy a big enough chunk in the moon to permenantly damage it, after bonding this astral energy of the moon to Karimac's body, he could kill him, without even harming him. Once his energy was formed, Mr. waited for the inevitable return.

And he did return - in lots of steam. Although the steam did not blind Mr. - his vision passed through such things easily. He could see the form of the being. It was time to give him a taste of what a Manifest could do...

With a flick of his wirst, Mr. summoned thousands of needle-like structures to surround Karimac. These needles began to fly at him, and every one of them that hit would stick in him and begin to sap away his magical energy. But this was simply a minor distraction, as Mr. hurled the astral ball at Karimac, which then bonded to his soul on contact with any part of his body - the transformation was instantaneous once bondage occured, and when the astral ball hit the boy, he would now permenantly represented this moon.

(Crappo. D: Indeed.)


Deception is Truth, Verity is Lying
Feb 15, 2006
In and out of what is real and what is true
OOC: Actually that was quite a good attack, but I need some time to think and I'm also bringing out another of my characters monday and another next friday, plus the fact that i'm gone this weekend so I'll post sometime within the next week, sorry if this messes you up, but that's the best I can do. Or we can call it a tie.
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