Alrighty mates, I've gone and made a male template, due to the absence of the guy sub-species.
Ah, and sorry about my absence the past two days, I'll be able to start posting more regularly tonight. <3
Name: Ichinose Kazuma
Age: Seventeen
Gender: Male
Grade: Eleventh
This is how he looks, wearing the green coat almost everywhere he goes, whether it's cold or not.
He wears slacks most of the time and prefers comfortable shoes to the more popular brands. He maintains a bored expression most of the time, except when talking to someone he already knows. Then he maintains a slightly-less bored, but now sarcastic grimace. He smiles rarely at most, but when he does it is a smile so clear that one can see it reflecting back at themselves. So far he has yet to show anyone on the island his smile.
A sardonic smile and an air of sarcasm hang around this youth. He rarely takes anyone seriously, and that has on occasion gotten him into a spot of trouble. His recent arrival to the island makes him uncomfortable with his surroundings, particularly concerning the odd weather phenomena that are present only on this island. A trademark of his is an exasperated sigh accompanied by a bit of head scratching whenever he is in doubt, worried, or even just extremely hungry. He also loves to play tricks on people, whether it be replacing their pillow with a monstrously large piece of tofu, or sliding a piece of raw fish down an unsuspecting victim's shirt.
Kazuma was raised by adopted parents just outside of the Osaka area. He lived from the start the same way that he has lived all the way through his life. His first words were "Where do the foxes go?" In response to an illustrated children's book where a young fox tries to trick a merchant into trading him five fishes for several stones tat the fox magically turned into the appearance of golden coins. The merchant accepted the coins and three days later found stones in the place of the coins, and the fox had long left the city. Years later the merchant met the fox again, this time in the guise of a beautiful woman. This time, the fox stole fifty golden coins and crept away during the middle of the night. Near the end of the merchant's life he devoted himself to the way of Buddha and spent the last few years of his life there. A year before his death he found a young fox trapped outside by vines and crying for food. He nursed it to health and gave it a small morsel of food from his ration each night. On his deathbed the priest looked up and saw the same fox, pulling along a small pouch filled with fifty coins and five freshly caught fishes. Before his last breath he stroked the fox's fur and whispered, "Little one, you owe me nothing. Were it not for your theft I would have continued my cold-hearted ways. Now I can go to nirvana with eyes unclouded and a soul unburdened..."
From his childhood to his adolescence that story never failed to make an impact on him. He would read himself to sleep with that book. Nothing else truly of note happened during the sixteen year period. Now however, he is co-habiting with an islander attending Aijo Kotogakko. To this day he wishes to meet a real shape-shifting fox. (Kitsune)
Likes: Taiyaki, sarcasm, foxes, sleeping, arguing, acting aloof, playing pranks, and shellfish.
Dislikes: Curry, wasabi, fruit jam, people who impose themselves, spoiled kids, rich kids, kids in general, attention grabbers, introverts to scared to talk to someone, and weather.
He's a hard guy to approach, so be inventive!
Theme Song
Canon in D by Johann Pachelbel