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if you could change One thing in KH what will it be?


Deleted member 246005

In an adaptation of DDD, I'd have your dream eater companion be more like a digimon from the animated series rather than pokemon. In the various Digimon animated series, they felt more like companions who could be foils to the main characters, even occasionally going on their own character arcs.


Be Wiser Than the Serpent
Nov 4, 2012
Ah, once again I miss the joke in written humour 😓 Anime does tend to keep ages static a lot, huh. Well, it's still a shorter time than Ash being 10 at least😅

I'll give you this much, I do agree that the FF characters should've been given more to do post-KH2. Especially the Restoration Committee, you'd think they'd be on site when Lea and the researchers became people again. They could've helped them out when working on the replicas, or even bring them up to speed on the situation of their home
Or, you know, put them in jail where they belong. Squall and co. should be running the place, not maniacs who destroyed their worldthe universe because of curiosity's sake. Ansem the Wise is the only non-FF who should have any involvement with anything that goes on there in a non-villain capacity.

1. Keep Disney relevant post-KH1. One of the main things by that I mean--stop treating even the powerful Disney characters like jokes. Maleficent should not be teamed up with Pete as her main interaction, and she should not be a nonentity. I mean, who in the world would look at Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty and think--comedy duo? The PoHs should be able to use their powers in combat to destroy Heartless at least; stop finding excuses not to use popular female characters as party members.
2. The FF characters in Radiant Garden should've been in BbS and KH3. But, then again, I think side games like BbS, Days, and Coded shouldn't have existed at all in the first place. I think they should have more FF characters in random Disney worlds, too. Like Rikku would've been cool in Agrabah (before they already used her). Cait Sith in Halloween Town. Balthier and Fran in Treasure Planet. Quina in The Black Cauldron marshes. Etc. That kind of thing. But, even if that never happened again, they should definitely be using the RG crew and that's asking the very ***least***.
3. Stop trying to make fetch--I mean, Kairi--happen. Make a new female character that is interesting or use Aqua / Namine more (maybe Xion, but she's always felt unpopular with the fanbase).


Well-known member
May 23, 2020
3. Stop trying to make fetch--I mean, Kairi--happen. Make a new female character that is interesting or use Aqua / Namine more (maybe Xion, but she's always felt unpopular with the fanbase).
Kill Namine and Xion and re-merge them with Kairi/Sora, no need for splintered aspects of a character to remain especially when their ends were already wrapped up practically in the games they were introduced in (Xion literally showed up and died in Days, Namine finished in KH2). I'd also suggest killing Ventus because he's a Sora-lite.

I'd touch on Roxas' relationship with Sora, honestly, because ReMIND showed that they have (had?) some ability to swap positions in the same body. Genuinely believe bringing the Nobodies back was a mistake.

Deleted member 246005

@Tartarus Xion suffers from a bad first impression because of Days but I think she could turn that around. It all depends on what they do next with her.

I prefer Namine to Kairi so I'm cool with giving her more to do. There's this fun fanfic where Namine learned how to be a Dragoon from Cid and I'm like "yes, 1000 times yes"

Ironically I don't think the connection to Kairi actually benefited Namine or Xion in the long-term and I'd get rid of it.
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Moist with roistering
Jan 16, 2012
In an adaptation of DDD, I'd have your dream eater companion be more like a digimon from the animated series rather than pokemon. In the various Digimon animated series, they felt more like companions who could be foils to the main characters, even occasionally going on their own character arcs.
Or even just have them involved at all. Meow Wow and Komory Bat are, I presume, supposed to be tagging along with Sora and Riku throughout the whole game, but they never once appear in the story, save for one brief scene in TWTNW and the end. Which doesn't even add up to a minute. My response when first seeing that was basically "Wait? You guys are canon?"

Or, you know, put them in jail where they belong. Squall and co. should be running the place, not maniacs who destroyed their worldthe universe because of curiosity's sake. Ansem the Wise is the only non-FF who should have any involvement with anything that goes on there in a non-villain capacity.
I trust Yuffie in making good decisions far more than I'd ever trust Dilan.


Active member
Aug 1, 2016
Kill Namine and Xion and re-merge them with Kairi/Sora, no need for splintered aspects of a character to remain especially when their ends were already wrapped up practically in the games they were introduced in (Xion literally showed up and died in Days, Namine finished in KH2). I'd also suggest killing Ventus because he's a Sora-lite.
I honestly don’t agree with any of this, if it did happen then I would be ok with it but now that they return I’m actually ok with it and happy, altho I fail to realize that you want Ventus to die when his the original while Roxas is the nobody copy of Sora and Ventus, either way no one deserves to be written off might as we get used to it, but I respect your opinion overall.


Well-known member
Jul 13, 2020
Kanemaki is...not a good writer. I know Xion is supposed to be the deconstruction of a Sue but she's anything but! Loved by all, tragic, rabid fanbase (God, I still remember that weirdo from Reddit) that's Beyhive-lite; it felt like she was some self-insert to get the hot emo love interest, or at the very least became a third person shoehorned into Sora's heart so somebody will be able to ask that third question at the end of DDD, because, you know, rule of three and all that. How Nomura got talked into it I'll never know, but for better or worse, as much as I disliked her exposition, she's now a canon character and there to stay. At the very least, I've learned to tolerate her; she hasn't provoked any major shipping wars yet like ACT.

Naminé, now there's a character that could've used a bit of an overhaul. She ironically got the Kairi treatment in III, and barely made an appearance in ReMind. If there was anything to be truly changed, I wish she got better writing. There was some mystery about her that set her apart from most Nobodies, even compared to Roxas, by sheer virtue that she has no foundation to exist, not to mention like most Nobodies she could control Darkness (summoning a corridor) but at the same time has a capacity to call on light (dispelling it from consuming Roxas, then saving Kairi). I wish they explored on that more, but it feels like it all came to an end the moment she acquired a replica body and became human. Now that she's normal, it's closure and it feels like there's nothing to be done about her anymore, because what would be the point?


Well-known member
Dec 20, 2018
I would've ended Sora's story in 2 and switched protagonists.
This is interesting because had they have done this, they'd have retired Riku and Kairi as well, right? That means Kairi would have had absolutely zero development and barely any story in the series. I mean I guess you can make a case for that now.

Deleted member 246005

This is interesting because had they have done this, they'd have retired Riku and Kairi as well, right? That means Kairi would have had absolutely zero development and barely any story in the series. I mean I guess you can make a case for that now.
Honestly Kairi always felt like an afterthought to me so its not a big loss. Granted retiring SRK doesn't mean they can't pop up again and contribute. That suggestion was inspired by the pokemon manga which adapts the games. The previous protagonists do pop up again and help out.


Well-known member
Dec 20, 2018
Honestly Kairi always felt like an afterthought to me so its not a big loss. Granted retiring SRK doesn't mean they can't pop up again and contribute. That suggestion was inspired by the pokemon manga which adapts the games. The previous protagonists do pop up again and help out.
Oh, you mean like Pokemon Adventures manga? That's more of a rotation rather then a retirement, but still it does a good job switching in new characters while keeping continuity.


Well-known member
May 23, 2020
I honestly don’t agree with any of this, if it did happen then I would be ok with it but now that they return I’m actually ok with it and happy, altho I fail to realize that you want Ventus to die when his the original while Roxas is the nobody copy of Sora and Ventus, either way no one deserves to be written off might as we get used to it, but I respect your opinion overall.
Yeah, I find "they should just kill characters who aren't 'useful'" to be a ridiculously juvenile way to look at writing.
It's better than returning them to the field only to do nothing with them. I mean, even Xemnas writes off the GoL as mere bodycount (or in JPN, spares ) and nothing special. Unlike the characters in universe, I age as the years pass by. I can't sit here and wait for game after game to get tidbits and smatterings of character development because I get older. If SE/Disney don't want to do anything interesting for the core fans in regards to the characters, then kill them off (merge then, vault them, whatever phrase you may like). Don't pull a KH3 and say they are oh so totally important only to keep the focus on ONE character the entire time. That's ipso nutso.


Well-known member
May 9, 2020
It's better than returning them to the field only to do nothing with them. I mean, even Xemnas writes off the GoL as mere bodycount (or in JPN, spares ) and nothing special. Unlike the characters in universe, I age as the years pass by. I can't sit here and wait for game after game to get tidbits and smatterings of character development because I get older. If SE/Disney don't want to do anything interesting for the core fans in regards to the characters, then kill them off (merge then, vault them, whatever phrase you may like). Don't pull a KH3 and say they are oh so totally important only to keep the focus on ONE character the entire time. That's ipso nutso.

Isn't reviving Xion, Roxas, Namine, a way to "kill them off", meaning driving them off into the sunset and out of the main plot? They are now free to lead a life of their own and have independent stories that may or may not be relevant to Sora's in the future, but at least they are not literally carried around within Sora anymore. I like that they now have the potential to be the focus of their own separate games (lol) or that we can consider that they're happy where they are and we don't need to think about them anymore.

I get your point and frustration, though.


Well-known member
Jun 30, 2020
Yeah, they could always just not focus on them? Either they'll get their own story that focuses on their character or they will be minor characters, but killing/taking away the cast's friends is a WAY, WAY HUGER development to grapple with. One that they just spent several games grappling with, in fact. There are dozens of KH characters who still exist in the background but aren't given focus, should we be killing off Daisy Duck too?