I don't think there's anything to improve really. Although, maybe better armor
I don't think there's anything to improve really. Although, maybe better armor
better armor? do you mean xemnas?
No..but actually It would be more fun if he could actually move around and do other cool powers :lol:
But i meant bettera rmor that you equip, and more slots.
yeah, that would just be awesome if we could explore cloud's or leon's worlds. i think that it would be flat out awesome if we could fight sephiroth in cloud's world, or a more buffed up version of seifer in leon's world.It seemed like I only got final form in a battle when the game knew I was gonna lose. I would like it to be easier to get and not just left up to chance.
Also why is there so many final fantasy characters and yet they have no world of their own, it would be cool to get a world from a final fantasy game.
yeah, that would just be awesome if we could explore cloud's or leon's worlds. i think that it would be flat out awesome if we could fight sephiroth in cloud's world, or a more buffed up version of seifer in leon's world.
clouds world is radiant gardens isnt it? and seifer's is twilight town.
well then, that's a great start lol :lol: They should make more. I also think there should be more new keyblades to synthesis instead of just Ultima.
I think it'd go against the concept of Keyblades. It's sort of supposed to be the one representing Sora himself, so it makes sense he'd need help making it instead of just "stumbling across" it.
Add a little something called difficulty. Oh and maybe make it so worlds aren't so gosh dang linear.
And Sora needs to be stopped. I forgot just how annoying he is until I was playing again today. Every time he meets an Org. member he just fires off these stupid snarky phrases that make him sound like a little kid and makes me want them to beat him. He doesn't even seem to have an understanding of their motives. Somebody told him that they're bad, so he went on defeating them mindlessly. He had already killed one of them before he even knew what they were trying to do.
Also, it gets annoying that nobody can ever address Sora individually. It's always "Sora COMMA Donald COMMA Goofy". And there are too many times for me to name where Sora Donald and Goofy introduce themselves or something like this:
Sora: (steps forward) SORA!
Donald: (steps forward) DONALD!
Goofy: (steps forward) GOOFY! or sometimes AND GOOFY, TOO!
I really wish people'd stop hating on Sora for this :I he had absolutely no reason to try and understand the org. This is more than just Yen Sid telling him they were evil so Sora launched at the first unsuspecting guy in a black coat.
He launched at the pack of unsuspecting people that sent Nobodies and Heartless to try and run over Hollow Bastion.
He had Xaldin giving him very few reasons to even care why the hell they were doing what they were doing.
And then we have Demyx whom Sora did not attack on sight when he first saw him, not until he 1) already met him before, so this was their second run in, and 2) Demyx attacked first in their first meeting, 3) Demyx was stopping him from helping out Hollow Bastion.
Luxord sent out the Heartless on Port Royal.
Saix came in to toy with him whenever he could, making it I dare say personal.
And well, Xigbar was somehow possible remotely ok, but he did attack first, and it was at the end of the game so fawk it, why yes try and understand?
Just because we know what the Org's motives are doesn't mean Sora should even care. Also, it doesn't really matter how much we might like the Org. I love Saix to death but that's because he's a cold "hearted" bitch that needs to be put down. He had everything Sora handed him well earned, as did every other member of the Organization Sora took down. Yes, including Demyx who isn't as innocent as people like to make him out to be.
Oh gods, this x_X so so so so so eternally this.
Jack Sparrow: Zola, some assistance!
Sora: It's Sora, Donald, and Goofy!
I was unaware they have now became part of your name, Sora, unless you wanna tell me that's another part they screwed over in translation.
uuuhh...right... o-o
Nojima is the reason KH2 sucked. Now if Nomura was smart he would have used watanabe again.
Another thing that would make KH2 better would be extra bosses. Sephiroth was just a waste of time. He was only there for FF7 Advent Children.