I'm aware this is never happening, but if they decided to do a final mix version of KH3, what would you want to see added/changed? For me, aside from your enemy recolors, I think it'd be cool to give each world a brief postgame episode of some kind, even if it had to be unvoiced (bringing back the iconic speech bubbles from yesteryear). In the case of Olympus, the coliseum is an obvious one. Otherwise, they REALLY need to distribute the 1.09 abilities (Quick Slash, Flash Step, Radial Blaster, Aerial Sweep, Aerial Dive, Last Charge) throughout the story rather than dumping them after the credits. Those abilities singlehandedly made Sora fun to play as in KH3, so it's pretty dumb to make the player go through the entire game without 'em.
KH3 should have gotten a Final Mix for next gen/PC! It's basically achievable through mods, so it feels like Square missed out on a good opportunity to further improve KH3's reputation with a perfected release.
KH3 should have gotten a Final Mix for next gen/PC! It's basically achievable through mods, so it feels like Square missed out on a good opportunity to further improve KH3's reputation with a perfected release.