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If KH3D HD comes out this year/exists, what extra content do you think it will have?

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Active member
Feb 7, 2009
Korrasami Is Canon
Generics. La Cite des Cloches was an absolute embarrassment of a world. Actual boss fights with Frollo and Chernabog. They were also embarrassments.

I would like an HD Remix rendition of L'Oscurita dell'Ignoto. While I know that BBS went mostly without any new renditions, they just do so damn good with the new covers that I want to see what they'd do with my favorite boss track in the series.

Probably some new Dream Eaters, the donkey idea is indeed something I would've thought they'd have done for PP.

I'd also be looking forward to the cinematics. They can only look so good on a 3DS as opposed to an actual TV on a PS3.


Nov 22, 2014
They should add a trailer for KH3 to this... as well as a playable demo.

Though I'm honestly not expecting a KH3D HD now... Surely it would have been announced by now if so? But if they want to stick to a KH game coming out every year its got to, right?


baroque bitch
Jun 4, 2010
They should add a trailer for KH3 to this... as well as a playable demo.

Though I'm honestly not expecting a KH3D HD now... Surely it would have been announced by now if so? But if they want to stick to a KH game coming out every year its got to, right?

I mean, this is kind of the last year they can do that, yeah. But the kh-game-per-year thing wasn't something that I expected to stay in stone once KH3 was announced.

Regardless, I'm also of the mind that it isn't happening. Not yet anyway. I think it'd be a great bonus for KH3 though. Plenty of games come with ports of previous releases.

DarkGrey Heroine

How much closer could I be?
Jan 29, 2015
Actually, I would like the Drop system to stay the same, because it's more challenging like this! Even during boss fights, it shouldn't stop, because it's simply worth the challenge >:'D (guess I'm a bit of a masochist, but the KH games really need a bit more difficulty)

a HD DDD would be amazing, just think about exploring TWTNW for example, on the big screen!
I don't feel the need to play a HD DDD right now, give me KH3 and FFXV and I'm perfect xD after these two come out, I would definitely continue following the KH series and buy new games if they will make new ones.. even if it will be a HD remake of DDD :D


Nov 22, 2014
Actually, I would like the Drop system to stay the same, because it's more challenging like this! Even during boss fights, it shouldn't stop, because it's simply worth the challenge >:'D (guess I'm a bit of a masochist, but the KH games really need a bit more difficulty)

a HD DDD would be amazing, just think about exploring TWTNW for example, on the big screen!
I don't feel the need to play a HD DDD right now, give me KH3 and FFXV and I'm perfect xD after these two come out, I would definitely continue following the KH series and buy new games if they will make new ones.. even if it will be a HD remake of DDD :D

At least you've played DDD... I haven't yet so I'd preferably like a release before KH3 comes out. I'm not buying a 3DS just for that game... and since it seems to be their intention to import all the KH games on the Playstation, DDD can't be far behind. Th screenshots shown in the 2.5 trailer look like they are rendered in HD and certainly there was evidence a while back to suggest it was something they were working on. They can't not re-release DDD before KH3... Especially for those who have yet to play it and may be somewhat confused as to what is going on in it. certainly KH3 will likely be filled with DDD references...


Nov 30, 2014
At least you've played DDD... I haven't yet so I'd preferably like a release before KH3 comes out. I'm not buying a 3DS just for that game...

Don't, really, it's not worth it. Especially because of the Drop-System.

I hope they change that, and do it like in BbS. That was way better.
I bought the game, and I regret it, honestly.

Hakan Xatos

Jul 30, 2014
Don't, really, it's not worth it. Especially because of the Drop-System.

I hope they change that, and do it like in BbS. That was way better.
I bought the game, and I regret it, honestly.
The Drop-System was just something connected with the RoS and it wasn't that bad. The game is far too enjoyable to let that one thing get in the way. Personally I like DDD a lot better than BBS

DarkGrey Heroine

How much closer could I be?
Jan 29, 2015
Don't, really, it's not worth it. Especially because of the Drop-System.

I hope they change that, and do it like in BbS. That was way better.
I bought the game, and I regret it, honestly.

I bought a 3DS just for that game and I regret nothing xD well, later on I got more games for the 3DS anyway, I'm a Nintendo fan after all
I would call DDD my fav KH game because it was really really fun to play. It may take a while until you get used to the Drop system and the boss battles are more challenging, but c'mon, I thought you were stronger than that >:] DDD is worth it, but of course there are mixed opinion on this...
...thou the majority would agree DDD is awesome
you'll never know until you play it yourself :D
I don't see a HD DDD coming out before KH3, especially if KH3 comes out in 2015. Lately, the "one KH game per year" thing worked, so if KH3 comes out in 2015, HD DDD will come in 2016, but that wouldn't make sense because the story has already ended and why would the fans buy that game when all problems were resolved..
if a HD DDD comes out in 2015, then KH3 will more likely come out in 2016, but well, Goofy's voice actor said something different (that KH3 will come out in 2015)


Active member
Feb 7, 2009
Korrasami Is Canon
We would've known if it was coming this year by now. Both 1.5 and 2.5 were announced a year in advance. If it's coming, it'll be next year. So much for one game a year. If they're not re-doing 3D, they're out of games and now it's just 3 coming.

And coming.

And coming.

In 2029 we'll get the launch trailer.

But anyway. Thinking about it, I'd also like an HD ReMIX take on Sacred Distance and ​Ven's theme.


baroque bitch
Jun 4, 2010
I don't see a HD DDD coming out before KH3, especially if KH3 comes out in 2015. Lately, the "one KH game per year" thing worked, so if KH3 comes out in 2015, HD DDD will come in 2016, but that wouldn't make sense because the story has already ended and why would the fans buy that game when all problems were resolved..
if a HD DDD comes out in 2015, then KH3 will more likely come out in 2016, but well, Goofy's voice actor said something different (that KH3 will come out in 2015)
Square Enix clarified that immediately. Kingdom Hearts 3 has probably made some impressive bounds in development, but they are years away from release. Kingdom Hearts 3 probably has at least two to three more years. At least.

We would've known if it was coming this year by now. Both 1.5 and 2.5 were announced a year in advance. If it's coming, it'll be next year. So much for one game a year. If they're not re-doing 3D, they're out of games and now it's just 3 coming.

And coming.

Such entitlement from these boards. Nomura's game-a-year plan was never a concrete promise, and after a decade of delivering, I'd just leave the man be and let them focus on 3.


Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
Square Enix clarified that immediately. Kingdom Hearts 3 has probably made some impressive bounds in development, but they are years away from release. Kingdom Hearts 3 probably has at least two to three more years. At least.

Such entitlement from these boards. Nomura's game-a-year plan was never a concrete promise, and after a decade of delivering, I'd just leave the man be and let them focus on 3.

There are still people who believe KH III will release this year?
I don't know if I should be amused or just facepalm.

Exactly, I really don't get from where especially the western fanbase gets these delusions about apparent "promises" Nomura made.
Nomura explicitly stated that he would like to release a KH game every year, he didn't promise anything like that.
Which is also pretty much logical as Nomura cannot even safely give such a promise since it's not he alone who decides on which games he or his team get to work on.

It's almost as eye-roll worthy as those actually claiming to have waited for 10 years for KH III when Nomura pretty clearly spilled out word for word for several years after KH 2 FM was released that "KH III is not a concern right now and nothing is planned".
If you wait for a game that even the creator of the series says isn't even planned for several years it's your own damn fault for not taking in information correctly.
I still remember how often Nomura had to say that "the next game is the next game" and that there are no plans for a KH III.
KH III was not even a blip on Nomura's radar until 2010 when BBS finally got its release and the Handheld-trilogy was complete, that was the first time they actually started some preliminary planning work on the project that eventually would become KH III (which some idiots like those at IGN also falsely contribute as the "beginning" of KH III's development).

Considering how the actual footage at E3 2013 was when KH III was finally officially announced and Nomura's concerns that it was unveiled too early, I'd say that actual serious development on KH III started no sooner than 2013.


New member
Feb 26, 2015
NO!! NOT THE ANTI-BLACK COAT! dude was hard enough on beginner,I don't need a tougher version

i totally agree with u dude. But, i would like a Final Form fight too. That was fun.

Oh ok. how about a sora and ventus against vanitas fight? that would be awesome
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Dad of Boy
Jun 30, 2008
lol i gave up on having III a while ago, i'd rather have a 3D HD than III at this point, followed by a [X]chi port of some kind (considering the RoD thing), maybe even tweaked like re:coded and worked into the DDD remaster as part of a complete package.

but i gave up on faith in square a while ago too, if square didn't rush the announcement (as in, revealing a game barely into development), many forumgoers here wouldn't be even anticipating it.

The Dark Mamba

Active member
Mar 22, 2013
Corona California
lol i gave up on having III a while ago, i'd rather have a 3D HD than III at this point, followed by a [X]chi port of some kind (considering the RoD thing), maybe even tweaked like re:coded and worked into the DDD remaster as part of a complete package.

but i gave up on faith in square a while ago too, if square didn't rush the announcement (as in, revealing a game barely into development), many forumgoers here wouldn't be even anticipating it.

I agree with this sentiment. I'd kill to have 3DHD Remix right now given that I played 1.5HD remix before starting 2.5HD remix (in the beginning of Terra's story). It's been such an awesome experience playing the games in order but unless I break out the old handlheld for 3D next month that will likely end. If I do that'll be 3 straight years that I did a DDD playthrough during April. I want the next time I play DDD to be in sexy HD on my TV but this might be too good an opportunity to play all the games in order.

Hakan Xatos

Jul 30, 2014
but i gave up on faith in square a while ago too, if square didn't rush the announcement (as in, revealing a game barely into development), many forumgoers here wouldn't be even anticipating it.
Like people weren't anticipating it before? I don't agree with that because many people were mad at Square for releasing so many "needless spin offs" and not getting to the point, focusing on KH3.

However I do agree that we need a chi port. I don't know what the heck is going on lol.


She Shoots for the Stars
Nov 11, 2014
Somewhere east of Atlanta, GA
Me, if I even hear a solid whisper of a KH 3D HD, I'm going to wait for it, but not if it doesn't come; I'd proly be happy playing it on my 3DS, but it would even better on my nice big screen. (And I mean by solid whisper, some solid proof of it. All we have now are rumors flying, not solid proof)

I wasn't expecting KH3 before next year to be frank, at the earliest. Good games take time to be made..I hope they make that time.


Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
I don't agree with that because many people were mad at Square for releasing so many "needless spin offs" and not getting to the point, focusing on KH3.

Except that this stance was bogus to begin with because Square didn't want to "get to the point" as it was officially stated that KH III won't come for quite a while and that it was not even planned.
Square didn't break any promises (as they never gave one to begin with) nor were they obliged to "focus" on KH III since they themselves said there won't be a KH III in the near future.
Just because some idiots weren't able to wrap their heads around the concept that an entry to the series can be important without having a roman numeral and/or being on a home console and that KH III was not a thing as officially stated, it doesn't mean there was any solid reason to get mad.

Now, if KH III goes into a development hell like FF Versus did after the announcement on E3 2013 and isn't out by 2017/18 at the latest, then people have a solid reason for getting mad.

Hakan Xatos

Jul 30, 2014
Except that this stance was bogus to begin with because Square didn't want to "get to the point" as it was officially stated that KH III won't come for quite a while and that it was not even planned.
Square didn't break any promises (as they never gave one to begin with) nor were they obliged to "focus" on KH III since they themselves said there won't be a KH III in the near future.
Just because some idiots weren't able to wrap their heads around the concept that an entry to the series can be important without having a roman numeral and/or being on a home console and that KH III was not a thing as officially stated, it doesn't mean there was any solid reason to get mad.

Now, if KH III goes into a development hell like FF Versus did after the announcement on E3 2013 and isn't out by 2017/18 at the latest, then people have a solid reason for getting mad.
Maybe my stance wasn't exactly clear. KH3 release has been anticipated ever since the end of DDD. We didn't need an announcement trailer to know that it should be one of the next installments coming out. The story was set after DDD for KH3 to be the next and final part of the DS Saga. Outside a BBSv2 or a ReMix I don't think anybody is expecting a new chapter that isn't KH3.

As for the development process I don't feel that necessary to get upset of how much time it takes. After going through several programming classes and seeing a glimpse of what game developers go through I can understand if they take their time to make it perfect.

Also I admit my first comment didn't use the best example.
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Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
Maybe my stance wasn't exactly clear. KH3 release has been anticipated ever since the end of DDD. We didn't need an announcement trailer to know that it should be one of the next installments coming out. The story was set after DDD for KH3 to be the next and final part of the DS Saga. Outside a BBSv2 or a ReMix I don't think anybody is expecting a new chapter that isn't KH3.

As for the development process I don't feel that necessary to get upset of how much time it takes. After going through several programming classes and seeing a glimpse of what game developers go through I can understand if they take their time to make it perfect.

Also I admit my first comment didn't use the best example.

I also wasn't referring to your own stance but to the one you mentioned in the statement I quoted.
DDD came out in 2012 if I recall right and while there was the "This leads to Kingdom Hearts"-teaser in the ending with Sora and Riku walking into the light forming a "III", there was also the secret message hinting at the HD Remasters.
The sheer fact that people were anticipating "KH III" before everything of the above happened, some even since 2005, is the thing that's utterly ridiculous.

While this definitely gives the information that KH III will now be finally a thing, expecting/anticipating a clear release window already is also clearly overhyping at its finest.
The "new" chapter is already there though with X[chi] since Nomura decided to elevate it from non-canon fairytale with only superficial relevance to the main story (like the Foreteller's script) to full canon status with big entanglement in the main series.

I feel the same, yet apparently many "fans", especially those who tend to be the loudest and most obnoxious on the net, are not wised up to this as the constant complaining shows.

In order to "complete" the so-called full preparation for KH III, DDD and X[chi] will have to be somewhat addressed as they're the bridge to KH III.
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