There's always the possibility that he's using his illusions to make himself look younger as Ienzo, or older as Zexion.
Makes Sense
There's always the possibility that he's using his illusions to make himself look younger as Ienzo, or older as Zexion.
Makes Sense
How does that make sense!?!
Why would Zexion use an illusion to make him look older?
Because he could do it doesn't mean he did! It has no purpose to the plot at all so it would be extremely stupid to do that! There has to be a reason that affects the story or character!
I think it has something to do with that, maybe. Roxas and Namine both show growth in their models, although you can attribue that to them being special.=====Day 173: The Gamble=====
I find myself envying the children. Perhaps some fundamental difference exists
between those who become Nobodies as adults and otherwise.
The longer you have lived, the more you are positioned to lose with such a
gamble. But a child can look forward, unafraid even in the face of
immeasurable odds. I doubt they even see life as a gamble the way we do.
Report Author: Luxord