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I put together a puzzle (theory)

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New member
Jun 9, 2005
Chaus Orbis
GEU and BHK are not the samr peson. It is common knowledge that DWU and BHK are the same person. Now, we have seen both GEU and BHK in their Unkown robes, and they look NOTHING alike. Here's a comparison:

no visible hair
clearly glowing eye

blonde hair hanging in front of eyes
glowing eye should shine through hair

You may as well tell me Kairi and Namine are different sides of the other. It will be dissmissed equally well.


Silver Member
Oct 13, 2004
I use the preveiws and cutscenes (from final mix) to put this all together...
alright, well in final mix when you fight the unknown he says "you look just like him...". I beleive he is the same unknown from DD, and when talking to Sora, he says he looks like BHK, And when talking to the unknown with the bright eye, he speaks of Sora. thus I came to the conclusion that BHK is the Glowing eyed unknown.

But you have no real proof to support this. Only your assumption.

In final mix when Riku is in the world of darkness. The voice (King Mickey) tells Riku that he's lost his body and has ended up in the place of stolen hearts and he has over come darkness. in the same battle with the enigmatic unknown, in the end he say he is a mere shell. I support that riku is the blindfolded unknown, he becomes an unknown to use the shell so he can "meet Sora and Kairi one more time."

So how does he become an Unknown to use the shell so he can meet Sora and Kairi one more time.

This is the only thing I find that's off. Riku has joined the Organization, without becoming a shell. He is plain flesh and blood, but chose the path to twilight, and joined Diz so he could study the heart so he can free himself of Ansem's darkness. Once he has accomplished this, he will go back to his friend, and try and make amends.

We do not know if this is why Riku joined the Org. They could be undercover and DiZ could be acting like a double spy helping them and still helping the Org. But still no one knows why until KH2 comes out.

Proof? Example of the end of COM:

Mickey: SO you going home now?

RIku: I don't know if I can... His scent... it's faint, but still there. His darkness may still have a hold on me. I can't go back until it's gone...

That still doesn't mean that is the reason he joined the Org. We don't even know if anyone told him the purpose of the Org.

no, what im saying is riku uses the shell as a support. his heart and the essence of him are in there. and you are probably right on that but all i'm saying is that riku is using the shell to sustain himself (and if you're right) study the heart its hitting 2 birds with one stone.

>_> This makes no sense at all and it also does not mean that is why he became an Unknown. This makes no sense at all that I can't get over it making no sense.

A "Shell" is when a body has no heart... When the heart leaves, thats when you bcome a shell. A Shell isn't a weapon or anything it's actually a state of being. Riku once was a shell, but when he found his way out of Kingdom Hearts with Mickey, he got his heart, body, and soul back.

A shell is the body AND soul that has no heart:

Ansem Report 13 said:
Heart and soul are separate, and the spirit remains in the body. But can we assume that the leftover body and soul perish?

Soul and Spirit are the same thing.

Also Riku was not once a shell. Ansem took Riku's shell and made it his so he could have one. And he never lost his heart. And he got his shell back when Ansem disappeared:

Nomura: As far as the King is concerned, he was on the other side from the beginning. He disappeared because he went to the world on the other side in order to find one of the two keys. There, he has his own adventure in the same way as Sora. As for Riku: his body stolen by Ansem, his heart did not remain in this world. The other side of the door is, just as it appears, darkness. So Riku's heart went to the world on the other side, that is to say just as Ansem was saying at the end, the world of darkness. Thus, when Ansem disappears and Riku returns to his original body, he is in the world of darkness.

King mickey (i think) also lost his body, that was so he could get the keyblade on the other side of the door... so, like riku, he uses a shell to sustain himself.

Yes, you think. It was never said that he did lose his body so he could get the keyblade.

And guess what? EVERYONE DOES THAT. Riku isn't special. And just like the Tmm said a shell is not a weapon or an item so why are you referring it to one?

In my beleif there are 3-4 keyblades:
Dawn(maybe, just a prediction)-Riku(maybe)

Who said Mickey was dark? He's walking the twilit road to Dawn with Riku. And he may be light. Or just present where he has the option to follow what he wants.
Riku doesn't even have a keyblade. So how can he have the keyblade of Dawn? And how do you know there is one? And where is the Twilight keyblade? So far the BHK has the Oathkeeper and the Oblivion, they are 2 separate keyblades. Not 1 Twilight keyblade.

mickey and riku are in it and they are not shells

We don't know if they are REALLY in it. Appearances can be deceiving(sp?)

I never intended it to be a weapon... more as a host orsomething to hold their heart, soul and essence. i don't say it is a shell when they're using it, i'm saying they take a shell and use it as a "body".

Then why don't you just say that?

Have you read what I'm saying! Riku's heart was strong enough to free himself from the body which he formed with Ansem which was destroyed. Thus he was in the realm of darkness were he and king mickey escaped using shell's to keep their physical existance. so in reality they wouldn't be just "ghosts".

This is crap.


New member
Aug 4, 2004
harts palace
uh im not sure if you knew this but BHK Is the glowing eyed uknown because he has the same keyblades as him. im just teling you that...:D


New member
Jan 5, 2005
leonrocks said:
uh im not sure if you knew this but BHK Is the glowing eyed uknown because he has the same keyblades as him. im just teling you that...:D
And where do we see the GEU with a keyblade, let alone two? Not in DD or ASAS, or anyplace else. Correct me if I'm wrong.


New member
Aug 4, 2004
harts palace
uhh actually im not sure what DWU is i know its an unknown but if you watch deep dive the one fighting the heartless had a glowing eye in the beginning.


Armchair Administrator
Jun 9, 2005
leonrocks said:
uhh actually im not sure what DWU is i know its an unknown but if you watch deep dive the one fighting the heartless had a glowing eye in the beginning.

Uhh... Dumb people annoy me...

Do you realize why we call him the Glowing Eyed Unknown?

Because he is the one in DD, that comes out of the rock with a GLOWING EYE!

The person who you are talking about, is the DWU, or Dual-Weilding-Unknown! A person who weilds two keyblades! He is definately not the same person as the DWU...


Armchair Administrator
Jun 9, 2005
Yea... Sorry about that... Having a really bad week so I've been kind of... edgy.


New member
Jun 8, 2005
Kingdom Hearts was edited by the Americans. We put in 3 new bosses. Then the Japanese got mad and mad Final Mix to get back at us. So i don't think there will be anything to do with Final Mix in KH2. It would be cause world wide choas (to the americans).
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