real talk now though
I recently came across a post/comment/whatever it was a few days ago concerning the thought process that everything we do will eventually fade, no memories will be left of us, etc., if you forward enough in time. The only exceptions being overwhelmingly important scientific discoveries, becoming an extremely important individual who makes large decisions for large groups of people, and then some. Quite frankly, I don't at all like this thought process. True, 99% of our names will be lost in time. Of course we have all sorts of records now with physical books, the internet, and so forth, but even still, people a million years from now likely won't give two shits about our names, who we were, or anything of the sort. It's things like this that seem to make many people think it doesn't matter what they do because no one will remember it anyway.
However, I like to believe that our actions and how we treat and teach other people is carried on in spirit long after we pass. What we do, what kind of person we are, and how we treat others all shape other people for better or for worse, who will further shape those who come in contact with them, and as such our legacies will carry on through time, even if our names do not. Even if it doesn't feel like it, people will watch you and take away from what they see. Sometimes the smallest traits about a person can stick the most with another. While this parallels the "butterfly effect" concept, it's more in the lines that you should always remember that even if you feel you're at your most insignificant and worthless point of your life, the actions you take and things you do will still live on in spirit long after you're gone and forgotten. That's something you should both be scared and proud of.