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Fanfiction ► I live in blank World

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Time Is A Mysterious Thing
Oct 31, 2006
Somewhere Special
Chapter One

I had a dream that his heart was in my hands, and I was crushing it. I was smirking as though I was enjoying it, but someone was crying inside of me. Saying please stop, please stop. But I couldn't stop, I wanted to see it suffocate in my fingers, I wanted to see it die and suffer. The crying became louder as the heart of his started to struggle more and more. I was feeling relief and sorrow. It hurt.

"Wake up Miss Ayumi!"

The class was laughing, and I was dazed. Was this drool on the side of my face, not again. I wiped the side of my face softly, still dazed in the whiteness of the classroom. I hated school. I looked at Miss Dawson, wondering if she was ready to pop a blood vessel, it was about time she started yelling at the class, for our ignorance to "higher learning" and my sarcastic mouth. Even though I hated school, I loved Miss Dawson and her excuses for not being married and having kids. She was the ultimate teacher and the ultimate bachlorette. It was funny when I heard that she had went through all the single fathers of the school and some married, now divorce. She was known as the ultimate naughty teacher to men, but the most awesome English teacher any high school student could ask for, well until her temper flew, and then she was just annoying.

Class ended with a good bye present of reading page two hundred to two hundred fifty, a detailed tone summary of the pages we read, and what we think the author meant, by writing these pages. I had already had that answer in my head. He meant by saying that we would die from his book, and the horrible way it was written. Funny, but stupid.


My arm suddenly went to the side, it hurt. I looked up to see him standing over me. He was sorry, for what, bumping into me, or that other thing. He didn't know who I was at first, cause his hands were resting on my shoulders, so I wouldn't fall, but they were quickly released when he yelled out her name.

"Angela! Wait up, let me walk you"

He quickly walked away. He didn't say another word to me, he didn't even look down. I would never be the center of Daveon Summers eyes again. I walked away as though I wasn't hurt, as though old wounds didn't come back to haunt me. It was stupid to think of him, I had more changeling issues, home.

"Home late again? Your mother is sick, I need you to cook and feed Zach, he's your brother after all..."

Well personally he was never my father. Step father, nope, more like, mom's boyfriend, who never went away. They fight; he says nasty words, leave nasty bruises, leave, then return a couple of weeks later. Baby, Baby, Baby, is the only things he can say from his drunken numb lips. And all she can say, from her swollen lip is, I love you I'm sorry. Home sucked.

He was lying on the couch, like he always do for past two years, and always will do, ‘til my mom or I shoot him. My brother laid in his playpen, half asleep, half coughing up the fumes from the cigarettes that lay in the ash tray next to his pin. This was idiotic. My mother was stupid to let this be allowed. I picked up Zach and cradled him in my arms as though he was my child, I wanted him to be my child, my mother never really cared. It was all about drunken old abusive Alex. I went into the kitchen, sat my things on the table, sat Zach in his high chair, next to the window, opened the window, so we could both breathe and cooked.

Mom was knocked out when I check on her. I think she had took to much medicine. It would have been a shame, but not a shocker. I put hot soup next to her bed, like I had always done when she was sick. I felt a grab on my arm as I was about to leave. I turned my head. My mother's pale hand fingers gripping around my arm as though she was holding on for dear life.


"Oh Aya...I thought you were Alex...Where's Alex?"

A disappointment. Alex

"Alex is downstairs watching television. He's fine."

She nodded her head and dozed back off to Prozac land. Alex had put her there. I was a harsh child, always been serious and mean since the day I was two and could open my mouth. My grandmother said that to show my dad he was wrong, I would pee on him and act like I didn't care. Ha! I was a hilarious child. But now I'm a harsh, sarcastic, not hilarious, young woman. Destined to be what Alex has been saying since he first came to my home. Alone.

I passed Alex without saying a word, I think we both agreed, words were not necessary in the relationship that we had. My little brother Zach was still eating when I cam back to him. He was about three, and an amazing little man. I taught him everything he knew, and I was proud to call him my little brother, my successor. He mad a awful situation, seem like a spring morning.

"Time for bed..."

I had picked him up before he had time to whine and cry, saying in his own way, I don't want to go to bed. I walked him off to his room. We did the usual, he changed, and jump into his small bed, and I read, and teach him new words. A nightly ritual I loved. By the time I get to the end of the book, he's out dreaming of cotton candy clouds and hot wheels he has never had. My little brother Zach was the reason for a smile on my face.

Holding my things in my hand I walked off to my room. I closed my door, before I could hear Alex's mouth about anything stupid. Waste of valuable waste less time. I sat at my desk and pulled out my most precious item out. My father's army tags. He died about three years ago, a couple of months, after he first saw Zach. Zach, that was his boy, and I, I was his girl. He loved us both. I slip the army tag necklace over my head, and let it rest on my neck. I rub it gently thinking of his beard rubbing against my face, the smell of aftershave drowning me, but making me smile. I remember him carrying me on his back and letting me fly in the clouds, he never once dropped me. I rubbed my eyes before they could produce a single tear. I thought of my father constantly, it was normal for a girl to grieve over her dead army father, but it was not what I needed to do, I had to finish that English assignment, and that math assignment, and that freaking chemistry project before time hit twelve midnight.

Hello coffee, buh-bye sleep.


Time Is A Mysterious Thing
Oct 31, 2006
Somewhere Special
Chapter 2

Sleep came late, real late, like 1 o'clock late. Sort of scary that I went to bed so early. I laid on my bed staring out the bleakly sun. It was beautiful even though it was suffocating to be seen. Poor sun. I got out the bed wondering how long it will take for Alex notice that I didn't fix his lunch for work. Probably not long. It was a shame that I was acting like his "partner" more then mom. I walked to my brother's room to check on how he was doing. Sleeping. He was a look of loveless when he wasn't throwing mash peas everywhere. I smiled and shut his door without saying a word. I wanted to let him rest, I wanted to do something fun with him today.

As I strolled down the hall, my mom was passed out. She didn't even touch her soup. Been in Prozac land since last night. Alex was lying next to her. He was lying in my father's spot. He was laying in the place where a man, who use to love me slept. It made me vomit a little in my mouth. I walked past their room and walked to the kitchen and cooked breakfast like I always did every morning since my dad died and Alex moved in. I remember the day he moved in as though it was yesterday.

I was fourteen. Not the closes to naive, more of a young girl who knew everything about everybody and anything. Alex was a man my mom met during a night of drinking, or "stroll" as she like to call it. He was weird and looked like he hadn’t taking a bath in ages. I forgot where she said she met him, it had to be somewhere dark. She introduced me and my brother, him being around seven months. The first couple of months Alex was nice. He didn't yell at my mom, he didn't hit my mom, he didn't hit me, he didn't say horrible things to Zach. He was nice. Then he started to drink more then my mom. I never knew anyone could out drink her. It was scary.

‘Til this day, about three years later, its still scary. Breakfast was finished quickly. I think it was the best I could have done, with no sleep. I laid back on the dining room chair and breathe in heavily. Sometimes I wish this blank of a world would end for me. If it did, I think I would be happy, nothing holding me down and making me the way I am, maybe I could actually live a normal life, instead of hiding bruises and curse marks, when I didn't deserve them. I hate this blank of a world.

Alex walked into the kitchen. One hand scratching is god ugly crack, and the other wiping his drained red eyes. A look of horrible early in the morning. I didn't bother to stare at him, but carefully watch him as he strolled by, he didn't look at me, didn't say a word. He got his food and sat at the table. I got up without saying anything.

"Hey. Morning to you to Aya."

I think I lost my breathe at this point. Morning, from him? What did I do?

"You didn't cook my eggs the way I like them."

He said sitting the fork down on the plate. I didn't say anything, if I did, I would find the cherry wood floor as my dearest friend. I picked up the plate, scrapped off the old eggs and made new, while he waited, his fingers intertwining with each other, as though he was thinking. Thinking of what? I finished his eggs and sat them in front of him. He looked up at me and smirked.

"Your such a good girl."

I shake my head and walked away from him. He grabbed my arm before I could get a reasonable distance away from him.

"You're suppose to think me, I am your step-dad, I demand respect. I'm tired of not getting it."

I didn't answer him. He was no part of a dad. He was a menace, a leech, a old toad who would not move. He was everything a young girl could loathe. He was not a man, but a pig, an over massive dumb pig. He let me go when he saw my dazed mother walk into the room. She was staring in shock. Another argument. Go Aya! I'm screaming that to myself right now. But my feet are not moving and my mother's shock face is turning into a face of anger and stress. Prozac land was far behind her now, she was in a mother's fury land. A really scary place.

"You said you would stop Alex!"

Listen key terms, he said he would stop not likely.

"Karen, do we have to do this, your obliviously not in your right mind."


By the time I had that tone in her voice, I was a ghost, school will start soon. Daycare was a must for Zach today. I started to get ready for school, and so did Zach. He was good with putting on his training shorts, but with the shirt, shorts, and shoes is a different story. He attempted to do it everyday, and sometimes made progress, other times. Just other times.

By the time me and him made it out the house my mother was at the phase.

"I don't need this anymore, my kids nor me need you, get out Alex!"

By the time I get back home, he'll be back watching the six o’clock news.
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