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I like/dislike Final Fantasy ____ , and here's why:



New member
Apr 24, 2011
Re: I like/dislike Final Fantasy ____, and here's why:

You do realize how many works of fiction have that as a premise, right? Kingdom Hearts is more of a Star Wars rip-off than FFIV is.
YES! i am just waiting for Xehanort to tell sora that he is his father :p It wouldnt be that hard to imagine, with the fact that Xehanort also lives on destiny islands :O


New member
Apr 24, 2011
I dont see any reason to dislike any final fantasy game.(Spin offs set aside)Its really a revolutionary game that changed many peoples lives, young, or old. :p but the one that i dislike most would have to be XIV but from what ive seen everybody feels that way. :/ My favorite would have to be.... *Le gasp!* XII i loved the story and the battle system was amazing, and like many people have said you DONT have to use gambits, its not required, out of sight out of mind.


Silver Member
Jun 2, 2006
United States
I really dislike Final Fantasy XII. It just seems so...bleh to me. It's battle system irks me and the characters, aside from Blathier, are kinda....bland and uninteresting. The story is ok, it could be better if the characters were better. Espers were, in my opinion, I know that others will disagree, were the only thing I liked about XII. I just can't bring myself to like it because it doesn't compare to the others. That could be a good thing, but to me it's not.

XIII was better than XII but I don't think that either of those have epic re-playability.

I have only played III (DS re-make), VII, VIII, X, X-2, XII, and XIII. The final two are the only ones I have not enjoyed. I own all of those, as well as the original FFIII and XI. That doesn't pertain to my statement, but I just wanted to throw that out there xD
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New member
Jul 10, 2006
Like: Always unique and fresh with each game, always trying to improve in different ways from the past releases. Beautiful Visuals, even though that's not what I look for in a game, and definately never the most important thing, I do appreciate the effort they put in. My favourites are 6, 9, 10 and 10-2, and 13 (and probably 13-2 when I get it) The reasons being, for 6 and 10-2, its the sidequest/story mechanices, the stories are touching and the way there are sidequests for each character in 6 really fleshes them out. It treats every character equally, and you really feel that. In 10-2, I like how you can influence how everything turns out in all the individual stories in the Final Chapter, and you can see them all develop and there are so many different results and little stories.

I like 9 for what I love most in video games, and that's character interaction and character development. Story and character are the two utmost things I look for in my RPG, and this game had it. I loved the little events in the towns and how it gave every character their due attention, cutscenes weren't always ZIDANE AND GARNET, you got to see what the characters were doing.

10 I liked for mostly story, it had lots of nice concepts.

13 had good characters and story, the actual mechanics were not as awesome, but the story was good enough I overlooked it.

Dislikes: A lot of the games the characters felt like cardboard, they had some character yeah and could keep interest, they just didn't interact ENOUGH or didn't make me FEEL like they were good characters. The best example for this was 12 for me. But a lot of them just didn't suck me in or make me feel for the characters.

I really do enjoy real-time so much more then turn-based, 12's attempt to combine them I kind of liked, but I also kind of never really got the hang of. 13 made that a bit better with its encounters, but I would have liked the ability to move independently to have been kept in battles. I'm sure whatever comes next in the main series will be even better.

A lot of the games may have had okay characters, but they needed more sidequests that involved characters and their dialogue together or comments on what's happening, rather than, DUNGEON, RETRIEVE AWESOME THING. Or some mechanic or events that had them interact just a little more then the mandatory story scenes, or obligatory because something has happened. Little things that compliment the whole a long the way go a long way. EX: FF5 has pretty good characters, and they actually interact a fair amount, not sure why its not a favourite really, but it was pretty good for giving attention to each and every character rather than some small focus on a party member just for their story segment, then they are just tag-a-longs, really.

Overall Direction: 12 lacked in story(well enough to keep me in it, but looking at it from far it was some good concepts) but the gameplay was a move in the right direction. 13 FINALLY brought in a story that could keep me in and good, fleshed out characters, but the mechanics were somewhat lacking. I think overall the series has done enough to make me remain a fan, especially with games like Dissidia that was an amazing spinoff that helped me appreciate the series as a whole.

For reference I've played: 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 10-2, 12, and 13, and I know the story and characters (and have seen scenes and had friends play) 1, 2, 7, and 8. I actually fairly love the 7 series as a whole.


New member
Jan 25, 2012
For now I've only completed 1, 7 through to 10, 10-2, and 12 and 13, as well as the FF7 spin-offs.

7, 8, 9, and 10. Each have had great stories, interesting characters, and interesting worlds. I also liked how each game has dealt with abilities and magic. I'll admit, FF8's abilities and magic takes some getting used to, and it can take a while to amass enough spells to help with stats, but I liked it nevertheless.
Each game has also had fun mini-games, from 7's Gold Saucer and Chocobo Racing, to 8 and 9's card games, and 10's Blitz Ball.

FF10-2 - Personally, I thought Yuna's character was changed too drastically. She went from being a quiet and devoted strong young woman to a treasure hunting pop star wannabe. I understand that she had a lot to go through and think about after the end of FF10, but it was such a drastic change that just doesn't seem in character.
On top of that, I had hoped for many of the revisited places to change a little more than they did. Instead, everything was just reused from 10 with only a few new dungeons tacked on. I had also hoped to learn a lot more about Spira's past, seeing as we were supposed to be visiting ancient ruins. I didn't mind the battles though. I liked the dress-spheres and how they changed each characters jobs, etc. I think that was handled really well.

FF12 - I mostly disliked FF12 because of Vaan. I have read that he wasn't originally going to be a main character, and while I don't know how much truth there is to that, I think the game could have been better without him. It does have some good points though. While I usually like the turn-based battles, I did enjoy the battles in FF12, and once I got the hang of the gambits they were pretty good.

FF13 - It did have a promising story, but it just felt too linear. I know that all the FF games are, once the illusion of freedom is removed (world map), but I would have liked the chance for more exploring and some side-quests and such. Also, the reuse of the same musical themes got kind of irritating. I can't remember the name of the music (I think it might have been Serah's theme), but it was reused in so many different parts of the game that it got repetitive after a while.


New member
Sep 20, 2008
So today I picked up 13-2. I havn't played many final fantasies, and I actually really enjoyed 13. Its a good game if you can overlook the linearity. But...although I am only a little ways in, the game just doesn't feel the same. Its like they took a handful of the characters from the first game and put them in a bogus time travel story. The combat is excellent as always and they non-linearity is also great. But from someone who really thinks that the story for a game is incredibly important, I feel that SE abandoned it in order to focus on the gameplay. Does anyone seem to agree with me?


New member
Feb 2, 2012
New Zealand
There hasn't been a bad ff to me yet. Each one has been unique, and I feel they are making the steps in the right direction every time there is change in the series.

Love Machine

strut strut strut
Apr 25, 2011
I dislike XII because of its battle system. It was a bad take on combining real-time and turn-based combat, IMO.


New member
Apr 24, 2010
Portsmouth, UK
I like Final Fantasy XIII because it was enjoyable, the gameplay was great only flaw was Paradigm Shift taking so long due to the small cutscene-thingy but that was fixed in XIII-2. And I liked all the places and music and especially the fal'Cie concept... I was really let down how they weren't in XIII-2 with the exception of Adam but it basically would've been a remake of XIII's story, however I wanted to see more of fal'Cie in time travel. But in the end overall, XIII was really good and I want more of it. :>


Sep 2, 2008
I like Final Fantasy 13, and Final Fantasy 10
Because they where both enjoyable, and good a story line, and well they both had remember able boss fights.

I dislike Final Fantasy 13-2, and Final Fantasy VII

I hated Final Fantasy 13-2 because of how incomplete the game was, and I don't want to waste money just to find out what is going to happen next. I'll just go on youtube for that.

I hate Final Fantasy VII because the game was boring, and completely a waste of my time. Characters where boring.


Silver Member
Oct 3, 2008
I like Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core and Type-0.
Even though i haven't start to play FFXIII-2 but i dislike the storyline.
I can't see how Lightning get her true happiness


Aug 9, 2011
New England
When I was younger around 8-10 after playing KH 1&2 I decided to play FF because if I liked KH I'd like FF right? Well I went to EB Games and just picked up a random FF game. I don't know the title.... eh... it had a kid on a beach or something. I couldn't even get past tutorial! XD
So now in present time I'm like, "I should give FF a second shot, I'm older and ect. ect. Well I bought FF13-2 a while ago and didn't like it. I played through the whole game, but it felt like a chore. It was just boring to me. The combat system, confusing story, logic (there's something in our way? Must be a paradox!), and other things. I just didn't like, but that's just my opinion. Don't mean to offend anyone.
All I'm going to say is Mog is what kept me playing. The things just so goddamn cute!


Remains of the Judgement
Jun 25, 2009
North Carolina
i dislike everyone who dislikes ffxii

*high fives*

Anyways, I like Final Fantasy XII the most out of the main series. There is just so much to do in it, it never gets boring. I really enjoyed most of the characters, though Vaan was kind of redundant even if he wasn't horribly annoying like Tidus was. The soundtrack is really good, as is the standard for the FF series, and I enjoyed the art direction more than other FF games.


New member
Oct 2, 2004
I'll complete the title sentence for every Final Fantasy game I've played.

I like Final Fantasy I (PSP version). Here's why: It was a simple story that didn't wasn't hard to follow like some of the more modern FF titles. The gameplay was decent and the graphics (despite being redone from the NES version) were nostalgia inducing.

I dislike Final Fantasy II (PSP). Here's why: That damn stats system. It was ridiculous. Your characters health wouldn't go up unless they got hit. So either you had to hope your characters all got evenly hit (who wants that?) or you had to beat the crap out of them yourself. Magic took forever to level up. I'd rather spend 3000 gil on Fire2/Fira, etc.

I like Final Fantasy III (DS). Here's why: The job system. It was well done. Being able to switch jobs at will was fun. The story reminded me of the first as well, which I liked. Also, the music was great. I loved the final boss them so much I downloaded a 12 minute extended version and put it on my ipod. I never fast forward through that track.

I like Final Fantasy IV (PSP Complete Version). Here's why: Despite getting rid of the job system, the set roles and names made the characters feel like actual people. I rooted for Cecil and Rosa to find their happiness. I wanted Kain to stand by his friends. I felt bad when characters died. Also, the music was great. Palom and Porom's theme and Mysidia will forever be stuck with me.

I like Final Fantasy V (PSOne). Here's why: I haven't finished it yet but I'm really liking it so far. The job system returned in an even better way than III. The story is lighthearted (so far) and doesn't take itself too seriously, which I love.

I like Final Fantasy VII. Here's why: No, I didn't cry when a certain character died at the end of disc one. But still, I liked the story and the materia system. The battle them stuck with me as long as some of the other tracks. The inclusion of so many extras (boss fights, hidden scenes, characters) also makes this one a great game.

I dislike Final Fantasy VIII. Here's why: I don't HATE anything about FF8 like I did the stat system in FF2. However, the draw system was annoying (even if it made the game easy with the right Draws set to certain stats). The story wasn't on par with the rest of the titles. And I never really cared about Squall and Rinoa like I did other FF couples. I actually prefer him as Leon in KH than in his own game.

I like Final Fantasy X. Here's why: This was my first true Final Fantasy. I'd played FF2 (GBA) and FF4 when I was younger. But this was the first FF game I played to completion. And I loved it. I loved how vast the world was (at the time I'd never played a game with such a big world in the PS2 era graphics). I loved the story of Tidus and Yuna and all the plot twists along the way. I even didn't mind James Arnold Taylor's voice acting (yes even the laughing scene). I guess this will always hold a special place in my heart for introducing me to the series.

I liked Final Fantasy X-2. Here's why: Don't shoot me. I had the same "Wtf?" face you probably had at the opening dance sequence. But the dress sphere system was implemented very well. Being able to switch jobs on the fly in battle was a great idea. And it worked well. The story was subpar at worst and heartbreaking at best (Lenne and Shuyin, not necessarily Tidus and Yuna's story in this game).

I dislike Final Fantasy XII. Here's why: I never finished this game. I didn't mind the battle system. I really didn't even mind the characters. I liked the voice for Fran(?), the cat lady. But the plot of the game was so ridiculously boring (in my humble and probably minority opinion). I couldn't get into the plot of the game. I can sit through shitty controls if the plot is engaging. But I can't sit through great ( or average, in this case) gameplay for a plot I can't stand. I realize I'm probably dead to a few of the posters above me.

I like Final Fantasy XIII. Here's why: I didn't mind the linearity. I always understood the lack of towns and the constrictions to be part of the game's plot. I liked the battle system (though I wish they never added the Auto battle option). It was new, fast, and again being able to switch jobs (Paradigm Shifts) mid-battle is always welcome. The story was ok, and I like that the mythology of the world is so complex.

I like Final Fantasy XIII-2. Here's why: I didn't mind the majority of FFXIII's biggest complaints. So considering XIII-2 improved upon those complaints, I enjoyed this game as well. The plot isn't as engaging as it's predecessor, however I liked the changes to gameplay. Being able to switch leaders was great. Didn't care for the monster party members but it wasn't a huge deal. Also, Mog was so damn cute.

I have yet to play FFVI or FFIX, but I own both so hopefully I can play through them and give my thoughts. Overall, I like the Final Fantasy series. Even the titles I don't like as a whole, I managed to find something great about. There were never any complete disappointments. If you managed to read all of this without getting bored or writing me off as a person, thank you. Haha.