Nomura has said in an interview that Xemnas MAY have been able to use a Keyblade but chose not to. Here's my theory about how that could be true.
Let's start by defining who Xemnas is. He's Terra's body and soul. TERRA'S. In other words, although he's the Nobody of apprentice Xehanort, he has none of the elements that make his existence.
Now what does lacking a heart do? It deprives you of emotions. And Xemnas is definitely emotionless. Which is why he is able to do such cruel things and turn people into Heartless to achieve his goal of completing Kingdom Hearts.
That brings up another question: what was Xemnas trying to achieve. Here are the hints we've heard in the series so far:
*Xemnas said he was creating a brand new world.
*Xemnas in his secret report said he must become a "higher existence" (I'll discuss this later)
*Xion said he couldn't have Kingdom Hearts but never said why. She just said he couldn't have his way. For all we know, she may have just hated him to the bone for making her and didn't want him to have his way.
So in other words, everyone just ASSUMED he wanted world domination. But did he really?
Let's look at a quote from the secret report he wrote:
Complete Existence = Heart, Body, and Soul
Incomplete Existence = Body and Soul, or just Heart.
Xemnas is an incomplete, or lower, if you will, existence. He wants to become a HIGHER existence. He wants to be COMPLETE.
So why was everyone worried he wanted to destroy the world or something? Well, because he wanted Kingdom Hearts, and with that power he COULD.
But why DID he want Kingdom Hearts? Is there more to it than just being complete? There is actually.
Xemnas is, again, TERRA'S body and soul. It is very possible that the mind is a part of the soul. Think about it. Heartless are just corrupted hearts and have no minds of their own. Nobodies, however, are able to THINK and PLAN. Because they DO have minds due to having both a body and a SOUL.
So Xemnas, since he has Terra's mind, thinks like Terra. And all Terra wants is to be with Aqua and Ven again. This is why he called Aqua's armor "friend". But Xemnas doesn't know how to find them, so he needs the power of Kingdom Hearts, the greatest power in the world, to help him do that. He IS creating a brand new world: a world where he, Aqua, and Ven can finally be together.
Let's sum up why he wants Kingdom Hearts:
*To gain a heart of his own
*To be able to track down Aqua and Ven (Kingdom Hearts is capable of changing the world; surely it could locate two people).
*To be able to peacefully be with Aqua and Ven
Thus, Xemnas spends his life searching for Keyblade wielders who can collect hearts to form Kingdom Hearts.
But, if Xemnas could wield the Keyblade, as Nomura has hinted, then why DIDN'T he? And if the Lingering Sentiment, merely the armor of Terra, could wield one, why couldn't he? Why not just use it himself to accelerate the process of completing KH and reuniting with Aqua and Ven?
As of now I cannot think of an answer as to why. I'll try to soon though.
Thank you for your time. There are tons of counter arguments to the points I've made, and I'll be happy to discuss.
At least consider this though. I'm certain that there's more to Xemnas than meets the eye.
Besides, doesn't anyone else find it strange how Terra said "Whatever the cost I'm ready to pay it" to MX?
Note: This theory has been updated in light of recent evidence.

Let's start by defining who Xemnas is. He's Terra's body and soul. TERRA'S. In other words, although he's the Nobody of apprentice Xehanort, he has none of the elements that make his existence.
Now what does lacking a heart do? It deprives you of emotions. And Xemnas is definitely emotionless. Which is why he is able to do such cruel things and turn people into Heartless to achieve his goal of completing Kingdom Hearts.
That brings up another question: what was Xemnas trying to achieve. Here are the hints we've heard in the series so far:
*Xemnas said he was creating a brand new world.
*Xemnas in his secret report said he must become a "higher existence" (I'll discuss this later)
*Xion said he couldn't have Kingdom Hearts but never said why. She just said he couldn't have his way. For all we know, she may have just hated him to the bone for making her and didn't want him to have his way.
So in other words, everyone just ASSUMED he wanted world domination. But did he really?
Let's look at a quote from the secret report he wrote:
What's a higher existence? Well, what's an EXISTENCE?I must become one with Kingdom Hearts. I will become a higher existence. All of my true ambitions begin there.
Complete Existence = Heart, Body, and Soul
Incomplete Existence = Body and Soul, or just Heart.
Xemnas is an incomplete, or lower, if you will, existence. He wants to become a HIGHER existence. He wants to be COMPLETE.
So why was everyone worried he wanted to destroy the world or something? Well, because he wanted Kingdom Hearts, and with that power he COULD.
But why DID he want Kingdom Hearts? Is there more to it than just being complete? There is actually.
Xemnas is, again, TERRA'S body and soul. It is very possible that the mind is a part of the soul. Think about it. Heartless are just corrupted hearts and have no minds of their own. Nobodies, however, are able to THINK and PLAN. Because they DO have minds due to having both a body and a SOUL.
So Xemnas, since he has Terra's mind, thinks like Terra. And all Terra wants is to be with Aqua and Ven again. This is why he called Aqua's armor "friend". But Xemnas doesn't know how to find them, so he needs the power of Kingdom Hearts, the greatest power in the world, to help him do that. He IS creating a brand new world: a world where he, Aqua, and Ven can finally be together.
Let's sum up why he wants Kingdom Hearts:
*To gain a heart of his own
*To be able to track down Aqua and Ven (Kingdom Hearts is capable of changing the world; surely it could locate two people).
*To be able to peacefully be with Aqua and Ven
Thus, Xemnas spends his life searching for Keyblade wielders who can collect hearts to form Kingdom Hearts.
But, if Xemnas could wield the Keyblade, as Nomura has hinted, then why DIDN'T he? And if the Lingering Sentiment, merely the armor of Terra, could wield one, why couldn't he? Why not just use it himself to accelerate the process of completing KH and reuniting with Aqua and Ven?
As of now I cannot think of an answer as to why. I'll try to soon though.
Thank you for your time. There are tons of counter arguments to the points I've made, and I'll be happy to discuss.
At least consider this though. I'm certain that there's more to Xemnas than meets the eye.
Besides, doesn't anyone else find it strange how Terra said "Whatever the cost I'm ready to pay it" to MX?
Note: This theory has been updated in light of recent evidence.
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