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How's everyone enjoying it?

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Apr 12, 2006
Clarksville, TN
What is a good level for tackling the Hades Cup? I am level 53.

One thing I hate with the cups is the freaking time limit. Took me forever to beat Cerberus Cup because I would get to Cerberus and not kill him in time. I just became over-leveled and beat everyone.


Silver Member
Sep 8, 2014
What is a good level for tackling the Hades Cup? I am level 53.

One thing I hate with the cups is the freaking time limit. Took me forever to beat Cerberus Cup because I would get to Cerberus and not kill him in time. I just became over-leveled and beat everyone.

Just keep developing the characters and you'll be fine. I'm having a breeze in those Tournaments.

I need some advice, I've cleared both sections of the synthesis shops. The free development and the recipe list one. I'm looking at the Journal and I'm still in need of more synthesis. How do I unlock the rest? Do I just keep synthesizing anything?
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New member
Oct 21, 2013
Anyone knows how the scoring works in the Underworld Tournaments? I can easily obliterate all of the enemies really fast and taking almost no damage at all, but my score is still very low. I need it for the journal.


Not KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 19, 2008
Anyone knows how the scoring works in the Underworld Tournaments? I can easily obliterate all of the enemies really fast and taking almost no damage at all, but my score is still very low. I need it for the journal.
Summon Peter Pan for a few rounds. He greatly increases your score, more than Stitch I would say.


Silver Member
Sep 8, 2014
Anyone knows how the scoring works in the Underworld Tournaments? I can easily obliterate all of the enemies really fast and taking almost no damage at all, but my score is still very low. I need it for the journal.

Level up your Summon level to the max. Use Stitch's Ohana limit and use Ukuele to drop orbs like crazy. The more jackpot abilities you have equipped the more bonuses. Make sure you have also your Drive Level on 8 or the max and make sure you have Sora with abilities that helps sustain the form gauges or limit gauge for awhile. There's also the Magnega magic that will help release a few.

The Titan Cup and Paradox will automatically replenish your Drive Gauge so you can use Stitch's Ohana at least 4 times and as for the Goddess of Fate or Hades Cup Paradox you'd have to play through so you can see what pattern you'll need to use to get the minimum score. In those cups the Drive Gauge won't replenish for you by every round.


New member
Nov 24, 2013
I don't get 2.5 until Xmas, and I won't even play it for another month. I still have to beet RE: COM, which is pretty annoying. I'm on the 3rd Riku battle, but I that's only Sora's mode. Riku does look easy though, I watch my sibling play as him, and he's at Zexion after two weeks.
When I got get my hands on 2.5, I'll update on my thoughts


New member
May 29, 2013
I don't get 2.5 until Xmas, and I won't even play it for another month. I still have to beet RE: COM, which is pretty annoying. I'm on the 3rd Riku battle, but I that's only Sora's mode. Riku does look easy though, I watch my sibling play as him, and he's at Zexion after two weeks.
When I got get my hands on 2.5, I'll update on my thoughts

Ya, come find out on my end that I'm going to have to wait till my birthday before I can get my hands on 2.5 and the ps3 my parents got me. My mom said I'll have to come down then to get everything else, but even then I don't believe I'll be able to make it down, so either way it seems she'll have to send it up with everything else that I left behind lol.


Be Wiser Than the Serpent
Nov 4, 2012
Bosses that rely on some kind of timing or luck are the worst. I mean, a boss is sort've a test for you as a player to gauge your growth. Luck and skill don't exactly agree when you put them in a room together.

Hence why I despise Demyx and Luxord of the bosses in KH.
Demyx actually wasn't too bad once I read about using Wisdom Firaga on the water clones. I've beat them all and watched the "BbS" secret video. Now I just need to do the Hades Cup. Not sure if I'll get the Top Gun or Gummi Ship Collector trophies.

I'll probably take a break before playing BbS. I'm just glad BbS doesn't have any trophies requiring the characters to reach lvl. 99. That would be a task I'd never complete.


D'oh, I missed!
Feb 20, 2014
Somewhere in Castle Figaro...
I feel like my copy of the game is glitching. I beat all three of the stories in BbS on Proud Mode, did the Final Episode, found all of the stickers, and yet I haven't unlocked the Secret Episode or Blank Points. I thought I'd done everything correctly... Anyone else having this problem?

And Re:Coded refuses to acknowledge I've watched all the scenes and to give me the trophies for it--even though I unlocked the trophy for reading the character files. It also refuses to give me the second secret ending, even though I've watched the endings more than twice. I'm confused.

And back to BbS... Is there a trophy for not dying through an entire playthrough? Because I managed to do that in all three stories, and yet I haven't gotten a trophy for it at all. I also seem to have only gotten a trophy for beating one of the stories, but there has to be others for beating the other two, right?

I really think my version of II.5 hates me:/

But... even with all of that, I'm enjoying it immensely. I really loved what they did with Re:Coded, and I'm remembering just how much I love BbS--it's glorious on a big screen and in HD. Definitely a lot of KH feels on my part lately:)

Oh! Before I forget: what are the requirements for getting both secret endings in IIFM? I'm playing that now (hopefully it won't mess up for me like Re:Coded and BbSFM have). If I beat all the worlds in Proud Mode, will I still get the original secret ending? What about the one exclusive to KHIIFM?

Thanks in advance!

Edit: (Another cool thing is that I think I broke my record for Grand Stander in KHII, so yay for that!:D)

IIRC, the requirements for getting the Secret Episode on Proud is to not only collect the stickers, but properly arrange them as well.

As for the Re:coded issue...I don't really know. I never had that issue pop up with me. All I did was do the "Play All" option and continued when I unlocked the Secret Ending. If you have already done that and/or someone else already mentioned this, then allow me to apologize for being redundant.

As for the Secret Endings for Kingdom Hearts II:Final Mix, the normal one I think is still obtained the old way (beat the game on Proud and unlock all the worlds). For the "Birth by Sleep" video, I think that you still have to somewhat complete Jiminy's Journal on Proud. I actually recommend playing on Critical Mode since all you have to do to get the secret ending for that is to unlock all the worlds, satisfy the Mushroom XIII, defeat the Data Organization XIII and defeat the Lingering Will.

Hope this helps.


Haddyn Slayer
Feb 23, 2011
IIRC, the requirements for getting the Secret Episode on Proud is to not only collect the stickers, but properly arrange them as well.

As for the Re:coded issue...I don't really know. I never had that issue pop up with me. All I did was do the "Play All" option and continued when I unlocked the Secret Ending. If you have already done that and/or someone else already mentioned this, then allow me to apologize for being redundant.

As for the Secret Endings for Kingdom Hearts II:Final Mix, the normal one I think is still obtained the old way (beat the game on Proud and unlock all the worlds). For the "Birth by Sleep" video, I think that you still have to somewhat complete Jiminy's Journal on Proud. I actually recommend playing on Critical Mode since all you have to do to get the secret ending for that is to unlock all the worlds, satisfy the Mushroom XIII, defeat the Data Organization XIII and defeat the Lingering Will.

Hope this helps.

Thank you so much, kuraudo (and ChibiHearts:))! You've been a great help. I'm definitely going to to go try this all now. Wish me luck! :D

Also... I think I'm going to play KHII on Critical Mode, then... I'm really terrified of that idea, as I only ever played Critical for a bit to get the secret ending in Re:Coded, but I'd really rather not have to try and 100% KHII again.

I did that with the original KHII and got so fed up and tired of it (and that's probably why to this day playing KHII has lost a lot of its appeal for me). I got to 99%, but could never win the stupid Hades Paradox Cup with the amount of points I needed to. I swear it's nearly impossible to win all those matches without dying once.

And if you do do die, and start from any cup other than the first one, you won't get enough points by the end of it to satisfy the requirements; so annoying. I remember tearing a lot of my hair out over that back in the day. LOL.

So, yeah... Critical Mode is definitely the way to go, it seems... Even though the thought of fighting Lingering Will all ready scared me, and now I'm even more concerned about it. Yikes:/

Anyway, I'm rambling, so I'll shut up now. Thanks again for the help, everyone! Hope you're all enjoying yourselves with II.5:)


Precursor Mar

New member
Dec 17, 2014
On the Hydra's back
So I FINALLY cleared the Cavern of Remembrance, seriously without Second Chance that last Nobody wave was complete buals. I tried to go against Data Roxas and he wrecked me. I also beat Mushroom XIII and Sephiroth, I don't remember him being that much fun to fight, wish I could fight him again.

On another note, I'm kinda disappointed that Sora's crown doesn't show up in cutscenes. :(


Silver Member
Sep 8, 2014
So, how many lucky rings are enough? I already have the trio with Lucky Lucky and two Lucky Rings. If I can get more, I'm guessing I'll be guaranteed of more drops?


New member
Nov 8, 2014
New Jersey
I'm on Lingering Will. Ugh. He is definitely a test that will make me a better player, and get me ready for BBS Critical Mode run.

I refuse to "farm" stat boosts. I want to try and do it with skill.

I think I am too stubborn for this game hahahaha.

He is the last thing I need to do before I am ready to move on.


Vulpes Chronicler
Aug 8, 2013
So, how many lucky rings are enough? I already have the trio with Lucky Lucky and two Lucky Rings. If I can get more, I'm guessing I'll be guaranteed of more drops?

Every Lucky Lucky counts! Back in Vanilla KH2, I'd run around with the Sweet Memories at all times just to get as many synth drops as possible, it was silly. The Sweet Memories doesn't do that any more, but fill every slot you're willing to spare, and on your teammates too! Turn into Limit Form for extra odds, if you're willing to exhaust your drive meter!


Be Wiser Than the Serpent
Nov 4, 2012
I noticed the gauge for summons slightly changed, which'll make Hades Cup a bit more difficult. And I think the cap does affect the Underworld, too.

Overall, even with all the flaws, I still like KH2. It never fails to give me the feels at least. I'd probably give it an A- with the FM additions. The update for the music is fantastic. "The Home of Dragons," "Waltz of the Damned," "Twinkle in the Sky," "Lazy Afternoons," "Roxas," and "Sacred Moon," in particular, sound a lot different/better to me. I really wish I could afford the remix soundtracks. :( Btw, does the 2.5 soundtrack have that little bit of "Simple and Clean/Hikari" that plays at the end when Riku and Sora are reading Kairi's note?


Silver Member
Sep 8, 2014
Every Lucky Lucky counts! Back in Vanilla KH2, I'd run around with the Sweet Memories at all times just to get as many synth drops as possible, it was silly. The Sweet Memories doesn't do that any more, but fill every slot you're willing to spare, and on your teammates too! Turn into Limit Form for extra odds, if you're willing to exhaust your drive meter!

With the abilities including, now I have 5 Lucky Rings. I noticed immense drops of crystals but what I see too I'm not getting the Serenity Crystals I want from the nobodies. I think I just may need 4 more.

One thing I want to get out of the way. Not sure of the other one. There's the Manifest of Illusions and the other one is Lost Illusions. How do I get more of the "Lost Illusions"? I need just 2 more.


Vulpes Chronicler
Aug 8, 2013
Btw, does the 2.5 soundtrack have that little bit of "Simple and Clean/Hikari" that plays at the end when Riku and Sora are reading Kairi's note?

That is one of the best tearjerker musical moments in the series. I don't know the answer to your question, sadly.

One thing I want to get out of the way. Not sure of the other one. There's the Manifest of Illusions and the other one is Lost Illusions. How do I get more of the "Lost Illusions"? I need just 2 more.

Manifest of Illusions is synthesized, though you can get one for free by fighting the Lingering Will. As for Lost Illusions, you win them by fighting the Absent Silhouettes and Data Rematches with the CoM Organization members (my info's not clear: you may have to fight the Silhouettes once to get a recipe and then again to get the Illusions). There are also two in the wild: one in a chest in the Cavern of Remembrance, and one from the Moogle.
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