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How's everyone enjoying it?

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Dear Kafka
Nov 24, 2013
I finally got past Port Royal today on my level one run. Barbossa gave me trouble. It's strange how level one is somehow fun but annoying.

It is really fascinating isn`t it? All thou you die many times and it its frustrating, something in you wants to keep going and play more. When you finally do beat a hard boss or a hard fight, it feels so good and rewarding.


Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
KH 2 FM is really a big step up from the vanilla KH 2 in both gameplay fun as well as difficulty. On Saturday I died the very first time on Proud difficulty in KH 2 on an enemy that isn't Sephiroth.
I was Level 63 and Roxas still managed to get the best of me.
I also tackled the Cavern of Remembrance this weekend which is a pretty neat dungeon that actually proves some challenge (it's there where I learned to absolutely despise those damn Dancer Nobodies).

Speaking of the Mushrooms, I seem to cannot find Mushroom No. 1 for the heck of it.

Considering he's the "mirror" to Xemnas I figured he must be in the Final World somewhere and I made sure to already kick Xemnas' ass for the first time, bringing the storyline right up to the point of no return.
And yet I can't find the little critter anywhere.


Dear Kafka
Nov 24, 2013
Considering he's the "mirror" to Xemnas I figured he must be in the Final World somewhere and I made sure to already kick Xemnas' ass for the first time, bringing the storyline right up to the point of no return.
And yet I can't find the little critter anywhere.

If I remember correctly No: 1 can be found from the Memory Skyscraper. He is a big one. I really liked how the mushrooms have something in common with their Org XIII counterparts. Like example number VII which is Saix(if my memory serves me right) is a pissed of Mushroom who tries to hit you like Saix does when he is in Berserker mode. A little detail but so good! Number XIII is just so adorable. :)

I think I have said this before, but FM version of KH2 fixed almost everything wrong in KH2 for me. The story still has it`s problems, but gameplay wise it is really fun. KH2FM goes to my top 3 KH games. It shares the third spot with BBS now. Dam I liked this collection a lot!


Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
If I remember correctly NO: I can be found from the Memory Skyscraper. He is a big one. I really liked how the mushrooms have something in common with their Org XIII counterparts. Like example number VII which is Saix(if my memory serves me right) is a pissed of Mushroom who tries to hit you like Saix does when he is in Berserker mode. A little detail but so good! Number XIII is just so adorable. :)

I think I have said this before, but FM version of KH2 fixed almost everything wrong in KH2 for me. The story still has it`s problems, but gameplay wise it is really fun. KH2FM goes to my top 3 KH games. It shares the third spot with BBS now. Dam I liked this collection a lot!

Then there must be apparently another condition for him to spawn as at the Skyscraper there always spawn regular Nobodies (often Samurai) when I get there.

The Mushrooms are indeed quite the funny bunch and their (mostly good natured) challenges are quite engaging and not at all frustrating. If you fail you need just to move one area away to respawn the Mushroom in question to try again.

I already got a perfect score for Mushrooms II, IV, V and IX.
For most of the other Mushrooms there are only a few seconds too much to get the perfect score.
So far the only Mushrooms I have really problems with are III, VIII and XII.

I can second that as so far KH2 FM is much more engaging than the vanilla version on PS2 ever was. Granted, the story is still no gem, but the additional cutscenes so far do give one a little better grasp on the overall story as well as some slight more depth to some characters.
My time is extremely limited, that's why I haven't even started BBS yet, but I'm certainly looking forward to it once I'm through with KH2 FM.


Dear Kafka
Nov 24, 2013
Then there must be apparently another condition for him to spawn as at the Skyscraper there always spawn regular Nobodies (often Samurai) when I get there.

The Mushrooms are indeed quite the funny bunch and their (mostly good natured) challenges are quite engaging and not at all frustrating. If you fail you need just to move one area away to respawn the Mushroom in question to try again.

I already got a perfect score for Mushrooms II, IV, V and IX.
For most of the other Mushrooms there are only a few seconds too much to get the perfect score.
So far the only Mushrooms I have really problems with are III, VIII and XII.

I can second that as so far KH2 FM is much more engaging than the vanilla version on PS2 ever was. Granted, the story is still no gem, but the additional cutscenes so far do give one a little better grasp on the overall story as well as some slight more depth to some characters.
My time is extremely limited, that's why I haven't even started BBS yet, but I'm certainly looking forward to it once I'm through with KH2 FM.

Did you beat the final form of Xemans, or just the first battle? You have to beat the final form, only after that the Number 1 will spawn to Memory Skyscraper.

I had a vacation during December, and I spent almost the whole month playing KH2FM and BBSFM(best vacation ever!). It was really cool to see BBS on a big screen, and the controller makes the gameplay even more fun. :)


Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
Did you beat the final form of Xemans, or just the first battle? You have to beat the final form, only after that the Number 1 will spawn to Memory Skyscraper.

I had a vacation during December, and I spent almost the whole month playing KH2FM and BBSFM(best vacation ever!). It was really cool to see BBS on a big screen, and the controller makes the gameplay even more fun. :)

Only the first one obviously.
After I go through the big door at the altar of naught I can't go back as I then need to fight the complete chain of Final bosses until the end of the game.

I had a vacation there too, but there were some matters to attend to outside of videogaming and it took me until New Year's Eve to finally get the Platinum trophy for Re: Chain of Memories (stupid non-stacking difficulty trophies).


Dear Kafka
Nov 24, 2013
New Year's Eve to finally get the Platinum trophy for Re: Chain of Memories (stupid non-stacking difficulty trophies).

Holy smokes! You did that!? Congratulations! I managed to complete Re:CoM 3 times, Sora`s story twice and Riku`s story once. I tried to complete most of the trophies, but the grinding of the numerous enemy cards was so mind numbing, I decided to give up. I haven`t gotten a single platinum from any of the games. The Gummi Ship missions stopped me in KH1, and they will do the same for me in KH2.


Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
Holy smokes! You did that!? Congratulations! I managed to complete Re:CoM 3 times, Sora`s story twice and Riku`s story once. I tried to complete most of the trophies, but the grinding of the numerous enemy cards was so mind numbing, I decided to give up. I haven`t gotten a single platinum from any of the games. The Gummi Ship missions stopped me in KH1, and they will do the same for me in KH2.

Yea, I'm one of those who doesn't like leaving games unfinished (except when there are trophies related to online-stuff as I do not play online). I have to admit though that Re: CoM was one of the most aggravating trophy hunts I've ever made so far. It's fitting though that Re: CoMs Platinum was my 10th one making it a milestone.
Unlike most players, I have a rather "small" amount of games registered at the PSN, but many of those are finished:
Sephiroth081285's PSN Profile - PSNProfiles.com
(I needed to add the 85 to my name at the Playstation Network because my normal username was already taken, lol).

The Gummi missions (and the trophies relating to them) in KH 2 are much easier than the ones in KH 1 though, in fact, in order to get everything you do not even need to touch any of the Mission 3's except Assault of the Dreadnaught.
You only need one S-rank per Gummi route (doesn't matter if it's Mission 1 or 2, Mission 2 is preferred though due to the blueprints) and the same goes for the EX-missions. One S-rank per route is enough.
The only somewhat difficult Gummi trophy is the blueprint one as most of the special blueprints are S-rank rewards for Mission 2 and the last one can only be got from Assault of the Dreadnaught Mission 3 (you need to defeat the Final Hunter!).


New member
Oct 21, 2013


Silver Member
Sep 8, 2014
Well I'm not getting that crown I'm not good at this and rhythm isn't working for me, I mean, I've seen the Birth by Sleep secret movie so many times, the crowns and trophies are just bragging rights.

The mushrooms are easier than anything else there is in that game. Trust me, you can do them. I did them for the first time in my life lol. It was troubling but I made it. The one I hated the most was the first one.

DarkGrey Heroine

How much closer could I be?
Jan 29, 2015
Also, to add something even more, Aquas dodge makes things so much more easier(even to point that some people think her dodge is broken). Also because of the modification BBS LV1 got, which is similar to 1.5, your damage output is increased. I saw a video earlier when somebody was doing the No Heart boss with Aqua on LV1. You took massive damage, but the damage Aqua made with her Seeker Mines was pretty big too. I dosen`t take years to kill some bosse, like on original BBS LV1 run. Just try again and again and don`t lose hope!

Well, yeah, I'm playing the original BBS and the damage I do to anything is just so low, it took me 58 minutes to finish the Harsh Punishment Mission. I still don't regret anything xD

Yeah. 1-2 hit kills are something you will get used to, all though I think second change and once more will make your life easier. Leaf Bracer might also be a big help. With those I think the Arena stuff can be done. I also noticed that while playing as Aqua, triple firaga is a pretty good command. It stuns almost all of the Arena bosses, and if you have more than one of them, you can combo lock some of the bosses. If everything else fails shotlck is you savior. :D

I think the thing I like most of LV1 playhtrough in KH2FM(and KH1 also) is the fact that you have to think. Sure you have to have good reflexes to react to the enemies movements, but you also have to plan your attacks.

Pff, how could I enter the Arena without Second Chance, Once More and Leaf Bracer? xD
After days of constant losing, I found those little things that will make my LV 1 life so much easier... As you said, Triple Firaga, Sonic Blade, SOMETIMES shotlocks (it's pretty risky to get them to MAX in the Arena on LV1, as you're vulnerable while loading and vulnerable after you finish your shotlock)... Still, the damage I do on the original BBS is so low, it takes me hours to finish a mission...or lose awkwardly. If only moves like Glacier would do more damage... If only Wild Bruisers would be vulnerable to Magnega... If only those freaking Chronotwisters didn't exist at all!!
The experience is amazing, with both frustration and satisfaction
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Dear Kafka
Nov 24, 2013
Pff, how could I enter the Arena without Second Chance, Once More and Leaf Bracer? xD
After days of constant losing, I found those little things that will make my LV 1 life so much easier... As you said, Triple Firaga, Sonic Blade, SOMETIMES shotlocks (it's pretty risky to get them to MAX in the Arena on LV1, as you're vulnerable while loading and vulnerable after you finish your shotlock)... Still, the damage I do on the original BBS is so low, it takes me hours to finish a mission...or lose awkwardly. If only moves like Glacier would do more damage... If only Wild Bruisers would be vulnerable to Magnega... If only those freaking Chronotwisters didn't exist at all!!
The experience is amazing, with both frustration and satisfaction

Your doing BBS lv1 on the original version!? That is gonna be tough. If killing one of the arena bosses takes 58 minutes, I wonder how long some of the tougher enemies towards the end will take. Still I raise my hat to you! Original BBS LV1 challenge is something I could not do.

So, about LV1 runs. I tried the cavern again yesterday. I managed to get to the last wave quite a few times, but I always screwed up somewhere. It is a really strange fight. I have 5 Elixers, 1 Mega-Elixer and 1 Mega-Potion, and I will end up using all of them. It is a fight all about reflexes, endurance and patience. Like before entering some of the later waves you have to make sure that Donald is a live. You have to use a Comet on waves were a Sorcerer and other enemies will spawn. Take out the Sorcerer first, then the rest of the wave will be a lot smoother. Also you have to memorize(Got it Memorized?) which enemies come on certain waves.
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Actress/Healer in Persona: Icebound
Aug 29, 2012
So, I need a little tip on how to beat the Villains Vendetta with all three characters in BBS and it's on the PSP (I have been trying to do so, but gave up since then) alongside with all boosts and commands.

Of course, the newly HD game would be easier. x3


Dear Kafka
Nov 24, 2013
So, I need a little tip on how to beat the Villains Vendetta with all three characters in BBS and it's on the PSP (I have been trying to do so, but gave up since then) alongside with all boosts and commands.

Of course, the newly HD game would be easier. x3

Hmm. I think I can help best with Aqua, but there are some basic stuff you can do with all the characters, to prepare for Villain`s Vendetta.

So start with abilities. I know I have said this earlier, but get at least these four abilities for all of the characters: Second change, once more, heal block(the name is different with each character, but the effect is the same) and leaf bracer. To get heal block, you need to have a block command(LV1) and maxed out Curaga. Meld these and you will get heal block. As the name implies, you will gain HP when you block enemies attacks. Second Change is obtained by melding blizzard and blizzara plus Pulsing Crystal. Once More is obtained by melding Fire and Fira plus Wellspring Crystal. Finally, Leaf Bracer is obtained by melding Aero and Aero plus Pulsing Crystal. With these abilities, you life becomes much easier.

Also you should get abilities that shorten your load time etc... If I remember correctly there is an melding item which description says that it might attach an ability, which shortens your load time. I usually got an magic command time boost, when I melded two magic commands with that item. So this logic can be used with the attack command too(I think).

In Villains Vendetta all of the enemies you encounter are bosses, correct? For Aqua, there is a good strategy, which I discovered a while back. I learnt, that Triple Firaga stuns bosses, making them more easier to beat. If you have more than one triple firaga, you can stun the bosses for quite a while. I think even the last Iron Imprisoner can be stunned, but it is quite hard to hit him. Shotlocks are quite powerful also, and I used Prism Rain. I suggest using long range shotlocks, not the ones were you charge at the enemies. I also think you should use long range attacks on most of the bosses, since they move fast.

Also using commands like thunder surge and fire surge are really useful and powerful, since they are strong attacks, and also give you invincibility frames. You can make them even more stronger, if you gain fire boosts etc.. Again I think there is an item which description says that this might boost your power on certain elemental attack. Meld this with commadn like fire and fira and you get abilities like fire boost.

That is about all that comes to my mind right now. Aquas and Ventu`s mobility also gives them some help, but Terra`s dodge is just terrible. I think I`ll try VV (if I can make that far today) with Ventus and share more info, if I acquire some. Hope these tips will give you some help, all thou I know they are basic knowledge. :)


New member
Jan 7, 2015
Realm of Darkness, unfortunately.
Also I would add to have Unison Rush, very powerful with invincibility frames and works great though at the cost of three slots so I would use that, two Curagas, and some fire, thunder, and barrier surges. Normal cartwheel, and if necessary use the final upgrade for Mickey's D-Link. If I remember more, I will say them ^_^.
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