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How's everyone enjoying it?

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D'oh, I missed!
Feb 20, 2014
Somewhere in Castle Figaro...
I ended up getting the collection on the 2nd, but was unable to play at all until the night after thanks to finals. The Re:coded movie was actually really nice for what we got (although I'm still angry that we never got a proper Data Sora vs. Data Roxas and Riku battle (though the latter at least had a second battle in "bugged" form that wasn't too bad).

As for Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix, I had an even easier time than I had on the vanilla version thanks to that extra 50 AP given to you on Day 3. It was smooth sailing until I reached Beast's Castle where I was reminded of my playthroughs as Aqua where I died with just 2 hits. It's better now that I have more competent equipment, although I still stubbornly hold onto the Kingdom Key until I finally get my hands on the Ultima Weapon per tradition.

Birth by Sleep: Final Mix I have yet to play since I want to complete Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix first. Birth by Sleep is my favorite game in the franchise thus far and I want to take my time with it unlike with II where I've skipped most of the cutscenes aside from the ones I always watch and the new ones added into Final Mix.

So, overall, I'm having fun with the collection thus far. :)


New member
Dec 13, 2014
Hey i just beat KH2 Final Mix on critical and in theatre mode I'm missing 2 of them,I know the last one is the secret ending for bbs but I don't know the other. Can someone help??


Anti-SENA Operative
Mar 16, 2013
Hey i just beat KH2 Final Mix on critical and in theatre mode I'm missing 2 of them,I know the last one is the secret ending for bbs but I don't know the other. Can someone help??
It's the cutscene you get for beating Sephiroth


Hope Remains
Oct 28, 2006
United States
I don't know if it's just me, but I'm noticing that I don't feel quite as thrilled as I did when 1.5 came out. I mean I was nostalgic then and I'm nostalgic now, but somehow 1.5 felt more exciting, at least thus far. Now, my guess is that it's because 1.5 had several things going for it. First off, it was the first HD Kingdom Hearts release on PS3. It was the first KH game on consoles in YEARS. And it was KHFM which I'd never played, as well as ReCoM, which I had only ever played the Japanese version and never even beaten Sora's story mode on, so there was a whole lot of "new" for me, not to mention staring at the amazing 1080p graphics for the first time.

With 2.5, the graphics look even better, I'm playing KH2FM (my favorite video game of all time) in English in HD on PS3 yet somehow I'm not jumping for joy. Probably because platinuming 1.5 (thus spending well over 200 hours on the three different titles of the disc) got me very accustomed to the HD graphics, so now 2.5 just looks mostly normal by comparison (however, there have been many moments where I've gasped at how great something looks. But I was doing that almost constantly in 1.5, as opposed to just noticing a handful of things in 2.5). Also, I 100% completed KH2FM on PS2, so I'm not feeling that sense of "newness" with this one. However, I've never played BBSFM, so playing that on CONSOLES in HD is something I can't wait to do. And of course the Re:coded movie is really exciting too.

Don't get me wrong, I'm loving it. I've squealed in excitement several times throughout the game already. It's just that, by comparison to 1.5's release, I don't feel like I'm as crazily, obsessively excited as I should be, you know?


New member
Dec 13, 2014
In Darkness
I'm loving it so far. I've only played KH2 at the moment but I've already completed all the cups. (Did the Hades Paradox Cup in one try, which is a fantastic achievement) I've got all the crown pieces, beaten Sephiroth, got through the cavern of remembrance and Sora is level 95. All that's left to do is beat the data rematches and fight ES


See You Space Cowboy!
Dec 6, 2010
Gotham City
It's hard getting accustomed to the remixed music. I played KH II to death so the new music sounds weird. It's not bad at all, it's just not what my ears were accustomed to listening to.
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New member
May 29, 2013
It could be that leveling up drives seems more of a out of the way convenience (even using them for that matter). Not saying on harder difficulties just in general. When I played the original kh2 I hardly used drives except once when I first got them, when i was trying to get Final Form and when I was trying to level them up for Sephiroth (which would be after I've beaten the game).

Of course that's all opinion and one's way of playing, but I wish that drives could have been implemented better, either through having to use a certain drive form during a battle for some reason or story wise. Like you have to level up drives to cross gaps or whatever to progress through a game. idk, just hope theirs more purpose in wanting to use drives if they are in kh3.


Dear Kafka
Nov 24, 2013
I`m having a blast with this collection! :) Re:Coded was amazing and gave me hope, that the KH`s writing team can produce good dialogue, and transform Sora to a really adorable character.

Most of my time with the collection has been spent for KH2FM and although I was little disappointed that the writing wasn`t really the best of the series, I enjoying the gameplay. I it just so much fun to play on Critical Mode and the system is really polished. The post-game stuff is just so amazing. Cavern of Remambrance was one of the best locations in KH, and the Data Org XIII bosses are fun, but hard.

Also the remastered music is just so good, especially the final version of Darkness of The Unknown. An really epic song.

I have spent nearly 50 hours on KH2FM alone, and I haven`t even started Birth by Sleep: FM yet. This collection was well worth 39 euros.


May 25, 2009
It could be that leveling up drives seems more of a out of the way convenience (even using them for that matter). Not saying on harder difficulties just in general. When I played the original kh2 I hardly used drives except once when I first got them, when i was trying to get Final Form and when I was trying to level them up for Sephiroth (which would be after I've beaten the game).

Of course that's all opinion and one's way of playing, but I wish that drives could have been implemented better, either through having to use a certain drive form during a battle for some reason or story wise. Like you have to level up drives to cross gaps or whatever to progress through a game. idk, just hope theirs more purpose in wanting to use drives if they are in kh3.

Actually in kh2fm they added a side-quest of sorts in Hollow Bastion/Radiant Garden called the Cavern of Remembrance and they designed the platforms so that the only way to make it all the way through is by leveling up all your forms up to at least their third ability level (i.e quick run lvl 3, air dodge lvl 3, and glide lvl 3)

Also the organization 13 mushroom challenges are almost impossible without leveling up wisdom and final form, I remember reading somewhere that they made it like that on purpose so people would actually use wisdom form lmao


Trapped in the Source Filmmaker
Aug 5, 2013
In my room, fighting off the Nightmares
It could be that leveling up drives seems more of a out of the way convenience (even using them for that matter). Not saying on harder difficulties just in general. When I played the original kh2 I hardly used drives except once when I first got them, when i was trying to get Final Form and when I was trying to level them up for Sephiroth (which would be after I've beaten the game).

Of course that's all opinion and one's way of playing, but I wish that drives could have been implemented better, either through having to use a certain drive form during a battle for some reason or story wise. Like you have to level up drives to cross gaps or whatever to progress through a game. idk, just hope theirs more purpose in wanting to use drives if they are in kh3.
Drives have been a godsend for me on Critical Mode. When I run out of ways to heal myself, I usually have a Drive set on 'auto' to save myself.
That is: if I don't mind waiting eons for the little animation to actually finish...

Yeah, it is just one way to play the game. And it could be better. But I think it's not mandatory for normal play just because not everyone thinks about that stuff in battle. I know I didn't as a kid.
I was too busy bludgeoning Heartless and Nobodies with a large metal rod to care about abilities or other nonsense~


Vulpes Chronicler
Aug 8, 2013
I often use Drives just because. Valour Form I tend to save for bosses, but Wisdom Form's good for saving HP, and Master and Final Form are good for groups (even though enemies that appear in groups are terrible at dropping drive orbs for Master Form...). Vanilla KH2 is easy, but I still like to optimize my play. We'll see how that keeps up in Critical Mode.

Not sure where I'm going to use Limit Form. I have trouble remembering Limit Breaks (and Summons) in the first place.

Now D-Links, that's something you'd have trouble convincing me to use during every-day play. The only useful day-to-day property for D-Links, imho, is the free healing.


New member
May 29, 2013
Actually in kh2fm they added a side-quest of sorts in Hollow Bastion/Radiant Garden called the Cavern of Remembrance and they designed the platforms so that the only way to make it all the way through is by leveling up all your forms up to at least their third ability level (i.e quick run lvl 3, air dodge lvl 3, and glide lvl 3)

Also the organization 13 mushroom challenges are almost impossible without leveling up wisdom and final form, I remember reading somewhere that they made it like that on purpose so people would actually use wisdom form lmao

I know about the platforms for Cavern of Remembrance, I'm just talking about regular Kh2. I should have worded that in better.


Silver Member
Sep 8, 2014
I remember having a difficult time wondering how would I get abilities like Dodge Roll, Glide, etc in the original KH2. I didn't know there were ways to level them up. And I guess I was just too used to with the KH1.5 game of seeming to allow the story to hand you the abilities.

I'm actually enjoying learning about this NOW...lol. I really didn't know about it before. My Sora is on level 54, what do I need and where do I need to go to level up these forms? What are my chances to get the Anti-form now?

Also, I haven't synthesis anything! I am playing on beginner mode just to complete the platinum and then I'll do my first ever critical mode to stack any other difficulty trophies.


Vulpes Chronicler
Aug 8, 2013
I'm actually enjoying learning about this NOW...lol. I really didn't know about it before. My Sora is on level 54, what do I need and where do I need to go to level up these forms? What are my chances to get the Anti-form now?

Are you asking for real, or just talking about the questions occurring to you? Just in case you're asking...

Spoiler Spoiler Show

Spoiler Spoiler Show
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Silver Member
Sep 8, 2014
Are you asking for real, or just talking about the questions occurring to you? Just in case you're asking...

just a minute, didn't mean to post

Spoiler Spoiler Show

Like I said, I didn't know about this before. I remember reading once some one said you just go fight the heartless to gain more experience. And I guess the chances of getting an Anti-form is less once you get the Final Form and you have 70% supposedly during a boss fight. I'm not sure. I am more familiar with the first game than what I was in the second game.

So basically, just use the drives against anything, right?


Phantom Gigaplex
Feb 10, 2012
I'm actually enjoying learning about this NOW...lol. I really didn't know about it before. My Sora is on level 54, what do I need and where do I need to go to level up these forms? What are my chances to get the Anti-form now?

You can kind of do it wherever you want basically, but there are some spots that I go to specifically for this. Valor is leveled up by hitting enemies, so one hit = one exp point. Wisdom gains one exp point every time you destroy a Heartless. Master gains exp by collecting drive orbs, the bigger ones are like three points I think. Limit gains one point for performing a limit on an enemy. Final gains one exp point every time you take out a Nobody (pretty sure).

I go to HB/RG to grind for this. Start off at the Postern and just work your way down to the Crystal Fissure. If you're doing Master, go into the Cavern of Remembrance and smack the orbs that give out drive orbs (I don't have glide so I know of only three that are there). There are enemies in this area that drop the larger drive orbs, like the Morning Star and Crimson Jazz. Equip the Sweet Memories Keychain along with the ability that does this (if you have it). I grind for Wisdom here since there are only Heartless and the same goes for Valor and Limit as well. I just go up and down the trails grinding. For the Final Form, go to TWTNW or Twilight Town for the Nobodies.


Silver Member
Sep 8, 2014
You can kind of do it wherever you want basically, but there are some spots that I go to specifically for this. Valor is leveled up by hitting enemies, so one hit = one exp point. Wisdom gains one exp point every time you destroy a Heartless. Master gains exp by collecting drive orbs, the bigger ones are like three points I think. Limit gains one point for performing a limit on an enemy. Final gains one exp point every time you take out a Nobody (pretty sure).

I go to HB/RG to grind for this. Start off at the Postern and just work your way down to the Crystal Fissure. If you're doing Master, go into the Cavern of Remembrance and smack the orbs that give out drive orbs (I don't have glide so I know of only three that are there). There are enemies in this area that drop the larger drive orbs, like the Morning Star and Crimson Jazz. Equip the Sweet Memories Keychain along with the ability that does this (if you have it). I grind for Wisdom here since there are only Heartless and the same goes for Valor and Limit as well. I just go up and down the trails grinding. For the Final Form, go to TWTNW or Twilight Town for the Nobodies.

Thanks for the synopsis there. I still can't believe I didn't bother finding out about this back 8 years ago once the original was released. I still need one more form I just noticed I'm missing and that's the Final Form.


New member
Dec 13, 2014
In Darkness
One thing I did notice, it seems to me that you go into Anti Form a lot more frequently now. During my initial playthrough, I went into Anti Form 11 times with a further 2 more times when completing the data battles and levelling. I'm not sure on the statistics of the counter itself however so perhaps I was driving too often.
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