Too many bosses in KH3 run away from you like complete dickheads. Wanna make a hard boss? Have them counter you after you hit them a set amount of times.
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-Have Riku interacting with Ansem sometime before the final battle. It's weird that they don't speak with each other at all throughout the game.
Heck, both Ansem and Xemnas need extra scenes to better build their last ones.
-Show us what happened with Demyx. Don't just forget about the guy.
-More scenes from all the Org. XIII members in general. I hated how each character just gets sorta forgotten about until the end.
For me, it would be googly eyes.
Like any at all!Should have had more Vanitas and Larxene interactions!
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Have there be a point where you can pick two more party members out of the team at KG to join you before entering Scala, so the final fight can actually have people like Terra or Roxas settling the score with Xehanort alongside an actual honest to god pissed off Sora instead of it being just a supposedly angry Sora and two cartoon characters Xehanort doesn't even bother learning the names of.
and have Scala have a bit of an exploration period and have Kairi be saved there and added to the party please someone just tell square to do it with the potential Final Mix DLC PLEASE
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Have there be a point where you can pick two more party members out of the team at KG to join you before entering Scala, so the final fight can actually have people like Terra or Roxas settling the score with Xehanort alongside an actual honest to god pissed off Sora instead of it being just a supposedly angry Sora and two cartoon characters Xehanort doesn't even bother learning the names of.
and have Scala have a bit of an exploration period and have Kairi be saved there and added to the party please someone just tell square to do it with the potential Final Mix DLC PLEASE
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Kairi can't be revived in Scala cause then Sora wouldn't need to save her and die in her place. That's the whole set up for the next saga
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Have there be a point where you can pick two more party members out of the team at KG to join you before entering Scala, so the final fight can actually have people like Terra or Roxas settling the score with Xehanort alongside an actual honest to god pissed off Sora instead of it being just a supposedly angry Sora and two cartoon characters Xehanort doesn't even bother learning the names of.
and have Scala have a bit of an exploration period and have Kairi be saved there and added to the party please someone just tell square to do it with the potential Final Mix DLC PLEASE
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The final battle should have been more dramatic. For me I felt it was one of the most underwhelming boss sequences in the series
KH1- Ansem multiple phases felt like a big deal. Maybe this was nostalgic but it did feel epic seeing the transformation
KH ReCOM: Marluxia's final form was very cool looking and it feel rewarding
KH2: Facing Xemnas versus Riku/Sora was great. The moment where Riku has to save Sora was great too.
KH Days: Roxas vs Xion was dope and very emotional
KH BBS: I don't even remember most of the end game order but the end game I felt was great with the boss fights
KH 3D: This was a bit underwhelming I admit.
This fight vs Xehanort should have been 7 on 1 with all the heroes of light fighting against Xehanort. Maybe have a sequence where you take control of each hero for a segment of the fight. Just having S/D/G do it did not feel as much emotional.
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I agree that the final fight felt underwhelming when it was just SDG fighting. It would've been cool if at each stage of the fight, one or two of the guardians show up to help until finally everyone does to take the finishing hit. It might've been too crowded if everyone appeared to fight, but they could've at least gotten everyone involved somehow.
COMPLETE EDIT: Oh.oohhhhh man, hate to say it, because choice is always king, but HARD DISAGREE. Donald and Goofy walking tall w/ Sora as they headed towards Xehanort and Scala is one of the most moving sequences in the series.
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I agree that the final fight felt underwhelming when it was just SDG fighting. It would've been cool if at each stage of the fight, one or two of the guardians show up to help until finally everyone does to take the finishing hit. It might've been too crowded if everyone appeared to fight, but they could've at least gotten everyone involved somehow.
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It was mostly the location that threw me off. Throughout the fight I was just expecting ok after this over they will teleport to Keyblade Graveyard to set up the final battle. When it was over I just thought that's it? I was waiting for some big machine or monster or something more epic.
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Instead of Aqua thinking blocking attacks with her face is what good masters do, actually have her be bested by Ansem, and summon a barrier when blocking Vanitas' blast, but since she's tired, either the new barrier flickers off and it goes like it does, or it holds up but the force from the blast pushes Aqua against her big one.
Explain that Aqua (during her walk with SDG to CO) didn't use the Master's Defender in her fight with Ansem because, as it's what needed to transform Castle Oblivion back, if she summoned it, then it could possibly be stolen by someone if she died, like how it stayed when Eraqus did.