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How to defeat Sephiroth in KH!

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New member
Mar 10, 2005
In my game room!
To defeat Spehiroth on KH, you might want to be at least level 40. And have the oblivion( located at hollow bastion) of the ultima weapon. When you fight him, have mp rage, and dodge roll. You have to have these. You might also want to have Curaga but it isn't needed.When he swings his sword, he has a long range, what you have to do is time it right, and dodge rool to the left, passing his right side, and then you have a clear shot of hitting him right in the back.

When he starts to go fast, try to hit him, but heal almost every time he hits you(if playing it on expert). Whe he does sin harvest(when he goes to a corner, stands there, and waves his hand aroun) glide or super glide over to him, and hit him as fast as you can, when youre doing a combo on him, and he dissappeasers, dodge and roll as fast as you can to dodge his reappearence attack. Whe he starts his powers, and there is a glow around him, he will start stronger attacks. When you see a ring of blue power balls( no clue what to call them)jump up so they don't hit you, they will all hit, and nothing will damage you. Then he will go to the middle of the stage.Meateors will be all over the place, and you have to do is heal yourself constantly, he will pause and the meteors will dissappear, and then an explosion will occur, make sure you heal!!!!! he will attack furiously, dodge and roll a lot, and attack whenever possible, sometimes, you have to sacrifice health just to attack him, so heal almost every chance you get, then defeat him.

You will level up every time you defeat him, so don't worry about exp., but you have to fight him alone, so you don't get to see what donald and goofy got.


New member
Apr 18, 2005
this is how to defeat sephiroth :
Wack him a bunch of times, then you wack him some more, then you Wack him a bunch of times, then you wack him some more, then you Wack him a bunch of times, then you wack him some more, then you Wack him a bunch of times, then you wack him some more, then you Wack him a bunch of times, then you wack him some more, then you Wack him a bunch of times, then you wack him some more, then you Wack him a bunch of times, then you wack him some more, then you Wack him a bunch of times, then you wack him some more, then you wack him til he dies

sora unleashed

New member
May 22, 2005
ok dont care what know one say beating sep.at lvl 40 is impossable first of all u will not have enough like to surviv any of his attacks and also your str you wouldnt even scrach him.i have fought with sep.alot and i know lost of ways for him not to hit you but in the battle no matter who u are you will get hit at least once and at lvl his attacks and skills will kill you.i say lvl 55+ is the limits 50 maby but i dont think so.
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