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How Ienzo messes things up.

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Awesome Ansem

New member
May 10, 2007
Ienzo's age seems to add up just fine. I mean, he could be like 7 in that screenshot, right? and like 17 in CoM (as Zexion)? Right?

Also Nomura did state that the game takes place 10 years before KH1, and not that the ending and only the ending takes place 10 years ago.

Nomura: The game is the farthest in the past timeline of Kingdom Hearts, and will take 10 years ago from the KH series. There is a screenshot of two children playing on the beach, and I believe the fans can understand what that means.

Seeing how he said in a recent interview that they do age, I doubt he'd change his mind that quickly.

Uh, dude. Read the op for this thread. That's exactly what I'm suggesting (albeit half the time frame). That would mean that BBS took place earlier than we assumed as 10 years ago, Maleficent took over Radiant Garden. By then the Organization was already established as it was Xemnas that threw AtW out - that means BBS was long since over. That means BBS would have to have taken place over 10 years ago, nearing more the 20 even.

I'm guessing the whole "Xehanort shows up at Hollow Bastion" takes place at the very end, or slightly after, BBS, so I don't see why BBS should take place closer to 20 years ago. Nomura has even said 10 years, he didn't say 15 or 20. As I see it there's nothing wrong with the game taking place 10 years ago, it seems to fit perfectly.

whoops, sorry about the double post.
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i'm nobody
Staff member
Mar 22, 2005
I'd probably cry even more when Zexion gets killed if he was just a nugget using illusion powers.
That'd be really sad. D:

But I doubt that's true. Instead of them pushing back BBS, I think they pushed forward when Maleficent takes over... making everything happen closer to KH1. Sora and Riku are around during BBS, after all, so it can't be THAT far in the past.

Ienzo's age seems to add up just fine. I mean, he could be like 7 in that screenshot, right? and like 17 in CoM (as Zexion)? Right?
That would make sense and all, if Nobodies aged.

Nomura is retconning something. Just what is it?


New member
Nov 25, 2009
Well, we don't know everything about Ienzo..and the whole Famitsu page isn't out for our viewing pleasure yet...We'll have to WAS...Wait And See.

Chrono Mizaki

Aug 19, 2008
Bradford, England
tl;dr: Ienzo likes to be a Shotacon.

Come on, since anything Square-Enix does to Kingdom Hearts is classed as 'servicing the fangirls' from Bishonen to sex-change, Ienzo being a 'shotacon' is pretty much another norm.


Sep 23, 2009
New England
Ienzo could probably grow to be as tall as he was in CoM...because Riku was able to grow pretty tall after CoM.


New member
Mar 16, 2007
I'm assuming he didn't become a heartless until around the beginning of KH1, just because Ansem's apperentices make an appearence in BBS doens't nessecarly mean that they will die and become heartless and nobodies during the game.


Codename: D
Jan 31, 2008
Going to deliver Binks his sake
Ienzo could probably grow to be as tall as he was in CoM...because Riku was able to grow pretty tall after CoM.

Riku was a 15 year old kid who grew up in about a head over a year and that's before getting into the possible complications being possessed by XH and morphing into him constantly could bring.
Ienzo would have to not only grow up in like two heads or so to reach Zexion's height, he'd have to go through some massive growth sprouts. He'd have to effectively double his height. Puberty can only get you that far... assuming, of course, he actually reached it which doesn't seem to be the case with how tiny Ienzo seems to be.

I'm assuming he didn't become a heartless until around the beginning of KH1, just because Ansem's apperentices make an appearence in BBS doens't nessecarly mean that they will die and become heartless and nobodies during the game.

The one who kicked AtW out of Radiant Garden was Xemnas, not Xehanort, so the Org's core was already established a good while before KH1.


spams bombs, not posts
Dec 22, 2007
Growth spurt?

I mean, I do see how your theory might be right, but maybe he aged slower up until the events of BBS, then Ienzo had a growth spurt during the year before they became nobodies. Who knows? Maybe he was actually 13 or 14, but looked younger because he aged slower. Some boys and girls grow a lot slower than most of their peers, but eventually have a significant growth spurt. Maybe, Ienzo was one of them. Also, didn't Sora grow several inches taller between KH1 and KH2?

Wait.. never mind, but he still seems really short as nobody. Isn't he almost the same height as Re: CoM Riku? Sure, that's a bit taller than Ven, but.. ehh.. maybe Ven's a bit shorter than Roxas, despite them being similar and all. It's not like he had to be exactly like Roxas. Wasn't it already said that they're not the same person?

Judging by comparing a picture of Zexion next to Marluxia and Vexen (a scan), I figure that he is about 3/4 or a head shorter than Vexen, so I figure that he grew to around 1.5 times his size, not double his height. Even if a growth spurt's not the case, I figure that his nobody, Zexion, might use his power of illusion to look older so that the other Organization member can take him seriously/ not throw him out or maybe he was ordered to.. lol.. After all, though he might not of had the power back then, as a nobody, he did.
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I'm the darkness within the shadows
Apr 20, 2009
i like it yet i dont ><


New member
Nov 25, 2009
Growth spurt?

I mean, I do see how your theory might be right, but maybe he aged slower up until the events of BBS, then Ienzo had a growth spurt during the year before they became nobodies. Who knows? Maybe he was actually 13 or 14, but looked younger because he aged slower. Some boys and girls grow a lot slower than most of their peers, but eventually have a significant growth spurt. Maybe, Ienzo was one of them. Also, didn't Sora grow several inches taller between KH1 and KH2?

Wait.. never mind, but he still seems really short as nobody. Isn't he almost the same height as Re: CoM Riku? Sure, that's a bit taller than Ven, but.. ehh.. maybe Ven's a bit shorter than Roxas, despite them being similar and all. It's not like he had to be exactly like Roxas. Wasn't it already said that they're not the same person?

Judging by comparing a picture of Zexion next to Marluxia and Vexen (a scan), I figure that he is about 3/4 or a head shorter than Vexen, so I figure that he grew to around 1.5 times his size, not double his height. Even if a growth spurt's not the case, I figure that his nobody, Zexion, might use his power of illusion to look older so that the other Organization member can take him seriously/ not throw him out or maybe he was ordered to.. lol.. After all, though he might not of had the power back then, as a nobody, he did.
Again, this is a valid explanation. Once the page with Ienzo is translated, we'll know more.


Better yet, what if all of the Org members had their abilities/similar abilities before they became Nobodies?
Seeing as how the Org was using Nami to unravel the mysteries surrounding the abilities they had gained as Nobodies, I seriously doubt this.

Maleficent took over HB 9 years before KH1, meaning the apprentices had to become nobodies between the end of BBS and Maleficent's take over of HB, A.K.A over the course of 1 year.

My guess is that Zexion is a special nobody which means he would be able to age.
My guess is that Nomura has either:
A.) Forgotten he said that about Maleficent (it was a speech-bubble scene too, no less)
B.) Is planning on retconning that and making it happen earlier than nine years ago.

I don't see Zexion being a special Nobody. Why should he be when he went through the same exact processes of the other five Nobodies?

Though, it could explain the height differences Zexion has during Re:CoM and KH2:FM+, though, I chock that up more to gameplay reasons than story.


Apr 18, 2009
behind you
Growth spurt?

I mean, I do see how your theory might be right, but maybe he aged slower up until the events of BBS, then Ienzo had a growth spurt during the year before they became nobodies. Who knows? Maybe he was actually 13 or 14, but looked younger because he aged slower. Some boys and girls grow a lot slower than most of their peers, but eventually have a significant growth spurt. Maybe, Ienzo was one of them. Also, didn't Sora grow several inches taller between KH1 and KH2?

Wait.. never mind, but he still seems really short as nobody. Isn't he almost the same height as Re: CoM Riku? Sure, that's a bit taller than Ven, but.. ehh.. maybe Ven's a bit shorter than Roxas, despite them being similar and all. It's not like he had to be exactly like Roxas. Wasn't it already said that they're not the same person?

Judging by comparing a picture of Zexion next to Marluxia and Vexen (a scan), I figure that he is about 3/4 or a head shorter than Vexen, so I figure that he grew to around 1.5 times his size, not double his height. Even if a growth spurt's not the case, I figure that his nobody, Zexion, might use his power of illusion to look older so that the other Organization member can take him seriously/ not throw him out or maybe he was ordered to.. lol.. After all, though he might not of had the power back then, as a nobody, he did.

so far this theory seems the most appealing to me. (all theories are great though)

an example for this (i guess) would be one of my friends. He's 14 but is as tall as a 5th grader.

I can't wait to see the translations of the scans :D


Aug 13, 2008
Atsugi Kanagawa
Nomura screwed up, or the time's between worlds are different. No matter how much you mess around with the time lines nothing adds up correctly.

Ansem the Wise claims Xehanort to be his apprentice some years ago after finding him near deaths door. Having only remembered the name Xehanort he would have had some relation to MX, DS, and TAV. The problem is that it can't be years ago due to the fact that Terra, see's Riku and Sora on Destiny's island who would be around 4 and 5 at the time, and Maleficent took over Radiant Garden a year after BBS in which Xehanort and the apprentices have already plunged into darkness at the time. Also if Zexion was to use the power of illusion to make himself look older, why would he only make himself slightly taller. You can't push back BBS years earlier, otherwise Terra, Aqua, and Ven will have to be younger. In it's entirety BBS would have to be more than 10 years before the events of KH1 to even logically make sense, but even still Terra see's Riku and Sora in a scene in which they only look 4 and 5 making 10 years in the past.

......again nothing adds up?!?!?!?!?!? The only thing more logical here is that Maleficent would have had to taken over Radiant Garden much lesser than 9 years ago. That leaves a lot of space for Xehanorts apprenticeship, not to mention it would solve various moments in which it gives time for characters to age, especially Kairi. Kairi looks much younger in the scene with her Grandmother as compared to the scenes of her in DI.
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Horizon's Knight

Currently [REDACTED]
Jun 22, 2009
SCP Foundation
I'd like to think of the following possibilities coming true:

1) Izeno wasn't any younger, just a bit short for his age. Some people at my school are shorter, but that doesn't mean that they are younger than anyone else. Therefore, Zexion had to use his Illusion powers to make himself taller. Not for the Org. to take him seriously, but rather other people he came across wouldn't find him akward.

2) The Izeno we see in BBS is just an Illusion from normal magic, since Zexion stated in (Re:)CoM he didn't like to get his hands dirty. Since this would just be normal magic, Izeno might have not yet been able to decide the age of an Illusion unlike his powers obtained when becoming Zexion.

3) Although Nomura said BBS took place 10 years before KH1, that just might have been around the time BBS ended (the last year of BBS). After all, Nomura did say the upgrading system was "like growing".

4) Nomura only said that Nobodies don't age to just throw us off from the truth, or changed his mind about that subject.


Aug 13, 2008
Atsugi Kanagawa
I'd like to think of the following possibilities coming true:

1) Izeno wasn't any younger, just a bit short for his age. Some people at my school are shorter, but that doesn't mean that they are younger than anyone else. Therefore, Zexion had to use his Illusion powers to make himself taller. Not for the Org. to take him seriously, but rather other people he came across wouldn't find him akward.

Zexion did not like being in others affairs as seen in CoM, and although he may have taken part in conversations, he always kept to puzzle solving. In my opinion why would he bother to feel awkward about something as frivolous as hieght?

2) The Izeno we see in BBS is just an Illusion from normal magic, since Zexion stated in (Re:)CoM he didn't like to get his hands dirty. Since this would just be normal magic, Izeno might have not yet been able to decide the age of an Illusion unlike his powers obtained when becoming Zexion.

Then we're assuming that Zexion had magic before BBS....? I'm not exactly sure what you just said here...

3) Although Nomura said BBS took place 10 years before KH1, that just might have been around the time BBS ended (the last year of BBS). After all, Nomura did say the upgrading system was "like growing".

Which is 10 years before KH1 (wamp wamp waaaaaaamp)

4) Nomura only said that Nobodies don't age to just throw us off from the truth, or changed his mind about that subject.

He's lied before, but that would be the biggest lie ever.


Re: How Ienzo messes things up

3) Although Nomura said BBS took place 10 years before KH1, that just might have been around the time BBS ended (the last year of BBS). After all, Nomura did say the upgrading system was "like growing".
Seeing as how the upgrading system has been revealed to be just a giant-ass board game, I doubt this greatly.


Bronze Member
Nov 25, 2008
Traveling the World's by Gummi Ship


There is a definite height difference between Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts 2 Kairi. That's only a year difference. I'm sure Zexion could also be 15 and grow just as much as Kairi did.​
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