Problem is that none of those values result in f(x) = 0.EDIT: Scratch that last statement (I forgot to count in fractions, silly me). You want to find the rational zeroes.
To find the possible rational zeros, you take the multiples of constant number (in this case 5) and divide them by the multiples of the leading coefficient (in this case 2)
Which would be +-1,+-5 divided by +-1,+-2
So, we've got:
*You always include both positive and negative options.
Since you are looking for all values of x between [-3,3] that make f(x) = 0, you can eliminate +-5
Plug in the other six and whichever one(s) equal zero is (are) your answer(s)
To find the possible rational zeros, you take the multiples of constant number (in this case 5) and divide them by the multiples of the leading coefficient (in this case 2)
Which would be +-1,+-5 divided by +-1,+-2
According to the paper, yeah. you're saying if I ever want to find the "rational zero" of a function, I do that?
Well why did you choose only one of those terms and how did you choose that term to start your work with?
I'm assuming you chose 2x^5...but why that one? And why would that one lead me to rational zeros?
BTW maybe the problem is wrong, I dunno, but that's what I copied lol.
Not if it's a practice problem set, and the only assignments that count for weighted average grades are actual exams >_>Is'nt this considered as a form of cheating.
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