Square-Enix, as smart as you're trying to sound
I love these kinds of retorts, especially from people using phrases like "I beg to differ"
So public schools and homeschools can be alike... What does that imply?
It doesn't imply
anything. I
told you were describing public schooling. You decided that somehow my observation was incorrect and wanted to "disagree" with it by describing how your homeschooling works, which is exactly like public schooling.
And you did the same thing when I said "Parents with misguided notions teaching their kids is bad". You "begged to differ" and "disagreed" by saying "parents don't homeschool. Schools homeschool."
I was simply a matter of me pointing out that you
were not disagreeing with the statements I made. You changed the subject for each response.
If I were to make a point, why get the same (or similar) education in home schooling, when you could go to public school?
Equating homeschooling with public schooling won't get you anywhere.
you equated them when you typed up,
"Parents aren't necessarily the ones who teach you. For the most part, you're enrolled in a teaching program run by the appropriately educated teachers who grade your completed work. Your parent(s) just get you started when you're a young and unable to educate yourself. You gain more independence as you continue through the school years."
in response to my post (#31).
I pointed it out to you and
you equated them once again in post 40. I then pointed it out in post 41 and I'm still pointing it out in this post.