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Hollow can also mean "Devoid of truth or validity" as well, but im not saying you're wrong, but this also kinda makes sense, maybe like it's full of lies.
Hm...Interesting theory....I guess it would make sense in that respect. You could also say that the actual literal meaning of "Hollow Bastion" is a just a shell with nothing inside.
But why would they have wanted to make Hollow Bastien their stronghold? It makes sense to the point that none of the unknowns actually stated anything close to an HQ.....
I don't think I can even begin to comprehend the ponderings of the Organization. The why questions will certainly be answered when KHII is released. So, sorry I couldn't answer that question. I don't have enough to go on.
this may be stupid but shouldn't Hallow Bastion not evan exsist anymore if I remrmber right one of the princesses of heart said that if the left Hallow Bstion would crumble or fall into darkness. something along those lines