Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
...<.< I'm still stuck in the Pirates world.... and the stupid strategy guide doesn't tell you diddly squat. Well, if you're already at Xemnas, then I guess we can expect and update soon! ^.^
Now I see that there has been no updates. Sheesh, gone for almost a week or more, and yet no update.
Can't blame you, what with all the KH2 madness.
Not very far though. Up to where you go to Agrabah the second time. I feel........unaccomplished, cause normally I would have beaten the game by now.........
The fact that its chalenging is a good thing. And the fact that K_K hasn't updated yet is a bad thing. A very bad thing. I may have to find some way to take revenge in MY fanfic! >=D I hereby invite all of you to read 'Forsaken Memories' by yours truely! Update NOW Krazy!
Another thing I have to put up with over spring break is that I have to explain to people how Chain of Memories matters(It does!). I was shocked about the pronunciation of Namine', I actuallly pronounced it as something else before playing the game.
... That had better not be true. If that's the real update and you are not just taunting us you had better skip the country. I'm not kidding, you are one evil little chick. Update properly, please! We are sorry for constantly bugging you but there is no need to be spitefull!
Lol, I can't we can't blame you for writing that, Krazy, considering the fact we bug you too much! Lol (I defeated the game and defeated that damned ba****d Xenmas... And Sephiroth! =^_^=)
.... Dang I though I put that in white... .... .... I feel tired today, hope you eventually update Kaze_Krazy! (I have a bad habit of using people's full names on the interenet that they refer to themselves...)