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Fanfiction ► ~*Holding Out For A Hero*~(Sequel to AiL)

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Vampire Fish
Jan 1, 2005
Fleet Street
If we trusted Sora with a firearm, the world would face certain doom, at least Dark has some experience with firearms...besides Dark wouldn't wouldn't drop the gun and scream, "OMICLOUD I BROKE A NAIL!" like a certain sky named boy...

This would most likely be Sora's reaction, to being handed a firearm: http://fanartcentral.net/pic-40337.html

I rest my case. >_>


May 1, 2005
Wonderland. We're all mad here! :D
Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return; to obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is Alchemy's first law of Equivilent Exchange.

For all that I've lost, I haven't gained a single thing back; for in less than twenty-four hours, I had gained love, and lost it. After that, nothing could ever be the same again.

There's just too much that time cannot erase.​


I was still attempting to lift the ... shotgun ... thing in the cover of some ... alien ferns, when I heard a pained cry from the line of fire. Turning abruptly, I spied Ketso kneeling down in the middle of the marines', the ... 'Flood''s, according to Matthew, and the Covenent's crossfire; the emerald-eyed blonde was grasping his leg like he had been shot.

That took longer than I had wanted to sink into my brain.

Dunno 'bout you, but the last person I saw that got shot - *coughLeocough* - did not turn out so well. He died. Of course. As he always does.

If he wasn't so damn good at it, maybe everyone would stop killing him...

I slung the shotgun over my shoulder, grasping an assault rifle tightly in my hands in its place. "I'm not losing him... Not the both of them..." I abruptly whipped my head around to face Aozora.

"Cover me." I demanded seriously, willing the oncoming tears to stay back.

"What?" He said slowly, startled by my request.

"JUST SHOOT ANYTHING THAT SHOOTS AT ME!!" I shouted at him, scrambling out from under the ferns toward Ketso.

"Megan! GET BACK HERE!!" Aozora shouted in alarm, reaching a hand out towards me futily(But spelled right...).

I ignored the blonde calling out to me, instead charging towards the fallen form of Ketso; he wouldn't leave me, again. Not... again... I just- ... If I'm not Myra, why do I feel like this with Ketso...? It doesn't... make any sense...

I guess I should know by now that nothing makes sense anymore.

Without a first thought for the consequences of charging straight towards the enemy, full-force, my brain strained to remember what Amme had rambled on about on... AIM... for the guns that she had shot. Through the Halo-related chaos, my mind was swimming violently, almost grasping what she had told me.

'At the end of the barrel, there are two short, little spikes, with a smaller one in the middle. The post.'

I checked the ash black assault rifle gracing me hands. Yep. Even I knew what the barrel was. Made it a lil' easier to locate the post. Just a bit. End sarcasm.

'You position the gun so it digs into the spot between your collar bone and your shoulder, just underneath it. You tilt your head down, close one eye, and look through the two spikes. The post is where're you're shooting.'

I didn't have to attempt to remember her words any longer; Amme's voice echoed and vibrated off the walls of my mind, making it less difficult to just shoot those pale, miniscule ... things coming towards me. Just as Amme mentally advised me, I maneuvered the assault rifle to my shoulder, allowing it to dig into 'below the spot between my collar bone and my shoulder', ignoring the slight pain that came with the position. Peering through the two spikes at the edge of the assault rifle, I spied the "Flood" Matthew had ranted about so many times before. They were coming in enormous numbers... Waves of them, even.

Hence the name, I suppose.

'Aim for the spot right on the tip of the post. You breathe in before aiming. You hold that breath as you aim, and keep holding it as you fire. After you fire, you breathe out, but do NOT move for another moment after the bullet is fired.'

Oh, great. I have to hold my breath. >.>; I've seen what's-her-face shoot a gun on True Lies, and it wasn't pretty. Gun went flying down the stairs. Rolling, even! And yet, she still shot everyone. And killed them. Then the Governator finished off the ones you thought were dead but weren't. So if the recoil messes with me, I'll still have a chance of not-dying.

A very, very slim chance.

Taking a swift breath, - though it quivered a bit in my throat - I actually remembered to release the safety. Thank goodness for knowing nothing about guns. ^-^

Amme, do assault rifles have a safety?


...Is that a yes?

Krazy ... all guns have a safety.

Oh. I knew that.

Still holding my breath, I aimed at the pale monsters coming at me before carefully tapping the trigger in small bursts, slowly and instinctively backing away from the approaching Flood. I contined my insane button-smashing of the assault rifle's trigger, half-wondering how much ammo it had. Hell, I didn't know how to reload it...
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Darkrooms and safelights
Mar 19, 2005
Sitting inside the viewfinder of a camera, watchin
Aw, Krazy, you retained! =D I'm so proud of you. xD

Umm ... you need ammo to reload ... and you gotta take the clip out ... and stick the bullets back in ... and ... there has to be an easier way to that. >.<

I found it endlessly entertaining that you're making your way to Ketso wtih nothing but what I've told you. `=D

Don't die. xD

And don't let Ketso die ... again, because the boy might as well start paying the afterlife rent by now.


Darkrooms and safelights
Mar 19, 2005
Sitting inside the viewfinder of a camera, watchin
I don't think Krazy appreciates the shooting part of rescuing Ketso. xD

Stupid little death-cheating soccer-mom wannabe ... Ketso is practically invulnerable to death at this point. <_<

He's just good at it! =D

He's supposed to die and stay dead ... though it's satisfying to see him with a gunshot wound to the leg. ^_^

Stop being sadistic when it comes to my brother-in-law. <.<

Stop breathing. <_< I helped you today. Now go update your stupid story and leave me alone.

Fine. I wanna shoot an AR-15 again now though. D=
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