Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return; to obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is Alchemy's first law of Equivilent Exchange.
For all that I've lost, I haven't gained a single thing back; for in less than twenty-four hours, I had gained love, and lost it. After that, nothing could ever be the same again.
There's just too much that time cannot erase.
After watching the awesome G.I. Jane, I am filled with inspiration. *huggles Kazeki* <3
I just... can't believe it ... I'm actually making this world. Silver .... I blame you. >.>;
Leaving the bewildered Ketso behind, I traversed through the train's halls, calling out Megan's name and listening carefully for her sobs that were no doubt emitting from her. I finally found the brunette, curled up in a ball on one of the seats. I frowned deeply; all this for Kaze? Cloud, she half makes me want to try and bring him back again. But I didn't need to lose any more important apendages, thank you.
"Megan?" I asked after having an inner battle with myself about talking to her or not.
[Hah. Short Aozora ness. >D]
I took the time to notice he sounded like a mixture of Ketso and Sora. Weird. "What...?" I responded through sobs, uncurling from my current position and hurriedly wiping my tears away with the back of my hand.
"I wanted to make sure you didn't go off and kill yourself, "Aozora joked, taking a seat next to me and trying to lift the mood.
I'm already dead, though...
I smiled a little at him, despite this thought, "So, where are we goin'?"
"...Ok, "I started after Ketso gave me a detailed description of this 'Halo' place, " so lemme get this straight... We're going to-"
"WHERE?!" Came Megan's shout from some cars away.
Ketso and I blinked uncomprehendingly in the direction of her voice, wondering what she was yelling about now.
CHIEF?!" We heard the brunette shriek.
...Guess she knew what Halo was. And she apparently didn't like it.
Can I come out when we get there?! I'VE BEEN IMAGINING YOU WITH A GUN AND IT'S NOT PRETTY.
...Fine. >.>;
~To Halo!

... ;-;-;~
"Tell Sora I hate him and his crappy flying skills, Dark," I muttered to the PHP beside me.
"He says he wasn't even flying and that you should blame Riku for being here. And that you were on the train. And not flying," Dark replied casually, carryng an assault rifle in his hands with a sniper rifle slung over his shoulder.
"It makes me feel better inside to blame him, " I mumbled under my breath, glaring at the ground before me as if it were Sora.
We were currently lost in some jungle on Halo. And I didn't even WANT to know what those sounds were... The sounds... coming from all around us... o.< We had found some guns near where the train had left us on this ring-like world, and the shotgun I held in my arms did not like me. At all.
"What was that?!" Aozora whispered feircely as the sounds rang out again. It was like rustling... in the bushes... I couldn't be sure.
"What the hell makes you think I know?!" I whispered back with an eye twitch.
As the ...rustlings ceased, I grasped Ketso's hand beside me; Aozora spewed on cue along with Sora. Or at least that's what Dark claimed later. My apparent 'son' looked disgusted at Ketso and mine's public display of affection, and he was able to raise his voice again; the sounds seemed more distant than before. It was safe to scold.
"Would you stop with the ... lurve?!" Aozora's eye twitched.
There was a pause, then an answering shout, "AOZOREE!?!?!!?"
I blinked. Ketso blinked. Dark blinked. "Aozoree" blinked, then the blonde put his head in his hands, sighing deeply, muttering under his breath:
"It sounds like a pet name! ;-; Even Rhea wouldn't-"
Before we could find the origin of this shout, - though I had a good idea of who yelled out Aozora's apparent pet name - or before I could eavesdrop on who Rhea was, there were grunts and ramblings in an alien tongue, and purple needle-like ... THINGS whizzed past my head, nailing themselves to a tree behind us. The tree's bark promptly exploded, and my eye twitched.
Aozora quickly covered my mouth, 'ssh'ing me quietly. I blinked up at him with a blank expression, removing his hand from my mouth and scowling at the blonde, "You spit on me, " I hissed.
"I blame you."
D: I don't spit! When I try... >.>;