Aw, Krazy I knew you were home from school today! ;_; I was too, obviously, but I had to leave at 7- well, 4 A.M., your time. But I signed into MSN and put up my away message so you would see I was there and would be back. Unfortunately, I had to go back to the hospital for a surprise test while we were on the road, and we made a U-turn and I just got home now. *sigh* I was so mad I couldn't be here sooner, 'cause I knew you'd be on.
Anyway, GET ON NOW! I'M TIRED OF BEING BORED! ;_; And I haven't gotten to talk to you in a week!
I tried to post earlier, but long story short, I couldn't. So, either way YAY FOR UPDATING! : D Nice to see Heart of the Ocean there. Great use for the necklace. WAY BETTER THAN AT THE BOTTOM OF THE FREAKIN' ATLANTIC, ROSE! D=<
I want to see Aozora! ;_; I'm tired of being patient! Amme says that totally negates my effort on being patient. <.< Whatever.
Aozora, I was patient for a WHOLE YEAR. <.< And now I'm there to see you, so you better not pout at me.
No matter how adorable it is. =D
Rhea's been a little stressed ever since Allecto pulled out some of her wing feathers. 9_9