Sure gun blade girl we can be friends.
And no you will not Mel!
Cuz I'm putting up the new chappie now. ^-^
And sorry guys its a short one, but the next one is longer!
And it has a BIG surprise.
And Mel('princessofheart) doesn't know what it is! (Just pretend with me here, ok? -.- LoL)
Ok she does, but i need someones opinion on the chappies before i put them up.
Anyone wanna take her job? LoL :nahnah:
So ummmmmm i have nothing else to say - Here's chapter 3!
Chapter 3 ~ Another Rewrite
Riku turned around to find Namine standing right behind him.
“Namine,” Riku said relieved, “you’re here.”
“I live here,” Namine replied, “What are you doing here?”
“You better sit down for this.” Riku replied gesturing toward Namine’s room.
Namine smiled and walked forward. She knew what Riku was going to ask, and she didn’t ant to do it.
Can you help me? I need you to change something? Nah, nah, nah, Namine thought mocking Riku. She didn’t like what she originally did. Why would or should she do something else again. She missed Roxas, and she didn’t like doing this to Kairi. Namine sighed and opened the door. She let Riku through, and then closed the door behind her. She walked to her seat and waited for Riku to say something.
Riku sat there silent for a moment and then started to explain. When he was done Namine shook her head. She was right, Riku asked exactly what she thought he would.
“No.” Namine said
“What?!” Riku replied shocked. Namine could tell form the tone of his voice that she just hurt him, but she didn’t care. She was right, and he was wrong. Period.
“No” Namine said louder this time
“What?!” Riku yelled, “I need you to do this! If you don’t Kairi will remember!”
“So!” Namine screamed at him, “ Do you even know what this is doing to everyone around you?! It’s not like your just messing around with your life here! You’re messing around with Kairi’s, Roxas’, Sora’s and mine! I refuse to be your puppet!”
Riku got up, and started walking toward the door.
“Just this one last time? Please Namine?” Riku pleaded right before he left.
Namine scoffed.
“I swear Riku if you ever ask me again I will make your life a living hell.” Namine replied getting up and grabbing her sketchbook. She was not happy right now, and Riku wasn’t going to get her more set off.
Riku knew it was wrong of him to ask in the first place, but he was desperate. He didn’t want to lose Kairi. That’s what he’s doing this for, or is he?
Namine slowly rewrote Kairi’s dream. When she was done she looked up and gave Riku the death glare.
“Done” Namine said coldly
“Thank you” Riku replied as he left.
Everything’s going to be ok now. Everything’s going to be ok, Riku thought as he headed back to Destiny Islands,
It’s ok.