Is this better? I made the doves more promenent, and lessened the opacity on the stars. I just didn't fix the red because when I made it darker, it went maroon, which really didn't look nice :xI would try getting rid of some of the star textures and making the doves pop more. Also the red lighten on his head is a little to bright compared to everything else.
The white behind his head on the right side came with the stock, I tried to fix it, but it just didn't look right :cThe colors are what i like in this,mostly.The right side to his head has a white background that looks weird as if it's not part of the tag(too much lightning,perhaps).The birds are definitely a good idea making less empty space all around.
I always require the assistance of the goog's when it comes to finding bird brushes >u<i reaaaaaaaally like this ._.
gurrrl where u get your brushes
those lyrics are not sweet, adorable, and/or cuteI like the bright red coloring, I think its pretty
How bout these lyrics:
Life is good
everything is just fine
im so sure of my rhymes
i could sacrafice a line:
nana nanana nanananananan!