You have just been successfully trolled by Hokage and his network of friends. How does this feel?
Let me guess...
Let me guess...

You have just been successfully trolled by Hokage and his network of friends. How does this feel?
Let me guess...
p.s. we have no idea how to fix that virus thing
Fuckin niggas
I can say nigga im black, its our wordis this a bannable offense
can i get a second ref on this guys
Fuckin niggas
I can say nigga im black, its our word
lollol yea silly niggas and the even sillier people they trick.
Yes because being a nigga allows yu to say the word. He's probably lyin and he's austrlian.
Yes because being a nigga allows yu to say the word. He's probably lyin and he's austrlian.
Yes because being a nigga allows yu to say the word. He's probably lyin and he's austrlian.