U Ultima Kid New member Joined Mar 5, 2006 Messages 51 Age 35 Location Destiny Islands....of Hawaii =p Apr 22, 2006 #1 How can you tell the percentage of completion for jiminys journal? like where can i find the percent?
How can you tell the percentage of completion for jiminys journal? like where can i find the percent?
Vin Bronze Member Joined Feb 3, 2006 Messages 2,005 Awards 4 Location NJ Apr 22, 2006 #2 idk i was always wondering that i think after the credits roll in the battle report
I inhiding Guest Apr 22, 2006 #3 Correct. Along with the battle report after the credits, it tells you there.
T Trimmblade New member Joined Apr 20, 2006 Messages 70 Apr 22, 2006 #4 You can find it after you beat the game, in the Battle Report that appears after the credits. It's the second one from the top.
You can find it after you beat the game, in the Battle Report that appears after the credits. It's the second one from the top.