I know most of you guys have beaten the game hundreds of times but Im stuck on Malifecent. If some one could give me some helpfull hints to takeing the big bad dragon down I would most appreciate it.
BlackDeath said:In this battle you should cast the wind spell for protection against the dragon's fire breath. The only special attacks you should use are Arc Aracanda ( use this when the dragon's head is in close range) and Strike Raid( use this when the dragon's head is to far to attack). Only heal when your really far from the dragon. Because if you are not, the dragon will hit you with it's tail. Try not to do summonings with low heath. Because the dragon will kill you really quicky,an also there wouldn't be anyone to heal you.
I mit as well help you with your next battle, witch is against Dark Riku. Before you go in battle, you should have these equip to Sore: Guard, CounterStrike, Arc Aracanda,Glide, and the Olympus Keyblade. In the battle, Dark Riku is very vicious. They only attack you should watch out is Dark Aura. This attack causes Dark Riku to dash across the screen many times and then he pops up in the center of the field and his you with many lighting bolts. You should also watch out for an attack called "Shadows Of Oblivion!" All this does is increases all of Dark Riku's attacks by a lot!
I hope my infomation will help you beating the game. If you need more help, just ask me!