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Help Getting Coins from KHX for KHUX

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New member
Aug 21, 2016
I'm starting KHX to get ultimate cards and selling them off for special coins to unlock all the nodes on the KHUX boards.

The KHInsider Twitter retweeted someone who in who days unlocked almost of all one board in two days (the one with Magic Terra).

I was wondering what is the most efficiently way to get the most ultimate cards and therefore, coins, to transfer to KHUX? I'm not sure if a guide has already been posted but if it has, sorry in advance.

Thanks a bunch!


New member
Aug 13, 2016
i'm making new account for special gold coin purpose. glad i haven't linked my old KH X account to UX. i can give you pointers but that depends on whether you want to stay till KH X over (chances you might get more special coin from further update) or simply get some for several premiums on UX. in the end the gold coin you get will depend on how many key arts you can pull during raise draw and how many mog medals you can get.

1. personally, i'd say not to linked your account until you're satisfied or sure about the result. chances that you might screwed up. i hope you don't though.

2. find party. they might help you with guilt target. if you got it cleared, that's whooping 28k mog medals.

3. clear story mode ASAP, continue as much as you can if you got defeated, you will get kupo fruits and raise draw tickets for clearing story. use them to get SR+ key arts. it will help you get the gist of how many SR+ yen sid and orbs you need to ultimise your key arts.

4. depending on which type (PWR,SPD,MAG) you got the most from draw, focus on specific keyblade with cards type you have the most. i suggest pick one of three basic keyblade. don't use mog of glory. you won't reach +50 and the materials are pricey. (this is important if you plan to play till the end of KH X)

5. Buy SR+ coins and trade them for SR+ key arts only. buy type cards that match with your deck/keyblade. always check how many SR+ coins needed for that card. if you already have that card, you'll need more coins for that extra copy. if that happens, don't trade. check other key arts and trade those for 90/100 SR+ coins.

6. based on how much you get SR+ key art (hope your RNG is good), buy SR+ yen sid and orbs from mog trade. ultimised your key arts.
7a. if you plan to stop here, you can link your account then sell all your ultimised cards.

7b. why stop now? let's stay with KH X till the end (;_;). you can link your account but sell only spares ultimate card (beside those in your deck),if you have any.

*you can also buy ULT mog , ultimised it and gain 1 special coin. if you have SR+ cards (not key arts) you can also sell them for 1 special coin after you ultimised them. also you can buy SR yen sid , fuse them with any SR you have until it becomes High Purity. then sell it for 1 SR+ coin. then pile up SR+ coins to buy another key art.

so far with my new account, i can only have maximum of 113 gold coin (i could get 6 more coins but screwed up and lost 70 SR+ coins for 2 tifa SR+ ahaha) but it can increase whether i could draw more key arts or gain more SR+ yen sid.
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New member
Oct 22, 2009
how would you link your account and about the selling them... is it in the pc one or the mobile one? i also want to get the most out of this, also what key arts will be sellable ? if there is some wiki or guide posted please link because i rather not spam this thread with non stop question


New member
Aug 13, 2016
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