Logan strode towards his cabin, parting ways with Lena. He had brightened up to the idea of meeting his cabin-mate; it could possibly turn out to be a positive experience. At least, he hoped so. Suddenly, a voice emerged from behind him, breaking the placid silence Logan had grown to, a voice that was but too familiar to him. “But! How could you leave me!? What if I dieeeee!”
A devil she was. “What if I get run over by a bus! It rolls down the hill and bam. I’m dead. Or worse!? What if a giant lizard is in my room and tries to eat me thinking I’m lunch?!” Logan smacked his palm against his forehead, slowly dredging his hand downwards as each and every of her words seeped into the air. She was a vile prankster, something Logan knew he held credibility for. He continued walking, hoping to escape the awkward moment Lena had created for his torment.
[FONT="]“If I die, I’m leaving you personally responsible! For letting a poor, innocent, naïve little clumsy girl like me go through the streets alone!” People stared, some laughed. Logan stopped in place, surprised how long she had stretched out her devilish prank. He turned around, content to see that she had begun walking away towards her cabin. Her hips swayed from left to right, and Logan found himself staring at her bum for several seconds. He blinked repeatedly, breaking himself from his self-inflicted adoration. Logan swung around, returning to his original course. At last, he stood at the threshold of his living arrangement. The cabin read ‘Woodsboro’. “This is it,” Logan murmured. He opened the door to the cabin, and entered. A boy stood before him, his things seemingly unpacked and put into place. Logan stripped himself of his sports bag, launching it off to the side somewhere. His eyes wandered the cabin’s interior, before setting back onto the boy. Logan slanted his head to the right, scratching underneath his chin plainly. “Hey,” Logan said, offering a simple greeting to the boy. He then walked over to the bed, planting himself onto the bottom bunk. “So, you’ve got everything set in?” [/FONT]