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Heartsent: [A Romance RP]

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Deleted member 74488

Lena smiled to herself. She knew she would have won this battle at least for now. She really was hoping this holiday as she liked to call it would be a good one..it would be good to get a break from her mother...she was already worrying about her...Sighing to herself she stared off into space until his words drew her back to reality. She knew he really didn't care.

“Who’s your room-mate, anyways?”

She looked around at the people who where still in the theatre.

"Some girl named, I quote, Siam..."

She grinned lightly.

"Not a name i've heard before. What about you? Whats the persons name?"

She started to move outside as the words escaped her lips...it would of seemed like they would have been the only ones left inside the theatre if she had not.


Call me Love, love.
Jun 5, 2008
It was more difficult then she had expected. The cabin said on the list that it was number one, though every cabin Bailee had arrived at were not the on she was looking for. Finally, after awhile of wondering the camp site, Bailee managed to find a sign pointing in the direction of her cabin. By this time, her cabin mate would already be there waiting to meet her.

Sighing, Bailee dragged her bag behind her walking up the mall path towards her cabin. The place was rather large, a fact that pleased Bailee in the least. Large areas mean more hide away holes she can find and sit in for hours by herself, just the way she preferred it.

Bailee heard a twig crack behind her, but passed it off as she continued on her way. However, mere seconds later two arms tightly locked around Bailee's shoulders, resulting in quick terrified gasp to leave her pale white lips.

Suddenly, the voice began to speak almost instantly after the unexpected impact. .” Hiya! Are you Bailee Hail? I was wondering because I see you’re heading the same way I am.” she gushed eagerly. Before giving Bailee a moment to speak, she continued. “Oh silly me! Where are my manners? My name’s Sable Hartwell.” She said while beaming her bright smile.

Bailee felt her heart race, once more, in her chest. This time, she knew it was coming. "Breath in, breath out. Breath in, breath out.” She silently chanted in her head, bidding the anxiety attack away.

Taking a few moments to recover, Bailee finally opened her mouth to speak. "Unfortunately." She answered, noticing the physical contact between her and Sable never changed. Her face resembled her fear to the sudden contact, and urged it to go away. If she were to complete her parents wishes, she would have to try her very best.

"I-it's nice to meet you, Sable."


New member
Apr 24, 2009
His words seem to have had awakened her from sort of day-dreaming trance. She promptly responded, “Some girl named, I quote, Siam…” Logan rose his eyebrow at the name, and noticed her smile. “Not a name I’ve heard before.” The name was about as alien to him as it was to her. Her smile faded away, though Logan pondered where she drew all her happiness from to begin with.

What about you? What’s the person’s name?” Logan paused for a second, lifting his flier to take a second glance it. “Seth Jones,” he said, reading directly from the flier print. He averted his eyes from the flier to find that Lena had begun walking towards the entrance of the theater. “His name’s Seth Jones. And where are you going?” He followed after her, reaching her within seconds. Logan glanced about, realizing they were still within the theater. “Oh, right.”


Bronze Member
Dec 29, 2007
Alyx pulled into the lot of Camp Crestfield and got out of the car. Her father got out and helped her with her luggage. She smiled. "Dad, it's cool....I can handle it." Alyx's father was Benjamin Willow, a well known attorney and a real hard-ass. But when it came to his little girl, he was a complete softie. Alyx's mother stayed behind to finish some work. "Well Dad. I'm ready to go." She wrapped her arms around him. "Alright sweetie, I'll miss you..." And with that Alyx walked into the camp. As she entered she received a flyer which she didn't bother to look at right away.

A meeting was set to introduce everyone to the camp. The head of the camp spoke. “Today, is the first day of what will be a fun and unforgettable adventure for you. Hopefully, on your journey here you’ll make new friends and learn many things. It always thrills me to see more and more of you outstanding young people come to Camp Crestfield. And I must say it will be my pleasure to see you grow from this experience. Thank you. Now here’s one of our head counselors to tell you about the cabin arrangements.” Alyx watched as a lady came onstage and told them about their cabins and how the camp was set up. And that their cabin assignments were on th flyer they received.

Alyxandra Willow- Marner.

So Alyx was in Marner, interesting name for a cabin. She also saw that another girl had Marner next to her name. Dusk Lily Rowan. Well that's a mouthful. Alyx got up and made her way to Marner, hopefully she'd find it first. Justso she couldsether things up and look around for a bit.

After a couple minutes of searching Alyx finally found a cabin with Marner on the outside. It was actually nice, there was a small stream behind her cabin and lots of trees. Alyx thought that this might not be so bad after all. Once she unlocked the door and entered the room she put her things down and sat on a bed next to a window. Alyx decided to unpack later, for now she would wait for her roomate.....


I take a potato chip and EAT IT!
Mar 14, 2006
Eating Rosebud Frozen Green Peas. Full of Country
"Yeah, my mom is nutso about it. And I'm not. But she doesn't know that, so." The other boy explained about the bible thing as well. Now Shane wasn't exactly an atheist and wasn't exactly a Christian, he just somewhere in between so he considered the bible to be no more then a book that can used how you wish. Even if he thought that the hardback bibles were really awesome because it just felt like you were reading out of a spell book or something like that. From looking at the bible though, it seemed to be a paper cover so Shane didn't care about what had happened.

"Anywhoo. Yeah, I'm Cody. Nothing special I s'pose. Just really weird." Shane chuckled a bit at the strange faces he was making that seemed out of random, but who knows they could have been intentional. After simple first greetings, Shane walked back to his bed and sat down. Immediately on impact the bed had fallen all the way to the floor and he seemed to somersault backwards into the wall trying to keep his balance. He smacked his head against the wall and tried and moved his head around trying to keep himself up. As he recovered, he just said: "What the hell just happened?" Well it looked like his bed was not going to be the greatest, at least size wise. After the pain in the back of his head seemed to cease, he quickly fixed up the rough spots in his hair so it looked like nothing happened.

"Geez, summer camp beds, am I right?" He said with a grin on his face as he stared up at his cabin mate. "So I'm pretty much a big music junkie, so my first immediate question to you is what kind of music do you listen to?"

Endless Warrior Sora

Return of the Kid
May 9, 2005
Somewhere in between
Seth slowly inched his way into the cabin, studying it a bit. It seemed to have everything neccessary. A bathroom, beds, closets for luggage. He's never been to a place like this. Apparently this Logan person wasn't here yet because there was absolutely no trace of him. But that was okay, he guessed. More time to get himself unsettled. Seth took in a deep sigh.

"Now you're going away for sometime Seth, to a place called Camp Crestfield."
"Camp...Crestfield? Why? I'd rather stay here and help you."
"Now you know I can handle it. Just go check it out. Make sure you call and write regularly, okay?"
"I don't get it, you need all the help you can get since dad left and now you wanna-"
"No disscussions Seth, I've made up my mind."

Seth's bag's dropped on his foot, slapping him out of his memorial trance. Seething, he pointed to the bag.
"You're a bad bag, you jerk." He muttered to it, then gave a smile as he began unpacking. He threw it in the closet. "You're going to jail mister." He joked, and began his work.


Big Boss
Jul 27, 2006
Kai ordered his chauffeur to stop his limo a good distance away from the camp entrance, he didn't want to be the oddity just yet. Despite protests from William, his personal butler, Kai didn't agree. William had taken care of Kai for as long as he could remember, he was the closest thing to a parent Kai had. A rather aged man in his fifties, William was perhaps the the only person alive who truly knew Kai. He used the word alive because of his music teacher who had known him best. Kai began unloading his bags but this too met a barrage of protests from William who insisted the chauffeur do it. But William knew Kai preferred to do his tasks himself and so quickly hushed up. In fact there wasn't much to unpack, all Kai had bought along was a bag of clothes and his violin. Although when packing his father advised him, over the phone off course, to take along luxuries such as a portable refrigerators. It was an offer Kai bluntly rejected. Kai chose camp crestfield of his own random selection, he despised being in a high society camp surrounded by spoiled rich kids boasting about the countless mansions they owned.

"Well I guess this is it." He looked towards William while holding the few possessions he had. "Don't worry about me I'll take care of myself."

"Sir, do you really want to walk all that way to the camp? Wouldn't it be convenient if we drove you the remaining distance?" William tried his final attempt at convincing Kai.

"It would be convenient but you don't get it, do you? I cant just wallop onto the entrance with this million dollar car and not expect people to act strange." Kai rebutted. William remained silent, it was decided, Kai had won this one.

Kai began to walk the remaining distance to camp when he heard William yell to him from behind.

"Your parents wanted to come drop you off but they just couldn't get away from the business trip in Japan!"

Kai kept on walking as he raised a hand to show he understood. But they both knew, It was a sorry lie. A lie oft repeated to him during the seventeen years of his existence.

Much to Kai's surprise, he saw the camp gates loom ahead of him in a short enough time. He looked enviously at the countless campers being dropped by their parents as their mothers strangled them in a hug. He went through and found a seat as the head of camp delivered his speech. When the notices were being distributed, he looked at his.

Cabin #4- Stone

He smiled a bit, what a perfect metaphor for his heart.


When in doubt: C4.
Feb 24, 2008
Dusk found the cabin labeled "Marner" and walked in. A girl was already there, and it looked like she was already unpacked.

"Umm...Hi," Dusk said quietly. "I'm guessing that you're Alyxandra Willow? I'm Dusk Lilly Rowan, but just Dusk, please."

Dusk carried her bag over to the remaining bed and sat down for a minute, brooding. She then lifted the light bag up onto the bed and opened it, taking out her small white tiger stuffed animal and placing it beside her pillow. She stroked its head a few time then went back to her bag and unpacked everything else. There wasn't much there...

Ashes Remnant

It's All Crazy! It's All False!
Sep 10, 2005
Cody was innocently turning away when the boy fell through the bed. He had absolutely nothing to do with it. Really. Nothing at all. TOTALLY innocent.

"So I'm pretty much a big music junkie, so my first immediate question to you is what kind of music do you listen to?"

"Oh, that's cool." Cody sat cross-legged, and perked up. He smiled big. "I like heavier stuff. Especially blasphemous things." His eyes got wider on the big words. "Avenged Sevenfold, Marilyn Manson.." Even though he only listed two things, he held up a finger for each one.

He jumped up from his position on the bed, stretched, Then looked over at his cabinmate, whose name he had forgotten. "So. What the hell are we supposed to do?"


I take a potato chip and EAT IT!
Mar 14, 2006
Eating Rosebud Frozen Green Peas. Full of Country
"I like heavier stuff. Especially blasphemous things." Shane smiled as he said that. 'Hell yeah' Shane thought. He loved blasphemous things and such. "Avenged Sevenfold, Marilyn Manson.." The other boy said for examples. Shane smiled again and flipped his hair a bit.

"Yeah, Manson is pretty great, not a huge fan of Avenged but they are ok. My tastes go from certain soft rock all the way to Blackened Death Metal. I love certain bands such as God Dethroned and Impaled Nazarene and Behemoth. They just have a certain charm to them. Goatwhore is pretty good too. I like the whole Occult and Satanic rock it's interesting. I could talk about this stuff for like hours, but I would just bore you most likely. Probably already have." Shane chuckled slightly after he made that remark. He had a knack for keeping people interested sometimes and a knack for boring people to death other times.

He stared up at his cabinmate as he stood up and started to stretch his body out. He looked down at the wooden ground for a moment until he heard words: "So. What the hell are we supposed to do?" Shane thought for a moment what they were supposed to be doing. "Well I guess we could be doing anything right about now, there are no limits. We could just look around or we could start to greet ourselves to new people...hmm...I'll probably choose the latter when I leave the cabin."

Deleted member 74488

She watched as Logan made his way towards her within seconds. He had always been much better at the things that involved sport or fitness. He knew from countless times of her tripping on her own feet, that he could run a mile compared to Lena in such a way...

“Oh, right."

That made Lena smile. Obviously that didn't mean in her eyes that he was the brightest crayon within the box though. She turned to look at him. "You do know, that there will be kids younger then us, no?" She raised her eyebrows at Logan, trying to see if he really knew or not. She felt herself burst out laughing. Placing her hand on Logan's shoulder to balance herself. She looked at him. "God. I'll feel sorry for him if its a kid. Your gonna scare him to death."


Bronze Member
Dec 29, 2007
It had been ten minutes since Alyx arrived at her cabin, she was beginning to think that she didn’t have a cabin mate. Apparently Alyx had thought that too soon because just then a girl walked into the cabin. "Umm...Hi, I'm guessing that you're Alyxandra Willow? Alyx nodded and just looked at her. “I'm Dusk Lilly Rowan, but just Dusk, please." The girl walked over to her bed and sat, then she lifted her bag up and opened it. First, she pulled out a white tiger and began to rub its head. Alyx held back the urge to laugh, a snort came out instead. Next she began to empty her clothes out of the bag, Alyx couldn’t believe how little she had brought.

“Umm, please tell me that you brought more than that. You did didn’t you?” Alyx got her bags and began to unpack things. She knew that she’d be here for a while so she packed more than enough clothes, shoes, and money. Everything was folded neatly and put away before Alyx sat back on the bed. “Also, why do you have that ridiculous tiger?” She walked over to Dusk’s bed and picked it up. “I mean, come on…you can’t be serious.” The tiger fell to the bed and Alyx stood there looking at Dusk. Right now at first glance she was looking pretty pathetic.

~Sacred Fox~

New member
Feb 15, 2009
I'll get back to you when I figure it out..

"Huh?" She freed Bailee from her python-like hold, allowing her to breathe. Sable tilted her head a bit at the girl's expression. She looked as if she was deer startled by oncoming car's headlights. 'Oh dear, it seems as if scared her. I hope she doesn't get a bad impression of me.' she thought. Sable really didn't want her whole summer experience end up like school.

"I-it's nice to meet you, Sable."

“Nice to meet you, too. Sorry, about that. I thought you would have heard me approaching. Let’s get to cabin, shall we?” She let out a nervous laugh while leading the way. ‘Great going, Sable.’

When they arrived at their assigned cabin, Sable opened the door. There was nothing special about the cabin. Inside was obliviously wooden. The only pieces of furniture were a bed stand with a simple lamp on to and a bunk bed. “Dibs on the top bunk!” she cheered. Almost immediately, Sable ran to the bedside and threw her bag onto the top bed. She climbed onto the bed and began bouncing on it lightly.

Oblivious, she kept on bouncing until she remembered that she wasn't alone. "Oh I'm sorry. There I go again. Would you like the top bunk?" she asked.


Call me Love, love.
Jun 5, 2008
“Nice to meet you, too. Sorry, about that. I thought you would have heard me approaching. Let’s get to cabin, shall we?” She let out a nervous laugh while leading the way.

Bailee silently followed behind silently. "Why do I always have to speak my mind?" She scolded herself.

When the pair arrived, Sable immediately called dibs on the top bunk and threw herself and bags up there. She jumped up and down, and suddenly remembering Bailee she stopped. "Oh I'm sorry. There I go again. Would you like the top bunk?" she asked.

Bailee hugged her book tighter to her chest, placing her belongings on the bottom bed. "Uh, you can have the top." She breathed. Placing the book she had been reading and her violin case gently on the bed, she opened her suitcase and began unpacking her belongings.

"You seem very excited about this." Bailee added, trying to make conversation, though she found it difficult. She placed out two piles of thick Novels and two thick note pads for her own story writing purposes.

If she were to survive this summer, she would need as much comfort from her belongings that she could get.


When in doubt: C4.
Feb 24, 2008
“Umm, please tell me that you brought more than that. You did didn’t you?”

"I don't have a whole lot to bring..." Dusk replied quietly. She wasn't quite sure what to make of her new roommate.

“Also, why do you have that ridiculous tiger?”

Dusk stared in open-mouthed shock as this girl, Alyx picked up her tiger, Jimmy, then just tossed him onto the bed like he didn't even matter.

“I mean, come on…you can’t be serious.”

Now Dusk was upset. How dare she.

"I'll have you know," Dusk said standing up and facing Alyx. "This tiger is the only thing I have left from the fire that not only burned down my home, but killed my parents. So, yes, I am very serious."

Dusk knew she shouldn't get mad at this girl, but she couldn't help it. Jimmy was important, special. She picked up the little tiger and set him right again, next to her pillow. She knew her face was all red, and she felt a single tear fall from the corner of her eye. She didn't stop it. It was nice to be able to cry...


New member
Dec 14, 2004
Somewhere you wouldn't look !
Dan finished his song and put his harmonica away. His cabin mate was probably already there which meant Dan had to meet him. Sighing to himself as he walked back up to the cabin he noticed several people still out of their cabins. ' Wonder what they're up to... ' he thought. Reaching the door, Dan lightly opened it to find another boy sitting on his own bed across from Dan's. He was obviously occupied with a guitar in his hands so Dan did not bother to say anything, because he knew how much he hated it when someone interrupted him during his playing. After the boy finished, Dan nodded and gave thumbs up of approval. ' He's not too bad....might want to see if he wants to play together some time. ' Dan then finally focused on the boys facial features, and it didn't take him long to notice that it was actually him. The boy he had played with as kid several years ago!

"Chad? Chad Graham?" Dan smiled wide, knowing that this boy was definetely an old aquaitence of his. "How've you been?" Dan stuck his hand out,"Remember me...Dan....Dan Nanumoto?" he continued to offer the handshake as he grinned at this familiar face.


New member
Apr 24, 2009
Logan looked into the distance, seeing the others outside their cabins. This place held a remarkable serenity to it, an environment Logan hadn’t experienced in years. Perhaps he was vaguely beginning to tolerate this place. "You do know that there will be kids younger than us, no?” Logan turned her head to face her, noting her raised eyebrow. It was as if she was ridiculing his stupidity. Seconds later, she burst into laughter before he could even answer her question.

Her hand slipped onto his shoulder, as the clumsy girl got her balance back. "God. I'll feel sorry for him if it’s a kid. You’re gonna scare him to death.” Logan retorted with a ‘tch’, finding her thoughts ludicrous. He didn’t become that bad of a kid, did he? Logan brushed these thoughts aside. “As long as the kid keeps his distance from me, I think things will be okay.” Logan passed her a loose smile, before staring out towards the cabins again. “I think I’m going to head to my cabin. ‘Gotta get my things set in.” Logan referenced the sports Nike bag he had on his back, packed to the brim with everything he found necessary; which wasn’t a lot. He hugged her briefly, before departing for his cabin. “I’ll see you later.”

Deleted member 74488

Lena watched as he merely once again got lost within deep thoughts from her words before resulting in a childish 'tch' escaping his lips. It made her smile broaden. It was amusing for her to witness him resulting in such a way.

“As long as the kid keeps his distance from me, I think things will be okay.”

Lena was happy that he smiled. She knew that he would probably get along well with whoever his room-mate was....hopefully. She was merely having some fun with him before he left. Which seemed quite soon in her eyes.

“I think I’m going to head to my cabin. ‘Gotta get my things set in.”

Smirking from within at her right timing, Lena merely nodded her head on the outside. As if agreeing with him before his arms wrapped around her for a second or two hug. She found it odd in a way, normally she had been the one hugging him and him grumbling about it...but ethier way she accepted it, holding him tight for a few seconds before he let go and started to make his way to his cabin.

“I’ll see you later.”

She didn't need to say anything. She knew they would. But yet, suddenly her grin turned much more smug, as she turned around to watch him walk away. Her voice defaintly reaching the ears of all those around her.

"But! How could you leave me!? What if I dieeeee! What if I get run over by a bus! It rolls down the hill and bam. I'm dead. Or worse!? What if a giant lizard is in my room and tries to eat me thinking i'm lunch!?"

She started to walk away before staring back. Noticing all the glances staring at her for her outburst, many knew her tone was that of a joke.

"If I die, I'll leaving you personally responsible! For letting a poor, innocent, naive little clumsy girl like me go through the streets alone!"

She heard some people laugh at her words but she finally turned away, making her way towards her cabin. Her bag slung over her shoulder...



Apr 9, 2009
"Oh! Dan! How's it been I haven't seen you in years!" His head shifted as he looked at his old bud. His eyes went wide. "You look different Dan, but not as much as I have anyways." He said. He noticed a glimmer as Dan pocketed his harmonica. "you play music too? How long have you been playing? I've been playing guitar and singin' for a couple years now. " He grinned.


Big Boss
Jul 27, 2006
Kai pushed the notice into his pocket and began to leave the meeting ground. He hoisted his bag of clothes over his shoulder with one hand and held the gold handle of his violin case in his other. It felt good to blend into a crowd of people who had no idea of his background. For the first few minutes, he let the crowd of people take them wherever they went before he remembered he had to find his cabin. Cabin 4, Stone.. He didn't have a hard time finding it thanks to the helpful camp assistants. He opened the door hoping he was the first one there and smiled at his rare stroke of luck. The cabin was just as one would expect, two beds on opposite sides with similar writing tables at their foot. He randomly chose a bed and threw his bag of clothes on top while carefully placing his violin case as well.

I just hope my partner isn't a stuck up, spoiled brat.

Though he felt he was pushing his luck too far, the fates were never that kind. Seeing nothing better to do he took out his Violin. It looked old and worn out but he loved it just as it was, it used to belong to his music teacher. He had lots of expensive violins from various regions of the world gifted to him by his parents but none of them felt like this one did. They were all strangers but this Violin knew of the Kai's suffering. He than adjusted himself on he windowsill and looked out at the lush green field where campers were spread throughout. He closed his eyes an began to play.
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