Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
"Yaaaay!!!"She dusted off some clumps of dirt on her pants."Aw but you would've been good as a nice house plant"She pouted then grinned."Uchicha lets go Wanna come Yuri?"
She sighed."Hmmmmmmm"She had a lightbulb above her head and it lit up.She twirled around 5 times fast and she was in a witch costume(ooc: link---> http://ffx2.com/newdresses/blackmage.jpg the one on the right)She waved her staff and banged it on the ground once.After all that stuff she mumbled something and there was a blue swirling portal."Walk in it"(ooc:g2g don't rp without me)
Yuri saw the portal. "Ok....but where will it bring us?" He asked Lina. He didn't want to end up lost in the woods or falling off a cliff. They seem pretty cool.
((sorry I took so long....I was rather uh..tied up this morning ))
Velkion noticed something unsual below. There stood a small group of what lloked like ninja, surrounding a portal of some sort. One of the boys just randomly jumped in. Where did that thing lead? Perhaps there could be something fun in there, he'd wait till they were all through, and follow them. He watched as the other two walke dthrough, and hopped down, giving chase, and runing through the portal.
When they arrived at the location Lina saw a mysterious man teleport next to her."What are you doing here??"She asked.(ooc:btw she changed clothes)"Who are you?"
"Hm? Oh...dont you worry bout me.....I just uh....saw the protal and thought....maybe you guys were in danger?.....Yeah! that's it! I thought you might be on danger, so I decided I'd help." He dusted off his shoulder and smiled rusticly.