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Has KH1 aged well compared to KH2?

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New member
Oct 13, 2013
For the longest time, I defended the idea that KH1 was superior to KH2. More exploration, more original plotlines, lighter and less confusing story. But when I played it again after so many years in the 1.5 HD collection, I began to realize I just wasn't enjoying it as much.

Combat feels slow and clunky.
The camera is too close and jittery.
Until you get superglide, it's slow to get around.
AFAIK, there's no way to shorten summon animations, and most of them are useless anyway.
The Gummi missions just suck. They're slow, boring, and don't offer any real variety. KH2's meanwhile is like a freaking Star Fox game.
The 100 Acre Woods minigames aren't fun. Like, at all. The world is just slow and boring. The whole time, I feel like I'm playing an actual Winnie the Pooh PS2 game made for toddlers. KH2's minigames there were WAY more fun and exciting, to where I actually cared about getting a high score. These are just slow and boring.

Exploration just isn't fun. There's a lot of platforming, some worlds are confusing to navigate and it can take a lot of backtracking to get where you want to go.

Wonderland is too confusing to navigate. I realize it's Wonderland and it should be a little weird, but making it so you can't explore most of it until you come back later is a bit much.
Deep Jungle requires a LOT of backtracking to get where you want to be, and the vines are annoying.
Monstro is EXTREMELY confusing, the absolute worst world in the game. I had no idea where to go, and without High Jump, one slip can make you have to backtrack through everything you just went through.
Atlantica, do I even need to say it? The swimming controls are some of the worst I've ever seen in a video game. KH2 did it way better and you don't even fight enemies there.
Halloween Town has only one single save point, ONE, at the very beginning. Which means if you want to start searching for chests, you gotta go allllll the way back to the very start if you want to get out. Oogie's Manor is also a serious pain, because like Monstro, one wrong step will send you all the way back to the bottom. And with the camera the way it is, jumping and hitting Gargoyles is a big mistake because you won't even be able to see where your feet land.

I'm all for exploration, but KH1 seems to hide it under backtracking, awkward platforming, and weird controls. Yes, KH2's worlds are more linear, but I feel this makes for a more enjoyable experience overall, especially with so many ways to get around now, whether by aerial dodging, quick run or even skateboard.

Finally, the plot is... Well I appreciate it for not being as confusing as later games, and I personally like the voice acting better here, but with later games being darker and more complex, the plot in KH1 comes off as juvenile, for lack of a better word. All the characters are two-dimensional compared to later installments. Sora is just that happy-go-lucky kid protagonist. Riku is just a brooding antihero. Kairi is just a damsel in distress (WAY more than in KH2, here she's basically Sleeping Beauty), and "Ansem" is a cheesy Disney villain that won't shut up about darkness. No wonder Billy Zane didn't reprise his role. When I first played the game back in 2002, I loved the plot because I was about 9 years old at the time, and seeing ANYTHING Disney having a darker tone, with all this talk of light and darkness and these surreal, foreboding cinematic shots, was so cool to me. I still think KH is the darkest thing that involves Mickey Mouse, and I still like it for that reason. But looking back at several Disney films, KH1 is really no darker than those. It just happens to involve Mickey.

When playing 2.5 HD only a few months after playing 1.5, I saw just how much the game improved over its predecessor. It feels like they looked at every little flaw I saw and corrected them the best way they could, while adding twice as much content at the same time.

So let me ask this. KH2 has a better camera, better controls, better combat, better AI, better story, better Gummi missions, better minigames, more worlds, more bosses, more difficulty, more content and more things to do in general. Yet so many people say that KH1 is better. I ask you, why? Is it nostalgia? Or do you truly believe that KH1 is the better game? I'd love to hear your reasoning.
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Jan 2, 2013
Re: Has KH1 aged well?

For me, what makes kh1 better is the use of the disney aspect. In kh1 it was well integrated in the narrative. The disney worlds and characters really felt like they mattered to the plot. But in kh2 it just wasn't used as well. Disney was just filler and irrelevant compared to everything else.

I suppose that kh2 does some things better than kh1 in terms of gameplay and level design. But for me, kh1 will always better of the two.


Flesh by mother, soul by father
Sep 22, 2009
Re: Has KH1 aged well?

Wait, is the question "has KH1 aged well?" or "is KH1 inferior to KH2?"

For the longest time, I defended the idea that KH1 was superior to KH2. More exploration, more original plotlines, lighter and less confusing story. But when I played it again after so many years in the 1.5 HD collection, I began to realize I just wasn't enjoying it as much.

Combat feels slow and clunky.
The camera is too close and jittery.
Until you get superglide, it's slow to get around.
AFAIK, there's no way to shorten summon animations, and most of them are useless anyway.
The Gummi missions just suck. They're slow, boring, and don't offer any real variety. KH2's meanwhile is like a freaking Star Fox game.
The 100 Acre Woods minigames aren't fun. Like, at all. The world is just slow and boring. The whole time, I feel like I'm playing an actual Winnie the Pooh PS2 game made for toddlers. KH2's minigames there were WAY more fun and exciting, to where I actually cared about getting a high score. These are just slow and boring.

Exploration just isn't fun. There's a lot of platforming, some worlds are confusing to navigate and it can take a lot of backtracking to get where you want to go.

Wonderland is too confusing to navigate. I realize it's Wonderland and it should be a little weird, but making it so you can't explore most of it until you come back later is a bit much.
Deep Jungle requires a LOT of backtracking to get where you want to be, and the vines are annoying.
Monstro is EXTREMELY confusing, the absolute worst world in the game. I had no idea where to go, and without High Jump, one slip can make you have to backtrack through everything you just went through.
Atlantica, do I even need to say it? The swimming controls are some of the worst I've ever seen in a video game. KH2 did it way better and you don't even fight enemies there.
Halloween Town has only one single save point, ONE, at the very beginning. Which means if you want to start searching for chests, you gotta go allllll the way back to the very start if you want to get out. Oogie's Manor is also a serious pain, because like Monstro, one wrong step will send you all the way back to the bottom. And with the camera the way it is, jumping and hitting Gargoyles is a big mistake because you won't even be able to see where your feet land.

I'm all for exploration, but KH1 seems to hide it under backtracking, awkward platforming, and weird controls. Yes, KH2's worlds are more linear, but I feel this makes for a more enjoyable experience overall, especially with so many ways to get around now, whether by aerial dodging, quick run or even skateboard.

From a technical standpoint, KH2 is superior if only because it's a newer game compared to KH1. The camera isn't all that great in either game imo, but they did improve it in KH2. Though personally I preferred it being closer to the field if only because the enemies actually felt like they're in your face.

Not being able to skip animations was a problem as a whole in KH1. I think in 1.5 they fixed it with cutscenes, but I guess not Summons? I don't remember if Summon animations were skipable in KH2 because I haven't played it in forever. I almost never used Summons in either game so on a personal level it never really bothered me. Though I can see how that be more of an issue for someone who uses them more often.

KH2's gummi ship missions are undeniably superior and is by far my favorite improvement over KH1's

Just the 100 Acre Woods mini games in KH1 versus all of KH2's? Tut tut, don't you think that's a bit unfair? Might as well bring up KH2's Atlatica and call it a day. Mini games, like summons, are one of the series as a whole weak points and I can't remember them much from either game tbh. I vaguely remember the ones in KH1 being kind of boring (the only one that really pops out to me is the Jungle Slide) but the ones in KH2 frustrating (that Magic Carpet game can go diddly itself). Ssoooo...I think the mini games in both games are awful in there own special way? :3

It relied on back tracking but I still preferred the exploration in KH1 to KH2's. That's because KH1 had one thing for worlds that KH2 lacked and that was scope. When I went exploring it actually felt like I was on a journey through a big wide world and that I could go virtually anywhere. KH2...felt like a hallway. Even without backtracking the worlds just felt more expansive to me and I wanted to go back so I could see new areas I couldn't reach before, even if it was small. It was like earning a treasure after hours of hard work. I never felt this satisfaction with KH2. There wasn't much exploration period outside of the linear path laid for you. Only reason I back tracked was to play mini games I didn't like to complete the journal.

Finally, the plot is... Well I appreciate it for not being as confusing as later games, and I personally like the voice acting better here, but with later games being darker and more complex, the plot in KH1 comes off as juvenile, for lack of a better word. All the characters are two-dimensional compared to later installments. Sora is just that happy-go-lucky kid protagonist. Riku is just a brooding antihero. Kairi is just a damsel in distress (WAY more than in KH2, here she's basically Sleeping Beauty), and "Ansem" is a cheesy Disney villain that won't shut up about darkness. No wonder Billy Zane didn't reprise his role. When I first played the game back in 2002, I loved the plot because I was about 9 years old at the time, and seeing ANYTHING Disney having a darker tone, with all this talk of light and darkness and these surreal, foreboding cinematic shots, was so cool to me. I still think KH is the darkest thing that involves Mickey Mouse, and I still like it for that reason. But looking back at several Disney films, KH1 is really no darker than those. It just happens to involve Mickey.

Now, this is where I have to strongly disagree. I think KH2 was superior on a technological scale, but I think the story and characters were a downgrade in almost every single way. imo, the KH series as a whole never had this masterfully crafted plot, even in KH1, but it's enjoyable for what it is.

For starts, I really don't find the later games all that much darker than the first game, the only thing that really changed was the focus and presentation. KH1 was a game were a mad scientist sacrificed his humanity in the name of science and began to perform dubious human experiments that turned people into Heartless. One of his test subjects was a little girl who was barely four or five and was part of an experiment which required throwing her into space to see what would happen. Later said scientist went on a universal crusade to spread his heart eating monsters to create more heart eating monsters and stalk and kid nap children to use their bodies and hearts in more experiments. Then there's one character committing "suicide" and attempted friendicide.

KH1 could get pretty dark imo, it just kept its focus on the lighter aspects.

Most of the characters in the series are pretty straight forward imo. Only a handful have real character development and even less have good character development. KH was never really a series about deep and complex character so much than it was relatable ones. That hasn't changed all that much since KH1.

Regardless, and I'm saying this after pointing out that stuff about KH1, a darker story really doesn't make a better story. I'd rather have a well told fairytale-esque story then one that tries too hard to be dark and complex and fail. Which is why I prefer KH1 to some of its later installments. KH was always a light hearted series with some dark undertones, but some games tried to focus more on those aspects than others. It's actually those games that I liked the least because they stop trying to tell a good story with endearing characters and try to let the tragedy tell the tale. KH2 and BbS are my least favorite entries (story and character wise) because of it.

When playing 2.5 HD only a few months after playing 1.5, I saw just how much the game improved over its predecessor. It feels like they looked at every little flaw I saw and corrected them the best way they could, while adding twice as much content at the same time.

So let me ask this. KH2 has a better camera, better controls, better combat, better AI, better story, better Gummi missions, better minigames, more worlds, more bosses, more difficulty, more content and more things to do in general. Yet so many people say that KH1 is better. I ask you, why? Is it nostalgia? Or do you truly believe that KH1 is the better game? I'd love to hear your reasoning.

It should also be noted that KH2 and KH2FM are two almost entirely separate beasts. KH2 suffered from time constraints which lead to a lot of stuff being cut from the game and being watered down. KH2FM is vastly superior to vanilla!KH2, which didn't leave Japan's shores until literally just a few weeks ago. The majority of westerners were unfamiliar with KH2FM for the longest time. I think it's important take into consideration that KH2FM was KH2's chance at a second wind to improve itself, which it did. Some of the stuff you mentioned, like more bosses, more content, and more difficulty was a result of the game being re-released and improving on the faults vanilla!KH2 had the first time around.

As someone who hasn't been able to play the FMs (I don't own a PS3) and only the vanilla versions, I prefer KH1 to KH2. The characters are more charming, albeit simplistic; I like the story better, it had more difficulty, it had very few but the side quests I enjoyed non the less, better AI, better use of Disney, and more exploration and bigger worlds.
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Be Wiser Than the Serpent
Nov 4, 2012
Exploration just isn't fun. There's a lot of platforming, some worlds are confusing to navigate and it can take a lot of backtracking to get where you want to go.
I disagree with this bit completely. This is one of the chief reasons the first game is still superior to the 2nd, imo. The fact that some worlds have complex layouts is a great thing, imo. And I enjoy platforming, so... Linearity is basic, unimaginative and, going by how I reacted to KH2, it leaves me feeling gipped. (Btw, Halloween Town actually has two save points, but the second one is destroyed along with Oogie's Manor and the area between Moonlight Hill and Oogie's Manor has a shortcut back to the Square.)

I also disagree that the characters are two-dimensional in comparison to later games. Sora in KH2 onwards is a serious downgrade from the first two games, in particular, and Riku is just at the beginning of his arc. Kairi is as interesting as she'll ever be, imo. If they can't do anything but make her a damsel, then go all out with it. Even at this point in the series, Riku is the only one who's changed (and most of that happened in CoM). Gummi Ships suck to me in every game they're in, so degrees really don't make much difference.

The only thing I agree with is that 100 Acre Woods has better minigames. Unfortunately, KH2 has a lousy rehash story for the 100 Acre Woods. I don't believe KH2 has twice as much content, it's just overlong and bloated. Character dialogue is stretched out way too much, sometimes to the point it feels like everyone repeats themselves at least twice in every conversation. Everything feels like it takes forever to go by when nothing much is happening. The plot is structured horribly. The only things KH2 really has over the first game, imo, are better graphics, limits, and drive forms.

EDIT: I wanted to add that I don't think that KH2's AI is better than the first game's. I preferred being able to lock on to something and press triangle to egg them on. Or to unlock and run away with triangle. I don't prefer KH2's camera although I can understand why others do. I don't like the minigames in either, they're all chores. The main difference between the two--KH's Final Mix felt like icing and cherry on top; KH2's FM felt necessary to provide a non-trainwreck version of the game.
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Some guy

May 10, 2014
I pretty much agree with the OP, except for the story part (though I prefer KH II's story, I realize this is subjective). Everything was already said, so there's no need to add to that.

And to answer the question, I blame it on nostalgia; having played KH I and KH II, and then KH I FM and KH II FM back to back, I don't understand how one can find KH I better in any way. I still respect those opinions of course, but it's kinda annoying having "KH I is better than KH II" thrown in your face every now and then when it's nowhere near the truth, for me at least.


New member
Nov 6, 2012
"Combat feels slow and clunky"

This right here. I really like KH1, but the combat in II is the primary reason it is my favorite KH game. Honestly, looking back at the D23 trailer, I become a little worried. While I'm sure combat will be at it's flashiest, the early build we saw looks closer to KH1's combat instead of KH2. I realize some people felt it made the game "easier", but the long, fast, and flashy combos were always so satisfying for me. It has yet to return...I love the deck command system, but my favorite way to fight is to get in close an do damage with skillful keyblade strikes, not running away and using magic from a distance. The base combos in BBS were much like KH1 and DDD did little to improve upon it. As these were handheld game, I understand the technical limitations. However, I really want them to return in KH3.

Most people like myself like KH most for the story, but gameplay is also a huge part of the experience. I sincerely miss beating bosses and feeling genuinely rewarded when I received new moves for combos and such, to make the gameplay more fun. I miss the days when I could summon Disney characters (From the sound of it, it looks like it's been completely replaced with Ride summons). Summoning rollercoasters and such for boss battles is cool and a nice idea, but as was mentioned, it obviously can't be used in a lot of places, unlike traditional summons.

So I feel that KH2 did everything KH1 did, but a lot better (For the most part). The summons in KH2 were kind of pathetic though lol From a gameplay perspective, if you added a generous amount of deck commands alongside command styles like Ghost Drive or Wing Blade, alongside all the other things they're adding to 3's combat system to KH2, and I think you've created the ultimate KH game (Best combat system for any game in my opinion as well). It's what I hope happens, but some may no longer be likely.


May 21, 2014
Re: Has KH1 aged well?

As someone who hasn't been able to play the FMs (I don't own a PS3) and only the vanilla versions, I prefer KH1 to KH2. The characters are more charming, albeit simplistic; I like the story better, it had more difficulty, it had very few but the side quests I enjoyed non the less, better AI, better use of Disney, and more exploration and bigger worlds.
As someone who is also in Ruran's position, without a PS3 and unable to play the FMs, I agree that the vanilla version of KH1 is better than KHII.

While the camera gave me trouble, and the gummi ship parts were horrible, I loved the open world exploration, emphasis on Disney worlds and characters and the gameplay. I really missed special moves like Ars Arcanum, Strike Raid and Ragnarok in II. Being able to unleash awesome moves at any time instead of having to wait for triangle commands against specific enemies was better.

And the prologue of II when I first played it was a major strike against the game. I replayed I and CoM right before the release to prepare for II, and Sora wasn't the first playable character? Even now, when I replay II, I rush through the prologue as fast as I can and it still takes a few hours to get to Sora.

So I prefer 1 to II, and not just because of nostalgia. I didn't discover the KH franchise until just before CoM's release, and KH2 was the first KH game I got on the day it released in the US. So based on feelings, KH2 should be my preferred game, but it's not.


Oct 9, 2009
I can't help but agree with Ruran and Rael_Oblivion. Even with remixes and the like I still find KH1 better than KH2 hopes it could be. I've played vanilla, Fm's imported and the collections and each time nothing has made Kh2 better to me.

What I love about KH1 feels lost in it. Kh2 had better technical aspects yes but that's all it had. You could even argue that many of the games that followed tried to fix issues in KH2 story wise.
It also never helped the debate to me that the improved technical side of 2 is what made it so much overly easier than any other game in the series. It made what was improvements feel like setbacks.

Of all the games though it's a bit of back and forth. The only time I'd say story and technical aspects was in as best a balance as they have been was in 2.5's version of Birth by Sleep.
BBS had a slight KH1 feel to it even if not entirely but also improved controls in 2.5 like KH2 did to 1. It's not perfect itself in the slightest however.


Active member
Feb 7, 2009
Korrasami Is Canon
Replaying 1.5 was a ton of fun, even if it was the same game over again with the exception of an extra boss and some new Keyblades or items. Now that I've finished 2.5 (at least KH2FM), I can properly judge.

Combat felt more balanced and powerful in KH1. When you use Thunder in 1, you're calling down Thor and all the powers of Mjolnir on the Heartless. In 2, you're bringing down a little scrap of light. Fire is more or less gunfire from the beginning in 1, while in 2, it's a little short-range whirl of fire that doesn't get effective unless you use it in a Drive Form (Firaga in Final Form is sexy). Magic was an integral part of combat in 1 while it feels tacked on in 2, even useful-on-paper new spells like Reflect or Magnet. I felt like I was truly throwing everything I had against enemies in 1, pulling from an arsenal of summons, physical attacks, guards, magic spells, etc. In 2, I was mostly button mashing and occasionally pulling out magic once in a blue moon. Not to mention starting off, I felt incredibly weak in 2. It felt like a chore to kill Dusks and Shadows for quite some time, and I dreaded running into medium sized enemies because I knew I was screwed. It's not like you can do a lot of leveling up in your six hours as Roxas, whereas you could take on all of Destiny Islands' kids if you wanted. Damn, that was fun.

As far as world layout, KH2 felt more watered down compared to KH1, but it also felt more polished at the same time, maybe just because of the obvious technological advances since KH1. The camera being closer to you in KH1 made me feel like I was really in these worlds, hopping around and flying. Some worlds in KH2 felt pretty lazily put together and small for some reason. Maybe that's just because the platforming got toned down a lot in 2, as compared to 1 when we were traversing Deep Jungle or Oogie's Manor (which is one of my favorite examples of platforming ever for how cool and huge the place was. Hail to Mr. Oogie indeed). Less platforming meant less exploring, which I enjoyed even if it got frustrating sometimes in Monstro or Deep Jungle.

Story and tone wise, KH1 was pretty damn dark. As a kid I had never before played a game that was this serious or complex (having mostly grown up with Crash Bandicoot and other lighthearted games). I tend to get truly enveloped in the world portrayed by whatever I read, watch, or play, and I'd never before entered a world that was in the midst of an apocalypse before. The universe was being destroyed by unthinking, persistent monsters and Disney Villains were leading the charge in wiping out billions on every single world. The threat of Heartless attack followed you wherever you go, and as far as we knew back then being turned was truly death. So I was on edge everywhere I went. This is why I was so unnerved being in a room where there was a rare Heartless and the combat music wasn't playing. I just expected to be attacked and got pretty paranoid. Then for the finale, you venture into a quiet heart of darkness that is all that's left of the destroyed worlds, and you're attacked by Satan himself. And the final battle is in an endless void. As a kid, I was changed by how dark and serious the first game got. It's part of the reason I loved Hundred Acre Wood so much, but it made me extremely sad at the same time - it was a sweet reprieve from the absolute horrors going on in the outside world.

KH2 felt like a true expansion of KH1. The tech and graphics had improved, the scope had expanded, the characters were further built upon and we got new additions to the main cast, and the gameplay was tweaked. Gummi Ships were fun the first time through, reaction commands were pretty to look at. And the story got more complex, but it felt lighter than the haunting first game. If anything it felt more mature than 1, especially regarding scenes like Goofy's death or Ansem's vendetta. I certainly wasn't as afraid of things as much as I was during 1.

In terms of aging, I'd say 1 aged very well, considering it was just as fun, perhaps even moreso, than it was on my first play through on the PS2. 2 has a ton more content with the additions from FM, but ignoring the FM stuff, I'd say that playing through 1 again made 2 seem worse than it was on my first play through.


New member
Mar 20, 2015
Brazil - S?o Paulo
Kingdom Hearts 2 improved everthing.

I love Kingdom Hearts 1 and I never played Kingdom Hearts 2 but by the videos and everthing I have seen arround I can say that KH2>KH1.


New member
Aug 26, 2009
VCR Repair Shop
A lot of this video explains why I think KH1 has aged better and is a superior game. Again this is opinion, but I highly agree with most of what this guy has to say.



Dad of Boy
Jun 30, 2008
Kh2 has a feeling of grandeur, they streamline everything to make it feel cinematic and like sora is much more powerful, while kh1 has this feeling of exploration and captures the theme of a renaissance era Disney film. It's more open and feels bigger while kh2 is more confined. the gummi missions are shitty and basic but gave a feeling the world was bigger while kh2's missions have the same feeling of combat. battles in kh1 I felt were more intimidating and larger, like the behemoth fights and end of the world general. overall, kh1 is a bigger and longer game while kh2 is its vanilla younger brother that holds its hand. You can consider it however you want, depends on what you're into.


Silver Member
Jul 1, 2010
KH1 has a better overall atmosphere and selection of Disney worlds (and it also doesn't force you to revisit all of them as a lame excuse to extend the game). If the camera and overall gameplay had been updated, it would easily have been a better game in every single way. KH2 scores a lot of points for simply not being as clunky. Then again, I think also suffers a great deal from poor storytelling and Sora being bloody overpowered. And having to revisit all the worlds, like I mentioned earlier.

BBS is imho better than both KH1 and KH2 combined.


Aug 10, 2014
While I find KH2 to be a superior game story flaws aside, it's the exploration and less linear environments of the first KH that I truly miss. Whether it was Trinity marks, postcards, the switches in the gizmo shop, the candles in the cafe, Lotus Forest puzzles, etc., there was a necessity to observe every inch of every area since it was extremely easy to miss something. Hell, a good portion of the game's chests were at least somewhat hidden behind corners or required some time to reach.


Feb 13, 2011
While I find KH2 to be a superior game story flaws aside, it's the exploration and less linear environments of the first KH that I truly miss. Whether it was Trinity marks, postcards, the switches in the gizmo shop, the candles in the cafe, Lotus Forest puzzles, etc., there was a necessity to observe every inch of every area since it was extremely easy to miss something. Hell, a good portion of the game's chests were at least somewhat hidden behind corners or required some time to reach.

This sense of mystery and exploration is exactly what I think KH1 has over KH2 and always will. (Please KH3 remedy this, please!). That said, I just found after having played KH1 for the first time in years with 1.5 and then KH2 with 2.5, I was shocked with just how well KH2 played and felt. KH1 still felt as sluggish and limited as it did when I played it years ago whilst playing KH2 actually felt great compared to my memories of it. Gameplay-wise KH2 has whilst KH1 still has the nicer story (in my opinion)


Silver Member
Jul 1, 2010
I agree. It was exciting to discover the secrets of Traverse Town. Being able to reach chests, flip switches, find hidden shortcuts and what not. Often times you needed a spell or a trinity mark to pull something off. Twilight Town is just as atmospheric, but has less to offer.


Aug 10, 2014
I agree. It was exciting to discover the secrets of Traverse Town. Being able to reach chests, flip switches, find hidden shortcuts and what not. Often times you needed a spell or a trinity mark to pull something off. Twilight Town is just as atmospheric, but has less to offer.

Which is disappointing because Twilight Town - and even Radiant Garden - had so much potential to offer that kind of exploration atmosphere like Traverse Town did in the first game.

Let us hope that KH3 brings back this element because the environments and more recent software/hardware capabilities surely can make it even more large scale and potentially exciting.


Dad of Boy
Jun 30, 2008
Which is disappointing because Twilight Town - and even Radiant Garden - had so much potential to offer that kind of exploration atmosphere like Traverse Town did in the first game.

Let us hope that KH3 brings back this element because the environments and more recent software/hardware capabilities surely can make it even more large scale and potentially exciting.

Nomura said he wants us to be able to climb mountains and shit like that so I have faith, especially after DDD which I realized was a precursor for what's to come.


Aug 10, 2014
Nomura said he wants us to be able to climb mountains and shit like that so I have faith, especially after DDD which I realized was a precursor for what's to come.

I'm definitely optimistic. The flow motion seemed cool (haven't played DDD, so I haven't experienced it). That, along with the fact Nomura has said they used the 1.5 and 2.5 development time to take the best from both games for KH3 makes me excited.


Dad of Boy
Jun 30, 2008
flowmotion is definitely cool, and the game is bigger and feels more natural than bbs.
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