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Good Proud Mode Grinding Spots?

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Heartless Sora

New member
Jul 7, 2014
This is a strange thing for me to ask since I am very good at the game, but I am kinda under-leveled at this point in the game (which normally doesn't happen for me) and I'm trying to beat the game on Proud Mode. I've had no sweat with beating the game on normal multiple times in the original Kingdom Hearts, but Proud has actually provided me with a little bit of a challenge.

So here's what I need to know, what's a good place to grind on Proud, I haven't had to grind much on lower-leveled worlds, but now I have to. I'm about to go to Neverland, but that's the place where the difficulty spikes up to really being the next level, so I shouldn't really go there yet. I haven't gone to Atlantica yet(and trust me, I'm NOT going there until I get leaf-bracer), but I'm not gonna want to level up there. FYI, I chose to level up at and average pace at the beginning of the game, so I will want a lot of EXP. I also don't want to do too much grinding in the Coliseum because it can sometimes be tedious and isn't always the best choice for grinding(unless I really have to).

Any help on telling me a good grinding place would be great, thanks. :biggrin:


Flesh by mother, soul by father
Sep 22, 2009
It's been a while since I played KH1 (I was just considering replaying it) but I remember that one of my favorite grinding spots was Halloween Town. It's a relatively high level world that's great for looping so most of the time you just have to keep going straight for the Heartless to regenerate.


Silver Member
Sep 13, 2013
I think I have to agree with Ruran. Halloween Town is the word immediately below Neverland in terms of enemy level and there are lots of Heartless there.

In addition, most of the maps have waves upon waves of enemies (especially the one with the bridge leading to Oogie's Manor, after the hill with the curly… thingy) which should be good for not only grinding, but also farming Lucid materials.

Heartless Sora

New member
Jul 7, 2014
Thanks. I did have a bit of a hard time in Halloween Town when I first got there, but I am a good enough level to beat them and I know their AIs. So thanks for telling me, this should help with creating a grinding route. :biggrin:
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May 21, 2014
And if you haven't sealed the Halloweentown keyhole yet, the boss battles provide some atypical boss exp. You can get tech points from blocking Oogie's dice in the first part and blocking fire from the lanterns in the second (although the timing can be hard to get down), and the Heartless at the bottom of the manor during the fight respawn pretty fast.


New member
Jul 30, 2014
milky way galaxy
This is a strange thing for me to ask since I am very good at the game, but I am kinda under-leveled at this point in the game (which normally doesn't happen for me) and I'm trying to beat the game on Proud Mode. I've had no sweat with beating the game on normal multiple times in the original Kingdom Hearts, but Proud has actually provided me with a little bit of a challenge.

So here's what I need to know, what's a good place to grind on Proud, I haven't had to grind much on lower-leveled worlds, but now I have to. I'm about to go to Neverland, but that's the place where the difficulty spikes up to really being the next level, so I shouldn't really go there yet. I haven't gone to Atlantica yet(and trust me, I'm NOT going there until I get leaf-bracer), but I'm not gonna want to level up there. FYI, I chose to level up at and average pace at the beginning of the game, so I will want a lot of EXP. I also don't want to do too much grinding in the Coliseum because it can sometimes be tedious and isn't always the best choice for grinding(unless I really have to).

Any help on telling me a good grinding place would be great, thanks. :biggrin:
I would choose Olympus coliseum that the perfect spot to level grind specially if you fight sephiroth doesn't he give 500,000 exp?


Mar 20, 2009
I would choose Olympus coliseum that the perfect spot to level grind specially if you fight sephiroth doesn't he give 500,000 exp?

I mean yeah I guess you consider that "level grinding" but Sephy aint just some walk in the park where you go bust a few heartless open and watch the EXP pile up haha. I mean, most people need to be a decently high level to beat him, especially if you want to beat him multiple times in a row


New member
Jul 15, 2014
Note that OP is playing Kingdom Hearts 1 and hadn't even passed Hollow Bastion at the time.

I'd just say tough it out and do your best to trudge past the worlds, but if you wanna grind, I'd go to monstro since the heartless there are just never-ending whenever I go in there.
Hollow bastion itself is my favorite place to grind, I spent tons of hours there leveling up to just stand a chance against Dragon Maleficent. It's really easy once you've cleared all the puzzles and can just take a straight path from the start to the castle chapel.


Mar 20, 2009
I would say Pride Rock. Once you beat it you climb to the top and there's a near endless horde of the little guys you fight in Land of Dragons.

Those are great grinding spots, however I think this current player is looking for grinding spots in KH1.5 actually. However, the pride rock is the ultimate grinding spot in any game, Magneta, thundaga, bam, just leveled up to levels.


New member
Aug 3, 2018
The single best grinding spot in this game (Post Hollow Bastion) is in the hotel hallway in Traverse Town, accessible from the 2nd district.

For the best results, equip as many Exp Boosting Accessories and Abilities as you can on each character, and get the Encounter Plus ability, achieved through synthesis. With all of this, you can accumulate over 3000 exp points every minute. (I timed and calculated this and got about 1500 exp every 30 seconds)

Now, if you don't have any exp boosting materials and or abilities, and you don't have encounter plus, this is still the best grind spot after sealing HB's keyhole.

Encounter plus allows you to simply walk in and out of the hallway and keep slamming the defenders and wizards, but if you don't have this, go from the hallway to the green room, to the red room, and back to the hallway, killing all those heartless. It won't be as fast, but it will still be your best option.

For players who have not reached or completed Hollow Bastion, I suggest hanging around Moonlight Hill in Halloween Town, and even Oogie's Manor after it is demolished.

If you are even further back, the Collusem cups are great for grinding.

Now, if you are grinding Post HB, this WILL get very boring. What I did was lower the game volume and play podcasts in the background. This helped tremendously, and before I knew it I'd gain 10-20+ levels in a blink of an eye.

I hope this helps anyone!


New member
Oct 27, 2018
The single best grinding spot in this game (Post Hollow Bastion) is in the hotel hallway in Traverse Town, accessible from the 2nd district.

For the best results, equip as many Exp Boosting Accessories and Abilities as you can on each character, and get the Encounter Plus ability, achieved through synthesis. With all of this, you can accumulate over 3000 exp points every minute. (I timed and calculated this and got about 1500 exp every 30 seconds)

Now, if you don't have any exp boosting materials and or abilities, and you don't have encounter plus, this is still the best grind spot after sealing HB's keyhole.

Encounter plus allows you to simply walk in and out of the hallway and keep slamming the defenders and wizards, but if you don't have this, go from the hallway to the green room, to the red room, and back to the hallway, killing all those heartless. It won't be as fast, but it will still be your best option.

For players who have not reached or completed Hollow Bastion, I suggest hanging around Moonlight Hill in Halloween Town, and even Oogie's Manor after it is demolished.

If you are even further back, the Collusem cups are great for grinding.

Now, if you are grinding Post HB, this WILL get very boring. What I did was lower the game volume and play podcasts in the background. This helped tremendously, and before I knew it I'd gain 10-20+ levels in a blink of an eye.

I hope this helps anyone!

I will add that I just restarted a KH1FM playthrough on Proud and started my adventure at the Dead of Night, so that Traverse Town Hotel Hallway + Gizmo Shop did wonders for me in getting me to lvl 12 before proceeding to sweep through the Guard Armor on the first try. At that point in the game you only have access to Shadows and Soldiers, but the Hotel and Gizmo Shop pack the Soldier in there with their sweet sweet 3 XP beside the Shadow's 1.

I also just wanted to express my jubilation at getting past the Guard Armor on the first try. I was bracing for that taking a few shots.
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