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Fanfiction ► ~ Good Day, Mary-Sue ~

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Dec 5, 2007
Oh you should! It is THE coolest fanfic ever!
Aww, i doubt it's THE coolest, but that's still really nice of you! Made my day actually :3

HaHa! No no, don't thank me, thank yourself, you wrote the awesome chapter!
Thanks both of us? Well, i wouldn't know what anyone thought if you didn't tell me! So thank you xD


New member
Feb 10, 2008
After a hiatus, I have returned.
-I would love to join the imaginary club.
-I totally swooned at that wink. :)
-It is, in fact, the coolest fanfic ever.
I loved the last chapter! Poor Sora! :(
Great job, as always!!


Dec 5, 2007
After a hiatus, I have returned.
-I would love to join the imaginary club.
-I totally swooned at that wink.
-It is, in fact, the coolest fanfic ever.
I loved the last chapter! Poor Sora! :(
Great job, as always!!
Yaay! Return!! :3
Aww and you want to be a member of the timmy club? Well aren't you awesome!
Many swooned xD It was a killer wink xD
I bet you're just saying that! Seriously, thanks a lot, that means heaps!
Hehe poor Sora indeed, ive been mean to him lately havent i! xD
Thanks again!

^ it is no longer imaginary, its somewhere in fanclubs now >8D

and any news on updates lorhalorah-chan? OwO
Yes it is!! Join us xD
Umm updates... well i really should do some more writing now. I have started the next chapter!
But today i thought of a really cool idea for my next work xD
That's if i ever write it xD
So yeah, I'm going to start writing maybe now?? ^_^


New member
Feb 14, 2008
Belly of the beast.
Timmy is almost as awesome as I am!

*ahem* let me correct that. Timmy is (as unbelievable as it may seem) more awesome than I.

I hope to see some epic Timmy involvement in the next chapter. :3


Dec 5, 2007
Timmy is almost as awesome as I am!

*ahem* let me correct that. Timmy is (as unbelievable as it may seem) more awesome than I.

I hope to see some epic Timmy involvement in the next chapter. :3

Hehe very funny. You're part of the Timmy fanclub. You're both awesome. xD
Oh and there is much Timmy in the next chapter.
Ive also taken up your challenge and I have mentioned you in this chapter. Just mentioned, nothing too extravagent though xD

Oh and also I'd like to say that this chapter is particularly random xD Sorry if it creeps anyone out xD



If you stood on the island where Sora, Riku and Kairi were normally seen, chances are you would see a large group of trees planted very closely together. In the midst of those trees, a flawless, silver gummi ship was positioned sternly on the ground. On the side of that ship, a blue structure with a blob-like appearance continuously rammed itself into the hard surface of the outside wall. That blue blob was Mary-Sue’s confused, fed-up, angry, and above all, love-deprived head. It was quite hard to hear her inaudible mumblings, due to the fact that whey were exactly that; inaudible.

The only one capable of hearing these mumblings was Mary-Sue herself. This was only possible due to her supernatural capabilities of speaking and hearing to extreme volumes. Lately she had been feeling like giving up; it was quite tempting especially considering that the ship door was a mere five or so steps away. But she didn’t want to leave on a low… she needed to do something spectacular before leaving. Ugh! What? She needed to think of the perfect way to make Sora and Riku realize who they were really messing with. After all, she was Mary-Sue! The most perfect individual on the face of all the worlds, and yes that was supposed to be plural!

Then ‘it’ happened. Mary-Sue had a brilliant idea, an epiphany if you will. In her mind, she was certain she had come up with the most intelligent, demonic and brilliant idea in the history of the universe. It was going to be absolutely perfect, much like herself.


“So, let me get this straight. She was going to, uhh, make you eat the paopu?” Timmy was sitting near the ocean, talking with Sora about the previous paopu-related incidents.

“Well, yeah! She is just so weird sometimes” Sora replied. Although he was talking about a rather strange, perhaps quite serious situation, he still managed to have a radiant smile. He also rested his hands on the back of his head, as this was another thing he was often found doing.

“I guess, but maybe she’s just a little shy. Or she might really like you, but she just might not know the right words” Timmy chuckled softly.

“Or manners, or anything for that matter. I mean, come one! Her hair is blue! No one has blue hair!” Sora seemed to be getting very involved with the conversation, even though he had changed the subject to one much less serious.

“Umm, well there’s…”

“Really? Come on then, tell me who!”

“Alright!” Timmy smirked, “There’s Kaname Chidori from Full Metal Panic, Tsukimori Len from La Corda D’Oro, Hayate from Pretear, Chrono from Chrono Crusade, Rei Ayanami from Neon Genesis Evalgelion, Serge from Chrono Cross, Saix and Aqua from the very popular Kingdom Hearts series, all those female cops from Pokemon, Marge and many other characters from The Simpsons, and—“

“OKAY!” Sora was standing up now, looking down at Timmy who was still casually sitting on the sand “ You win! I lose… to your epic awesomeness, Timmy”

“Aww you’re still cool Sora! But you know who’s really cool?”

“I don’t know Timmy! Is this person more awesome than you?” the eager Sora had immediately left his somewhat angry state and was once again genuinely interested in hearing what Timmy had to say.

“Well, I’m not so sure about that”

Meanwhile, in the real world, the seven or so members of the now Official Timmy Fanclub swooned and fainted. Well, maybe not the guys.

“So, tell me who’s really cool!” Sora was jumping up and down on the spot now.” Is it me? Is it me? Is it me? Is it me? IS IT ME??!!!”

“.. Yes. Yes it’s you.”

“Yay!” Sora jumped up into the air like a little girl going to the candy store. Well, unless that particular little girl didn’t like candy. But let’s say this one did.

“I was actually referring to FishBox”

“Fish-wha?” Sora was obviously confused. “What the heck is a FishBo—“

“Never mind” Timmy laughed at Sora’s comical reaction and decided it would be best to change the subject. “So, anyway, you need help, before Katira makes you—“

“Eat. The paopu. Or Kairi gets it.” Mary-Sue had appeared seemingly out of nowhere, laughing maniacally. Held tightly in her grip was Kairi, who’s shrieks of fear were substantially muted by the mound of duct tape covering most of her face. Kairi was also tied up with large amounts of thick rope, making it virtually impossible for her to move.

Timmy, being as smart as he is, decided to take the opportunity to, in a sense, run away. This was definitely not due to a reason involving cowardice; He wanted to watch something on television. Is that a crime?

“Timmy! Get back here! Get back here and watch Sora submit to being my eternal love slave!” Mary-Sue was screaming at the top of her lungs. It appeared that she was most definitely at her angriest yet. Winds of incredible speeds began to blow around the sand and the trees. One small group of bushes shook a substantial amount more than the others. The sky had immediately changed from its tranquil shade of sky blue to a depressing murky grey. Clouds rushed to above Mary-Sue’s head so the heavy downpour would add a dramatic effect to the suspenseful scene.

“So, Sora. I found another paopu fruit for us to share! Come! Share this fruit with me as a celebration of our love! Out destinies shall intertwine and become one forever!” she screamed in attempt to be heard clearly over the rain.

“Bu..But… But!” Sora stuttered.

“Or Kairi gets it” she pointed out the fact quite bluntly. She then dug deep into the pocket of her shorts, pulled out a sword, and placed it near Kairi’s throat.
“How on earth did you fit a huge sword into your pocket, may I ask? Sora raised an eyebrow, obviously out of confusion. For most people, meaning everyone except for Mary-Sue and maybe Mary Poppins, the ability to store large objects in small spaces was not one everyone happened to possess.

“Wouldn’t you like to know...” Mary-Sue smirked, in an attempt to make her statement the slightest bit seductive.

“Yes, actually. It’s weird.”

Mary-Sue growled angrily. She was getting increasingly angrily at Sora’s complete obliviousness to what was going on around him. Surely he could see! Perhaps if he wasn’t distracted by Mary-Sue’s physical brilliance, then he might be able to concentrate more on his current situation. She nodded to herself. That had to be the only reason.

“Quiet, Sora. You’re ruining the moment. The only way for you to save Kairi is by sharing this paopu with me. It’s quite easy really, not complicated at all.” She advanced towards him, who had surprisingly not fled. Once again, using the power of her magical pocket, she put the sword back in its original place, and showed him the new paopu fruit in her hand.

“I’m going to eat most of it, then give the rest to you, which you will eat. Don’t try refusing. Remember what happens if you do!” She cackled as she evilly glared at Kairi, tightening the ropes around her stomach and causing her to utter a muffled shriek.

Within mere seconds Mary-Sue had devoured just over three quarters of the paopu fruit giving Sora enough for about a mouthful. The moment she swallowed the last piece of her share, a feeling of accomplishment and happiness came across her, something she had not experienced for a while. This was finally going to be the moment when some dim-witted individual was going to, although forcibly, have his destiny forever intertwined with that of Mary-Sue. She extended her hand forward, in it the remaining piece of fruit.

Sora began shivering slightly, his gaze switching from Kairi to the fruit, then back to Kairi, back to the fruit, and so on. He thought hard of a way to save Kairi, and avoid having a doomed existence simultaneously. Suddenly, an irritating noise broke his train of thought. An ongoing rustling noise coming from a nearby group of bushes was the cause of this.

“Hey, Katira…What’s that? I think I saw something.”

YAY! I made a special effort to post this up tonight because tomorrow I'll be away on holiday for a week. I wouldn't want to keep you waiting for that long! Anyways, hope you liked it ^_^


Speed lvl- snail
Feb 3, 2007
Where angels lose their way
Then ‘it’ happened. Mary-Sue had a brilliant idea, an epiphany if you will. In her mind, she was certain she had come up with the most intelligent, demonic and brilliant idea in the history of the universe. It was going to be absolutely perfect, much like herself.

roflol she's finally lost it tsk tsk, xD but yeah that was the most demonic idea i've heard this day 8D xD lol tying kairi and covering her with ducktape xD;;;

“Alright!” Timmy smirked, “There’s Kaname Chidori from Full Metal Panic, Tsukimori Len from La Corda D’Oro, Hayate from Pretear, Chrono from Chrono Crusade, Rei Ayanami from Neon Genesis Evalgelion, Serge from Chrono Cross, Saix and Aqua from the very popular Kingdom Hearts series, all those female cops from Pokemon, Marge and many other characters from The Simpsons, and—“

“OKAY!” Sora was standing up now, looking down at Timmy who was still casually sitting on the sand “ You win! I lose… to your epic awesomeness, Timmy”

wahhh yay u used the suggest i gave xD lols thanks!!! xD *saw it in ym but still thanks xD* and yes against timmy, sora still fails at awesomeness that is timmy xD;; sora's cute still timmy= epic win

Meanwhile, in the real world, the seven or so members of the now Official Timmy Fanclub swooned and fainted. Well, maybe not the guys.

LoL im one of them!!! >xD ish fandom a crime?? xD

waah this made my day!! *is saved from emo* awesome chapter elorah!!!! xD


New member
Feb 14, 2008
Belly of the beast.

Suspense..... So much suspense....

“Aww you’re still cool Sora! But you know who’s really cool?”

“I don’t know Timmy! Is this person more awesome than you?” the eager Sora had immediately left his somewhat angry state and was once again genuinely interested in hearing what Timmy had to say.

“Well, I’m not so sure about that”

Meanwhile, in the real world, the seven or so members of the now Official Timmy Fanclub swooned and fainted. Well, maybe not the guys.

“So, tell me who’s really cool!” Sora was jumping up and down on the spot now.” Is it me? Is it me? Is it me? Is it me? IS IT ME??!!!”

“.. Yes. Yes it’s you.”

“Yay!” Sora jumped up into the air like a little girl going to the candy store. Well, unless that particular little girl didn’t like candy. But let’s say this one did.

“I was actually referring to FishBox”

“Fish-wha?” Sora was obviously confused. “What the heck is a FishBo—“

“Never mind”

Hahahaha!! :thumbup:


Dec 5, 2007
hmm... I guess I'll have to take back what I said before... THIS IS THE BEST CHAPTER!
hehe mad Mary Sue xD
That's fine by me! Thanks a lot. I too find crazy Mary-Sue amuzing xD

roflol she's finally lost it tsk tsk, xD but yeah that was the most demonic idea i've heard this day 8D xD lol tying kairi and covering her with ducktape xD;;;
hehe im sure loads of kairi bashers had that idea in thier heads somewhere xD although i do think i may have been a but high on sugar when i wrote this chapter xD

wahhh yay u used the suggest i gave xD lols thanks!!! xD *saw it in ym but still thanks xD* and yes against timmy, sora still fails at awesomeness that is timmy xD;; sora's cute still timmy= epic win
awh your list of blue haired people helped a lot, sonja! and yep! Timmy IS epic win.

LoL im one of them!!! >xD ish fandom a crime?? xD

waah this made my day!! *is saved from emo* awesome chapter elorah!!!! xD
Of course fandom isn't a crime! Let there be fandom amongst all! xD Ohh and im glad to hear i saved you from your current state of sadness. Thank you for liking the story too!

Suspense..... So much suspense....
OMGYESWAI! yes way indeed.
Glad you like it! Hehe it was actually quite fun trying to find a way for them to mention your name!

SeaSalt IceCream

Nov 29, 2007
Hahah! That was funny!
I thought the FB bit was the most funny part of all, ofcourse it's always hard to pick favourite bits in your fanfic, it's just too awesome!
Heck it was good enough to tare me away from my awesomeness new keyboard that's how great it was! Congratualtions! XD


Dec 5, 2007
Hahah! That was funny!
I thought the FB bit was the most funny part of all, ofcourse it's always hard to pick favourite bits in your fanfic, it's just too awesome!
Heck it was good enough to tare me away from my awesomeness new keyboard that's how great it was! Congratualtions! XD
Aww thanks as always! Too awesome? Aww! Sometimes i still find it hard to believe that people actually like this xD
Oh wow. And i know you love that keyboard to death, too.

Anyways, Chapter 11! The newest appearances in Chapter 11 are Sonja (Soulheart) and Lenya! Hope I've written you in well enough.



The grove of bushes nearby rustled uncontrollably in the fierce winds. Most would simply say that it is normal for plant life to be shaken in such a way, but the readers know better. There was something hiding there, and that something could be anything. It could be anything from a family of sparrows seeking shelter to a compact terrorist robot complete with machine guns and gumball machine. However it was unlikely that the latter option was reality; if one had read any information in an encyclopedia, they would know that compact terrorist robots prefer mountainous regions.

A large sigh was emitted from the higher regions of the randomly placed, strange bush. If one stood close enough, they would notice the two human voices, most likely female, whispering to each other, attempting to keep their whereabouts a secret.

“Awh man! Noooo! He’s not here!” One of the voices whispered in a somewhat annoyed, whining tone.

“Do we move?” replied the other voice.

“I don’t know… I guess so”

“Cool.” There was a short pause. “How?”

“Quiet, Sora. You’re ruining the moment. The only way for you to save Kairi is by sharing this paopu with me. It’s quite easy really, not complicated at all.” A strange voice could be heard in the distance. The two girls lifted their heads upwards so they could see what exactly was happening at that moment. One of the girls was wearing glasses and had short, dark, wavy hair. The other also had dark hair, but hers was much longer. Upon seeing Mary-Sue’s trademark blue perfectly arrange mop of hair, they quickly glanced at each other before quickly resuming to their squatting positions.

“Hey, Katira…What’s that? I think I saw something.” Sora’s voice was easily recognizable to the girls.

“Oh no. Sora knows we’re here. What do we do?” The girl with glasses frantically whispered.

“He does?! Sora!” The long haired girl stood up, making herself clearly visible. Unfortunately, both Mary-Sue, Sora and also Kairi, although Kairi doesn’t matter so much, all had their eyes fixated on the shrubbery which the girl had just happened to emerge from.

“Lenya!” Both girls were now clearly in Mary-Sue’s sight. “We’re here for Timmy!” The long haired girl, Lenya, was playfully shoved by the other, before the two of them began their very serious search for Timmy.

Mary-Sue stood nearby, rolling her eyes often as a sign of her complete and utter annoyance. Was it really so hard for her to make Sora consume the smallest piece of fruit? Surely in any other normal situation, with any other person, this would have been done so simply! She sighed loudly, still keeping Kairi tightly within her grip. At an incredibly fast rate, Mary-Sue was getting angrier, although some may not have believed it to be possible. However, luckily for the two girls, she was beginning to become tired and bored with maintaining a hostile behaviour, so she chose to verbally communicate.

“Who are you, why are you here, what do you want.” Mary-Sue bluntly muttered. Although she was making conversation with the girls, her eyes were drifting around, focusing mainly on Kairi, and occasionally jumping to Sora who had surprisingly not ran away like any normal person in his situation.

“I” The girl with the glasses attempted to look confident, although being around Mary-Sue made her feel slightly nauseous “am Sonja! And this is Lenya!” she gestured to the long-haired girl, who was already identified as Lenya. “And we are here to protect our beloved Timmy from the vicious wrath of Mary-Sue!” Sonja and Lenya ran triumphantly from the bushes, snatching Kairi from Mary-Sue’s grasp while she, along with Sora, was quite shocked upon hearing Sonja’s words.

“Mar…Mary-Sue? Who is that?!” Sora blinked in confusion.

Mary-Sue silently seethed, the chunky blue veins in her forehead making a guest appearance.

“I dunno” muttered Riku, showing up on the island for the first time in numerous chapters.

“Hey Riku” Sora waved half-heartedly.

“Hey” was the response. “Um, Sora… Two questions. One. Why does Katira look extremely PMS today? Two. Who are those girls and why are they running off into the sunset with Kairi, who is tied up with ropes and duck tape?”

“Those are two tough questions you have there. I suspect Katira is possibly seething due to the information given by Sonja about one ‘Mary-Sue’. The two girls are two Timmy-crazed fangirls who go by the names of Lenya and Sonja. They claim to be protecting Timmy from the evil wrath of Mary-Sue. But why they have Kairi, I don’t know.”

“Wow. You just sounded so OOC” said Riku, trying hard to hold in large amounts laughter. However, this deemed to be too hard for poor Riku; he burst into laughter after finding the manner in which Sora spoke to be quite comical.

“You’re laughing! You’re not depressed? I knew you were a happy soul!” Sora bounced numerous times and leapt into a hug, which caused Riku’s facial expression to change from virtually ecstatic to confused, annoyed and embarrassed.

“Get off of me.”

“Yes, Riku” and with that, the strictly ‘just friendly’ hug was no more.

“Hmm, so have you ever thought about perhaps asking who or what Mary-Sue might be?” asked Riku, his left eyebrow raised considerably.

Sora’s eyes widened dramatically. Some would say he had had a sudden realization, an epiphany, perhaps. “You know, I never thought of that!”

There was a long sigh, courtesy of Riku. “Well I guess you could go ask Katira, or those two random girls. You can pick.”

Sora looked at Mary-Sue, who was still seething and thinking many angsty, vengeful thoughts. Then he turned and looked behind him, where Sonja and Lenya most likely disappeared with Kairi. His gaze frequently changed from the two, before ultimately deciding to follow the girls. He grabbed Riku by the forearm, and they sprinted away.

“Come on, Riku! We gotta go find out what Mary-Sue is!”

“.. No we don’t. Not if we don’t want to.”
“Yes we do!” Sora looked back at Riku, who didn’t appear to be exactly one hundred percent enthusiastic about the whole situation.” Umm… besides, Lenya and Sonja have Kairi.”

Riku stopped running. He blinked a few times, without saying a word. “What are we waiting for, let’s go!” He then took off, sprinting at almost double the speed as previously. Sora caught up to him soon after, and the two ran towards a mass of golden houses.


Another chapter! Ooh did we like it? Hehe I hope so. :3 Anyhoo, thanks everyone for reading as always!
Last edited:


Dec 5, 2007
yes, I did like it
good decision Sora... I think Mary-Sue would have mauled you if you asked her xD
Im glad you did!
Hehe Sora make a pretty good decision. Asking Mary-Sue would have ended up horribly for him, I assure you.

roflol roflol roflol xD

awesome as always!! xD lol thanks for adding us btw xD
Thank you very much! Aww you're welcome. I'm glad you liked your character, and that I wrote you in alright. Now Lenya just has to see it

SeaSalt IceCream

Nov 29, 2007
LOL I love it!
This one just seems to be getting more random by the second, BUT it's a good form of random, not often you see that these days!


Dec 5, 2007
LOL I love it!
This one just seems to be getting more random by the second, BUT it's a good form of random, not often you see that these days!
Yay thanks! Hehe I have a tendancy to make things random.. lets just hope i dont get too distracted from the main story. Good random? YAY!

Hehe anyways, a lot of the next chapter was inspired by a review i recieved on fanfiction.net. I hope she likes it when I post it up there! Do you remember a while back when Timmy threw the bit of paopu fruit in the water? *laughter*




By the time Mary-Sue had completed her session of angst and depression, she was left completely alone. Little had she known that it had been quite a while since almost every character mentioned in the course of the story had relocated to a mysterious house in which Sonja and Lenya were keeping Kairi hostage. This is only assumed because the author never mentioned if Kairi’s ropes were ever cut, or if the duct tape stuck firmly on her mouth was painfully ripped off without warning.

She didn’t know what to do, where to go. Mary-Sue felt quite stupid, especially after her supposed-to-be-foolproof plan had failed so miserably. To think that two powerless adolescent girls could just waltz onto the scene and ruin everything! There was even the possibility of her true identity being revealed, which she knew she would never let happen. But it was time to think about solving this problem! Where did they go…?

All of a sudden she felt something slimy pull on her ankle. Her natural reaction was to shriek and pull her limbs out of this thing’s grasp, or at least try to. When she looked down, she noticed that it was in fact a greasy, purple octopus which had some sort of unnatural attraction to her shin. Three of its tentacles were wrapped around her lower leg, the octopus tightening its grip whenever Mary-Sue attempted to pull away.

“Will you get off me!?” she groaned at the particularly friendly octopus, trying to kick it hard with her free leg. However instead of this, she missed her target by a long shot and ended up tripping over thin air, falling hard on her backside in the sand. During this quite hilarious process, said octopus maintained its grip and felt nowhere near as much pain as Mary-Sue.

“Look what you’ve made me do, you stupid… thing!” was the best thought of comeback at the time “At this rate I might consider eating you! And I’m pretty sure you don’t want that.” The octopus merely looked up at his new blue-haired friend, making a puppy eyed expression if possible. She failed to notice this and began to walk in the direction of a mass of houses, presumably being the location where the others had wandered. She walked at a slower pace than normal; this was due to the fact her new companion had a stronger will than most and had completely and utterly refused to part from her, which in the end, resulted in her having to put it along with her wherever she went.

For many minutes, approximately half an hour, Mary-Sue and her octopus companion steadily paced across the islands in search of the rest of the group. During this small journey she passed many townsfolk, many of them with something interesting or at least comical to contribute to the story.

“Daddy! Daddy! Look at that girl! She has blue hair! It’s so weird!” a small girl enthusiastically called from a small gathering of people.
“Now, pumpkin, it’s rude to point. Besides, she’s probably one of those people who doesn’t like other people to notice them” replied the girl’s father. This particular remark made Mary-Sue groan in disgust. Her sole purpose she was still here on these putrid islands was to be noticed!

“Oh, sweet! Check it out! An octopus! Can I touch it?” A group of teenagers were advancing towards her, their hands reaching out towards her foot.

“You can take it, if it will let go of me.” Mary-Sue coldly muttered. That instruction caused the group to immediately lunge down, their scrawny arms tugging at the bewildered octopus from all directions. Surprisingly enough, the group effort was not enough to remove the creature.

“This is stupid, guys. Let’s go smoke, drink and audition for reality television” The group of unimportant adolescents turned away from Mary-Sue and her eight-legged growth, walking towards the beach at an unnaturally slow pace.

“Go on then. Thanks for you’re half-arsed attempt. It really looked like you were going to do something slightly productive there” was the sarcastic remark once again, from Mary-Sue. “Wait” the volume of her voice had considerably increased. She pulled out a photo from her pocket; the photo was of Sora, Riku, Kairi, Lenya and Sonja.

But wait.

She had never taken out a camera, let alone taken a photo of everyone happily gathering. How was this possible? Well, this was obviously because of Mary-Sue’s perfection powers.

Continue on.

“Have you seen any of these people? I’m sort of looking for them” she thrusted the photo into face of each teenager, refusing to give them space to breathe until they had provided her with an acceptable answer.

“Um, I think they went that way” an unimportant female gestured to a large group of trees, in which there were a few huts nestled in the middle of the greenery. At the exact moment of her gesture, an abnormally placed bolt of lightning made an appearance, followed by the howling of a wolf that, quite frankly, shouldn’t be on the island at all.

“Great” Mary-Sue sighed “So basically, I have to make my way through the thundery, werewolf infested forest, go knocking on all of the doors until I can find them and … kill them?”

“What was that last thing you said?” The random female raised her eyebrows and backed away slowly, somewhat disturbed by Mary-Sue’s intentions.

“Find them?”

“Oh... Good”

“Yes, it is, isn’t it? Come on, octo-buddy, we’ve got some crazy kids to find!” Taking a triumphant step, Mary-Sue and the octopus, still latched onto her shin and holding on for dear life, the two of them made their entrance into the forest. There was an obvious change of scenery, especially since the Destiny Islands were usually depicted by many people as a tropical beach paradise.
Although, luckily for Mary-Sue, she did not have to tread through the grassy terrain for too long, as the small house where Sora, Riku, Kairi, Lenya, Sonja and Timmy all were was conveniently placed mere metres away from the entrance of the forest. Mary-Sue was somewhat shocked at this sight; she hadn’t really had things go her way for a while. From here on, it seemed easy. All she had to do is barge in, and stab everyone with her very pointy sword.

Keeping those glorious thoughts in mind, Mary-Sue took a few deep breaths before turning the doorknob…

Woot! Yay! Soo, what do we all think? Did you like it? Hope so! Thanks for reading once again xD
Jan 30, 2008
In the rubbish bin
XD hehe brilliant

“Great” Mary-Sue sighed “So basically, I have to make my way through the thundery, werewolf infested forest, go knocking on all of the doors until I can find them and … kill them?”

werewolf infested eh? hmm... XD
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