ah, Timmy made me lol xD
I know people have already said this, but... AHHH! run Riku! run while you can!!!!
anyways, I am hoping the next chapter wont be too far away!
Ahh i quite like Timmy, the random male xD
run riku, run. *maniacal laughter* ... (is not hinting anything, seriously)
anyways, next chapter is right now!
‘This is not comfortable’ thought Mary-Sue angrily to herself. Things were shoved up against her body at almost all angles, barging into the side her side at the most unpredictable of times. The general temperature gradually became hotter, stickier and stuffier. She began to cough loudly and hoarsely, to the point where it was considered to be ungraceful. This made Mary-Sue feel ashamed inside. She had a lot of trouble hearing as the amount of chatter was beginning to become unnaturally high, but this was high school, and Mary-Sue knew that loud noises and a lack of manners was something quite normally expected.
However, she was honestly beginning to become sick of this crowded atmosphere. She began an attempt to swiftly release herself from this mammoth crowd and, possibly get herself on time. This later point was particularly important as Mary-Sue now had a small goal in need of accomplishment, that goal to get as close to Riku as possible. After all, he was her current target. Finally, it was finally decided that she was spending way too long in this smelly, crowded corridor, and that she would find her way out using sheer force, in turn giving her as much Riku time as possible.
She saw her classroom in the distance, and coincidentally, she could also see the top of Riku’s head. His silver locks stood out from a mile away. Also, some other unrecognizable heads bopped along and made their way to Riku’s. Obviously these were the heads of Sora and Kairi, who very rarely left their friend alone.
Quickly, Mary-Sue shoved her left elbow in a stranger’s stomach, and violently pushed her way through the crowds, trying to find Riku as soon as possible. About a minute later, she emerged on the other side of the corridor, her hair slightly messed up, but her hands were latched onto Riku’s back.
“Woah! What the-“muttered Riku, turning around to see the structure tugging on the back of his shirt. “Tira, what exactly are you doing?” His head tilted, showing his obvious confusion. Kairi began snickering but that was abruptly cut off when Mary-Sue shot her an evil glare.
“Those mean boys were pushing me around in the hallway!” ‘Katira’ had put on her dramatic voice “ I felt so scared, I needed to be with you!” Then, she realized she was perhaps going a bit too far; she noticed she had grabbed hold of Riku and pinned him against the wall, which earned her some strange looks all around. Nervously she let him go, and looked towards the ground, before continuing on“… and class is here obviously”
“Yes. Yes it is.” sighed Kairi.
As Kairi’s words ceased the classroom door was opened by a man who could only be assumed was the teacher. He was reasonably tall, and had a stocky appearance. He had a bald patch in the center of his head and wore round spectacles. But enough about him, shouldn’t we get back to Mary-Sue? After all, she is perfect.
Mary-Sue sprinted into the classroom, keeping an eye on exactly where Riku sat, mainly so she could secure a seat next to him, and then ponder about possible ways to use this to her advantage. A simple ‘drop pencil’ seemed to be an okay way to get attention. However, it seemed for a split second her eyes had moved away, and when she looked back, Sora and Kairi were seated on either side of Riku. It was also noticed that most of the seats had been already occupied by other students, and Mary-Sue directed herself to the only remaining chair in the classroom, which was two rows behind Kairi.
“Class” the teacher seemed to be reasonably sarcastic, and definitely too old for Mary-Sue’s liking. She personally liked working with younger men as she wouldn’t have to be somewhat disturbed by the wrinkles, bald patches, reading glasses, arthritis and all the other ‘wonders’ that came with old age. Another reason was that the younger people were generally better looking, and knew a great deal more about technology.
“I am Mr. Natoro, and welcome to my classroom” the teacher, now identifiable as Mr. Natoro, continued “While you are in my classroom, I am God. You will bow down to be at the beginning and end of the lesson, and will only sit down when I direct you do so.” Mary-Sue took immediate notice that the remainder of the class had all risen from their seats by instruction of their reasonably threatening teacher. She however, remained in her seat. Especially after being in environments with super-villains, and other threatening teachers such as Professor Severus Snape, this teacher Natoro was nothing, in terms of the scare-factor.
“... You don’t have to be standing now, but I’m glad you all are terrified of me. It makes me feel like more of a man.” Mary-Sue snickered, although it became much louder in a matter of seconds. Luckily, due to her generally perfect nature, this outburst was ignored. Natoro handed around a sheet to a random male, possibly Timmy, and within a short amount of time, there was a copy of the sheet in each student’s hands.
“Okay, I just have to go collect something. I’ll be back in a few minutes, and I expect you’ll be on your best behaviour while I’m gone.” Natoro announced to the class “Yeah. Do the sheet” he sighed before he disappeared out of the room, his footsteps becoming quieter as he moved further down the hallway.
Mary-Sue glanced briefly at the sheet in front of her. ‘Algebra Revision’ It read. She sighed loudly; after entering high school a number of times, she had become very good, although very bored of Algebra. In virtually no time, the sheet was done, the answers all presumably correct.
Attempting to make as little noise as possible, she pushed her chair outwards and stood up slowly, before pushing it back in again in an elegant manner. She peered over numerous heads and watched Riku from afar. He was still continuing on with the sheet like a vast majority of the students, or better said, everyone else except her, who had finished in an unnaturally fast amount of time. She picked up her pencil and walked over to Mr. Natoro’s desk, picking up a tissue and quietly blowing her nose before placing it in the bin.
She then walked slowly back at her desk, passing Riku’s on the way. While passing him, she made an effort to catch his gaze, before dropping her pencil at his side. Then, as if nothing had happened, she walked back to her desk. As the seconds passed, they became minutes, and Mary-Sue sat biting her lip while waiting for something to happen.
A creaking noise came from the door as Mr Natoro entered the classroom once again. The noise level dramatically lowered and all heads were down, studying their sheets. Mary-Sue moved her head over, to look at Riku some more. Her pencil had not moved an inch.
Ohh... did you like that? hehe.
Thanks for reading once again. I can't believe this thread is 5 pages now! xD xD*uber happiness*