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Fanfiction ► ~ Good Day, Mary-Sue ~

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Dec 5, 2007

Hi Everybody! It appears I have a fanfic!

A parodysue fic about what our much-loved Mary-Sue *cough* thinks about when she realizes she's beginning to lose her cool... *smirk*

Yes, It is the first one I've posted on KHI and the only attempt I feel slightly confident about, so uh... try not to be too harsh! :blush:

Anyways, enough of my rambling. Here's the first little bit of Good Day, Mary-Sue!



A name, known, hated and feared by all.

Her ‘practically perfect in every way’ demeanor, numerous personalities, appearances and identities have been the cause of the minds of many beloved characters, male and female, becoming a twisted, love-filled piece of bubblegum pink mush, with shattered glass points and rusty nails sticking out from every angle. The way she simply walked into a room had the power to bring even the strongest of heart straight to their knees within seconds. Looking into her jewel coloured eyes will put anyone into her spell, willing to do anything for her love.

Mary-Sue yearned to dominate the fictional world, to claim the hearts (or not hearts, in some cases) of every moderately attractive piece of meat that crossed her path. Her goal? To have the entire population of wherever she happens to go, bow down to her, chant her name (whatever it may be at the time) and be eternally serving her, in hopes of getting another glimpse of her stunning beauty. With every passing day, she gradually got closer to that goal.

“Where to go, Where to go…” she muttered quietly to herself using her glorious sounding voice. Mary-Sue was gracefully hovering around outer space in her gummi ship. There wasn’t much room around her due to all of the paint cans and gummi blocks crammed into every possible space; she never knew when she had to give her ship a sudden makeover, and being perfect at everything, this never took long at all; the positioning of the remaining materials was like a simple game of Tetris.

She tucked a lock of long, platinum blonde hair behind her ear and scoped the space around her. To her left there was an old, Greek stadium floating on a darker, bluer land structure, which she knew well as the Underworld. She shuddered slightly and mentally reminded herself that she would never go back there again. Hercules’ girlfriend, Megara, was one tough woman, who she definitely didn’t want to encounter for a very long time. Mary-Sue picked up the lock that was previously behind her ear and examined it; it turned out that Hercules didn’t like blondes, and considering there were no hair dye products in that particular world, she couldn’t exactly morph her hair into a completely different colour and style without any explanation. After dwelling on that subject for a short while, she decided to change her hair so that it was now shoulder length and black.

Lately though, she felt like she had been losing her touch. “Why was it that all these Disney guys had girlfriends?” She wondered “Shouldn’t Disney be against public displays of affection?” Normally in other worlds, this was never a real issue, but there was something about these particular women; they were just so much, harder to break than all the other girls. For example, when she went to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry a couple of years ago, it was breathtakingly easy to bring Ginny Weasley to tears; Harry was hers within mere days. When she got tired of him, she simply emotionally crippled whatever girl it was who happened to be dating Ron at that moment. She had every male in the grounds bowing before her not long after a month. After she got tired of Hogwarts, she told her current interest, she had forgotten his name, of her sudden move to another school, and all of her previous companions were left grieving as she happily flew away in search of some more fun. It was a piece of cake.

The other worlds in her sight were unrecognizable to Mary-Sue. In the distance was a large castle, shrouded in mist. The thought of going there excited her slightly but also sent a chill down her spine. She knew she had to go eventually, but decided to stay away from there for a while. Slightly closer to her than the castle were some other worlds, most of them consisting of a few buildings, roads, trees and other things you’d find in a normal town.

There was one particular place that really caught her attention. It seemed to be calm, relaxing place; one where she could regain her ‘cool’, and also the numerous palm trees just looked like the ones out of a holiday brochure! Mary-Sue slowly moved her gummi ship closer to the island world, set up her impossibly perfect means of surveillance and began to eavesdrop on the conversations of its inhabitants, thinking about who she will become for her next adventure.


Yes I know, a tad short. But this is only the prologue! And I'm sure chapters will get longer and longer as I go, possibly to the point where they get ridiculously long and they need cutting down.

But thanks for reading! It would be appreciated if you let me know what you think! ^_^
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SeaSalt IceCream

Nov 29, 2007
Hahahahha I hate Harry Potter, Im glad she destroyed him XD lol. Anyways Im very excited to read the next chapters! This was very VERY good!



Dec 5, 2007
Hahahahha I hate Harry Potter, Im glad she destroyed him XD lol. Anyways Im very excited to read the next chapters! This was very VERY good!

Ahh i didn't know that! Well yeah, Mary-Sue tends to crush everyone, including some people who we may not like as much, resulting in our rejoice. weird sentence xD Thankyou SeaSalt *huggles*

Haha! Harry got pwned <3

Entertaining. I'll definitely continue to read this one [x
Yeah. He got pwned good. Thankyou for reading! Glad you enjoyed it!

awesome :'D its well written. see your great at writing OwO
aww thankyou! *huggles sonja* im glad you think so!


Dec 5, 2007
Wowww its really interesting :D Had no idea it was a KH story at all xD I hope she doesnt touch MY MAN though >w>

And I had absolutely no idea you were such a great writer O___o

xD Thankyou Lenya!;; hehe yup! it's a Kh story alright. who exactly is your man btw? I might put it in my head and make sure i don't so anything to mean to him *smirk* = P
Hey thanks for saying im a good writer! Well i think you're a great artist ^_^

(NOTE: look at her deviantart! It's really good!)

Lawl. I adore a good mock-the-Sue fic! <3 Looking forward to the next installment. :3

hehe i also enjoy good old mock-the-sue fics, that being one of the reasons im writing one! Glad you're enjoying it so far!

And speaking of the next installment... *drumroll*



It wasn’t long until Mary-Sue’s ship had safely landed on the currently deserted beach. The scenery seemed nice enough, although from her A-grade means of surveillance, she could only detect the voices of three people, which to her was slightly disappointing, but much better than no people at all. Their names were Sora, Riku and Kairi. She was almost certain that Kairi was a girl’s name. As for Sora and Riku, she wasn’t exactly sure, although she was hoping that at least one of them was a male, or otherwise this leg of her voyage would have been deemed somewhat pointless. This was only ‘somewhat’ because, if this place had to males to turn into her slaves, she could always have a long relaxation period basking in the sun and lying in one of the many patches of sand these islands had to offer.

She had pondered for quite a while, and was still staring out of one of her ship’s many crystal clear windows. Through it, she could see the sparkling blue sea, and the clean, light sand that the sun seemed to be shining brightly on. She turned slightly and examined herself in her mirror, constantly making adjustments to her physical appearance until she had created a persona for herself which would possibly prove successful in claiming the hearts of the male inhabitants. That is, if there were any of course. She finally decided on giving herself waist-length, cobalt locks, tied up into a low ponytail, and shiny emerald eyes.

She stepped outside of her ship for the first time since her last ‘mission’, which happened to be at Olympus Coliseum, a place where she definitely did not want to go to for some time. She was wearing a pair of khaki cargo pants, and a black t-shirt. Normally, the clothing and accessories worn by Mary-Sue would go into excessive, and quite frankly, unnecessary and unwanted detail. However, the author simply decided not to waste a good hundred words describing said character’s articles of clothing, mainly because after only briefly departing from the inside of the ship, the sheer heat around her forced her to rush inside and replace her cargo pants with shorts, which were similar in appearance.

It wasn’t long until Mary-Sue emerged from the ship a second time, this time, in shorts which suited the tropical weather much better than her previous choice of pants. She took the opportunity to observe her surroundings a little bit more, this time, not through a glass window. There was a cool breeze which, although it didn’t take away any of the immense heat, but brushed gently across her face, and pushed her flawless hair behind her so it lingered in the air for a short time before making its way slowly to the middle of her back.

Putting her hand up over her eyes, Mary-Sue took some short steps forward and gazed in the general direction of where the breeze was coming from. In the distance, across a stream of sea water, she spotted a small island, shrouded in the shade of a large tree which was bent in such a way it could quite easily be sat on. As a matter of fact, it was being sat on, by a girl in a pink outfit. Since Mary-Sue was quite a while away, she couldn’t see all of the exact details of each person, but she could see that there were three youths on the island; the one already mentioned, who was sitting peacefully in the tree, and two others, who were sparring with what appeared to be wooden swords. She placed her palm on her face and sighed loudly. What had she got herself into? She made a mental note to herself; to make herself appear younger. It seemed that the age of twenty she had pretended to be at Olympus was a little too old to seem attractive to these guys.

She decided on assuming the age of fifteen. While making this slight transformation, her height had decreased slightly, as well as her bone structure becoming more petite in general. If said people on said island were a teeny bit older than that, well she planned to use the excuse of being a naturally petite person. That reason had worked before and would definitely work again. Then, Mary-Sue realized that she needed to go to this island, and meet these people for herself, after realizing that endless pondering was becoming exceedingly boring.

There were a few wooden steps that lead to a raised area of land. From there, she crossed a short wooden bridge, which appeared rickety, but was surprisingly stable. It wasn’t long until she was mere meters away from the three teenagers. The only female of the trio was sitting at the trunk of the large tree, placed on the edge of the circular island. She was wearing a short pink dress covered in zips and had shoulder length burgundy hair. The other two, she was now almost positive, were males. Both were wielding wooden swords, moving rapidly back and forth, and occasionally, their swords would collide. The male standing closest to the girl had a large mass of chocolate coloured spikes on his head and a mischievous smirk on his face. He was wearing an intricately designed black shirt, matching black pants and a pair of very large shoes, each of which were occasionally spattered with red or yellow.

Mary-Sue attempted to move closer to said brown-haired male, but was taken aback when his wooden sword was centimeters away from smacking her square in the face. What seemed to irritate her more though, was the glare sent to her by the girl. It seemed that she had a problem with anyone laying their eyes on him. Slightly freaked out by the red-head’s stare, Mary-Sue focused her attention on the silver-haired male, who was standing on the opposite side of the island. Unlike his two friends, his feet were or regular size, and were shrouded by a pair of long, blue jeans. He was also wearing a yellow tank top, also having a number of zips on it. What was with these people and zips? This appeared to be a mystery to her; a mystery she would most likely delve further into some other time.

It seemed an appropriate moment for her to finally make herself noticed. Although, she was surprised that she had already walked within a close proximity of the males, but that was not enough for their undivided attention. She almost found herself uttering words but she realized that this was not normal and decided to wait until the expected thing, being them bowing down before her unnatural beauty, commenced.

She continued to watch the sparring in silence, still remaining unnoticed by both of the fight’s participants and now even being ignored by the red-headed girl. She rolled her eyes and made the decision to finally walk up to the trio, hopefully resulting in them being aware of her existence. A sudden rush of nervousness came over her. “Why am I nervous?” she thought to herself “I’m Mary-Sue! I’m perfect!” She forced a small grin on her symmetrical face and advanced semi-confidently, having convinced herself things would turn out much better in just a matter of time.


Ta-dah! ^_^ I don't really know what to say right now but thanks for reading once again!
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New member
Feb 4, 2008
Dewford Town
Wow! This is brilliant!
Love the angle you used, from Mary-Sue's general point of view. Adds spice to the fan fic!
And now... you have intimidated me... :blushing:
Oh love your humor too! Everyone needs a good laugh once in a while.

"However, the author simply decided not to waste a good hundred words describing said character’s articles of clothing, mainly because after only briefly departing from the inside of the ship, the sheer heat around her forced her to rush inside and replace her cargo pants with shorts, which were similar in appearance."

Lol. Love that line.
Just out of curiosity... how does said heat affect Mary-Sue's hair? Lol.
Oh right, her hair must be perfect :thumbsup:
Awesome jobz! I'll be waiting for Ch. 2!


Dec 5, 2007
Wow! This is brilliant!
Love the angle you used, from Mary-Sue's general point of view. Adds spice to the fan fic!
And now... you have intimidated me...
Oh love your humor too! Everyone needs a good laugh once in a while.
Thank you very much :3
Ohh imtimidated you? Why? I don't want you to feel that way!
Thank you again. I'm glad you like and understand my sense of humour :p

"However, the author simply decided not to waste a good hundred words describing said character’s articles of clothing, mainly because after only briefly departing from the inside of the ship, the sheer heat around her forced her to rush inside and replace her cargo pants with shorts, which were similar in appearance."

Lol. Love that line.
I love that line too. In fact, I love most of the lines ^_^
I was emphasising the fact that with most Mary-Sue's, thier appearance is usually elaborated waay more than any of the other, more important characters.

Just out of curiosity... how does said heat affect Mary-Sue's hair? Lol.
Oh right, her hair must be perfect
Awesome jobz! I'll be waiting for Ch. 2!

Hmm .. what did happen to her hair? Ill yet you imagine that for yourself.
Thank you sooo much, Twilight_Path! Hopefully chapter 2 won't be too long!

SeaSalt IceCream

Nov 29, 2007
Hahhahaha Im not overly sure why but this line had me cracked up. I serriously couldn't stop laughing.
Mary-Sue attempted to move closer to said brown-haired male
*bursts into laughter again!!* Not sure why this is so funny but I gotta say I love your work my friend!

Ahh i didn't know that! Well yeah, Mary-Sue tends to crush everyone, including some people who we may not like as much, resulting in our rejoice. weird sentence xD Thankyou SeaSalt *huggles*
Why is it I got the random image of some chick bashing up Stinkie Petie... with her beauty and wits? lol With Melificent crying... Hmmm very weird image there.... *Huggles back*


Dec 5, 2007
Hahhahaha Im not overly sure why but this line had me cracked up. I serriously couldn't stop laughing.

Mary-Sue attempted to move closer to said brown-haired male

*bursts into laughter again!!* Not sure why this is so funny but I gotta say I love your work my friend!

Hmm... come to think of it ... *randomly bursts into laughter*
thankyou for the compliment! very nice of you!

Why is it I got the random image of some chick bashing up Stinkie Petie... with her beauty and wits? lol With Melificent crying... Hmmm very weird image there.... *Huggles back*
where can i fit that in the plot? ill see what i can do!


New member
Feb 14, 2008
Belly of the beast.
What was with these people and zips?

Every time I've played a Squaresoft (or Square-Enix, what ever) that thought has raced through my head like, a billion times over.

Yep, You've definitely got me hooked [x

EDIT: Woot... 50 Posts... xD

SeaSalt IceCream

Nov 29, 2007
where can i fit that in the plot? ill see what i can do!
Hahahaha Can you imagine it? I can, which is why I'm morally horrified. I also imagine these almost Zombiefied men walking behind her drooling *Shudders* THE WORLD HAS COME TO AN END!

EDIT: Woot... 50 Posts... xD
YAY! *Claps* Ummm 710 Posts! Wooot! lol

Every time I've played a Squaresoft (or Square-Enix, what ever) that thought has raced through my head like, a billion times over.
U mean it's square who's obessed with Zips? Hmm... Maybe their logo should be a zip next time :lol:


Dec 5, 2007
Every time I've played a Squaresoft (or Square-Enix, what ever) that thought has raced through my head like, a billion times over.

Yep, You've definitely got me hooked [x

EDIT: Woot... 50 Posts... xD
Yay! i think so too! There are sooo many zips! it looks cool though so im not really complaining ^_^'
And thankyou for liking it!
and congrats on ur 50 posts! even though you're on 54 now!
*claps* ... yay 233? o_O hehe

Hahahaha Can you imagine it? I can, which is why I'm morally horrified. I also imagine these almost Zombiefied men walking behind her drooling *Shudders* THE WORLD HAS COME TO AN END!
HAHA! ... anyways, im not quite ready for the world to end just yet :3

SeaSalt IceCream

Nov 29, 2007
Main character of the next Final Fantasy should actually be a zip.
Muahahaha Captin Zipper! lol *Pictures Silver Zip with a red cape* Muahaaha an insult to square but Oh wells

HAHA! ... anyways, im not quite ready for the world to end just yet :3
Muahahaha Neither am I!


Oct 31, 2007
o_O Hey. Good start on it. Keep it up then! =)
I just read the prologue xD Need to read another chapter at different time!Lol


Dec 5, 2007
Muahahaha Captin Zipper! lol *Pictures Silver Zip with a red cape* Muahaaha an insult to square but Oh wells
haha nice.i have a vivid image in my head :p

o_O Hey. Good start on it. Keep it up then! =)
I just read the prologue xD Need to read another chapter at different time!Lol
Hi there!
thankyou very much! hope you continue reading :3

oh snap, ure writings amazing! awesome chapter :'D

when will the next one be posted? :'D
aww thanks ^_^'
im hoping i could get it up possibly tonight, it'll almost certainly be done this weekend. i hope so!
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