Nomura has already stated that Riku didn't just "by chance" get the armor that looks so much like Vanitas or his fighting style either. Nomura has even hinted that Vanitas is not only connected to Sora but to Riku as well. We already of course know the Ventus/Sora connection. Riku is the other mystery. Remember Vanitas has a Lingering Sentiment as well now too. So it makes you wonder, is Vanitas really gone for good? (i REALLY doubt this with all my being. this dude will be back big time.)
And ven never fell. Aqua and Terra are the only ones who are falling. Aqua opens her eyes and sees Ven's platform and then the keyblades fly by her and hit the platform it breaks and then Ven appears.
And ven never fell. Aqua and Terra are the only ones who are falling. Aqua opens her eyes and sees Ven's platform and then the keyblades fly by her and hit the platform it breaks and then Ven appears.