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formation of Nobodies

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New member
Dec 6, 2004
Formation of Nobodies/NEOs - a shell theory

To collaborate on this theory, say if an apple represneted the full/composite body, which maintains its shape because of the forces binding it together, which would represent the soul. The skin of the apple repesents the vessel for containing the heart and soul. Since Heartless (grow within and) consume a person's heart, their body vanishes and their heart falls to darkness. In this case, the insides of the apple (representing the heart) is consumed, leaving behind a 'shell' (skin) of the apple. Assume that the skin maintains the structure of the apple due to equal forces/ an equilibrium - skin containing the forces within = the shell containing the soul. To relate to the Nodody, to keep the soul containerised within the shell, add a zip to the apple skin and you get a representation of how Nobodies are formed. -

This representation coul also explain the shape of Nobodies:

In Sora's case, after he unlocked his heart (in KH, Hollow Bastion) he became a heartless - his body disappeared and temporarily plundged into darkness. Since part of Sora's heart is connected to Kairi, is it possible that BHK existed from this? - However, Since Sora regained his original (human) form, the theory of a shell is defied. Because he regained his orignal form with his heart, could this explain why BHK is/could be the other side of Sora's heart?

With a quote from KH COM -
"Yes.If you uproot the memories you planted...then Sora's heart will collapse and all his memories will be torn asunder."

Sora's heart will collapse if his implanted memories are uprooted/destroyed because with the presence of his memories - which relates to friendship - his strength comes from the connections to his friends - physical, emotional, etc (which include memories)/his heart is connected to his friends, without these connections, his heart will weaken/become unstable. Without these, or other memories which are capacitated due to emotions, the emotions won't be present, and without emotion, emptiness occurs. Also purposelessness could occur from this, which would inevitably lead to nothingness
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WOW..................JUST WOW .............................THATS A GREAT THEORY ......................awaome JOB!!!!.............Have a peanut...............!!!!??????!!!!???

i is ant

New member
Sep 18, 2005
good theory..........but i got a thought

arnt hartless and nobodies the same kinda? cos they both ave no hearts. exept that a heartless 9is just a shell.no soul or heart.but nobodiesa re a shell and soul? it could be like a ladder..

nobody--body, soul
human--body, soul heart-complete

jus a theory.........or was it that a nobody has a heart and body n no soul?

if soemone could clear that up


Bronze Member
Aug 17, 2005
Over the Rainbow
Heartless are an existence of only the heart, and since the heart is busy doing the body and soul's jobs, it doesn't do its own, and it acts like it has no heart.
Same thing with Nobodies, only that they are the body.

If Sora is only a heart at this point (similar to how Ansem was only heart), maybe that is why he would collapse if his heart was uprooted: that's all he is. (We don't know if Sora truly got his body back, or just got his form {shape, not body} back.)


Oct 14, 2004
The Corrupted States of America
I now present to AinzX the Most Intelligent and Well Thought-Through Theory Award!!

see, thats what we need more of on here... theories that have been well researched and well backed up...

Thats simply intelligent AinzX... and it makes a lot of sense. Nice Job.


Very nice theory.

But what about Riku then? Or maybe I'm not following that good. I mean, didn't he lose his heart to the darkness too. Yet we never hear talking about his shell. Or do we and I haven't read it yet.

BTW: If this was a dumb question don't flame me, I just think it's wierd that BHK is probably linked to Sora but no one wonders about Riku.


New member
Dec 6, 2004
Scarecrow said:
Very nice theory.

But what about Riku then? Or maybe I'm not following that good. I mean, didn't he lose his heart to the darkness too. Yet we never hear talking about his shell. Or do we and I haven't read it yet.

BTW: If this was a dumb question don't flame me, I just think it's wierd that BHK is probably linked to Sora but no one wonders about Riku.

Yeah that is a point (????)


New member
Sep 5, 2005
vancouver (canada)
really good theory about neos

But what about Riku then? Or maybe I'm not following that good. I mean, didn't he lose his heart to the darkness too. Yet we never hear talking about his shell. Or do we and I haven't read it yet.

Well riku did lose his heart to darkness yet he did not turn into a heartless, like ansem and ansem's shell is DiZ. So i would suspect that riku has a shell, is a shell himself or just doesnt have a shell.

BTW: If this was a dumb question don't flame me, I just think it's wierd that BHK is probably linked to Sora but no one wonders about Riku.

If you're talking about how Sora a BHK are related but Riku isn't, its cause BHK is Sora's shell and Riku isnt related to Sora (besides being a keyblade weilder)


New member
Sep 11, 2005
Well riku did lose his heart to darkness yet he did not turn into a heartless, like ansem and ansem's shell is DiZ. So i would suspect that riku has a shell, is a shell himself or just doesnt have a shell.
its not confirmed that diz is ansems shell
2nd: i dont think riku lost his heart..he lost his body...to ansem..riku couldnt control darkness...that surprised diz....
and nice theory ainzX...i was thinking of that 2 but in a different way...


Rebirth of Twilight
Apr 5, 2005
i is ant said:
good theory..........but i got a thought

arnt hartless and nobodies the same kinda? cos they both ave no hearts. exept that a heartless 9is just a shell.no soul or heart.but nobodiesa re a shell and soul? it could be like a ladder..

nobody--body, soul
human--body, soul heart-complete

jus a theory.........or was it that a nobody has a heart and body n no soul?

if soemone could clear that up
no heartless are made from hearts not the body while nobodies are made from shells of a person
a human is made out of a heart, body, and soul
heart-emotions, memories,etc.
body-vessel for holding the heart and soul
the heart is strong enough to survive on its own while the soul stays in the body to power it
But what about Riku then? Or maybe I'm not following that good. I mean, didn't he lose his heart to the darkness too. Yet we never hear talking about his shell. Or do we and I haven't read it yet.
riku never lost his heart to darkness he lost his shell to ansem who needed a vessel for his heart and riku was darkness but was not swallowed/taken over by the darkness. when ansem was defeated riku's shell returned to him in the door to darkness as it explains in this nomoura interview
In the ending, Riku and the King are on the other side of the door. Why is that?

Nomura--As far as the King is concerned, he was on the other side from the beginning. He disappeared because he went to the world on the other side in order to find one of the two keys. There, he has his own adventure in the same way as Sora. As for Riku: his body stolen by Ansem, his heart did not remain in this world. The other side of the door is, just as it appears, darkness. So Riku's heart went to the world on the other side, that is to say just as Ansem was saying at the end, the world of darkness. Thus, when Ansem disappears and Riku returns to his original body, he is in the world of darkness


New member
Dec 6, 2004
The body consists of a shell, soul and a heart

there is a major difference between a body and a shell
a body refers to a complete being - with all 'comonents'
a shell refers to a cast-off by the heart by which it is contained

black acid

Heros need Villains
Apr 26, 2005
in some other forum, pissing people off
Re: Formation of Nobodies/NEOs - a shell theory

AinzX said:
To collaborate on this theory, say if an apple represneted the full/composite body, which maintains its shape because of the forces binding it together, which would represent the soul. The skin of the apple repesents the vessel for containing the heart and soul. Since Heartless (grow within and) consume a person's heart, their body vanishes and their heart falls to darkness. In this case, the insides of the apple (representing the heart) is consumed, leaving behind a 'shell' (skin) of the apple. Assume that the skin maintains the structure of the apple due to equal forces/ an equilibrium - skin containing the forces within = the shell containing the soul. To relate to the Nodody, to keep the soul containerised within the shell, add a zip to the apple skin and you get a representation of how Nobodies are formed. -

This representation coul also explain the shape of Nobodies:

okay you had me going for a sec but now I have to stop you for this thread become a world wide flaming junkyard. first of all that second link that is a DUSK. fact is dusk are cretures that are controled by members of the organization. there bodys and shapes seem to morph and twist.

In Sora's case, after he unlocked his heart (in KH, Hollow Bastion) he became a heartless - his body disappeared and temporarily plundged into darkness. Since part of Sora's heart is connected to Kairi, is it possible that BHK existed from this?

I use to think this to but then this wouldn't make sense....BHK seems to already have friends and a home in twilight town...and above that. you need a heart inorder to use a keyblade...acording to your theory bhk would end up having a fake heart, therefore he wouldnt be able to use keyblades0.o......dudn dun dun this is wrong a s well

- However, Since Sora regained his original (human) form, the theory of a shell is defied. Because he regained his orignal form with his heart, could this explain why BHK is/could be the other side of Sora's heart?

no this isnt possiable as well

With a quote from KH COM -
"Yes.If you uproot the memories you planted...then Sora's heart will collapse and all his memories will be torn asunder."

sdorry but memories dont have anything to do with the alterisation of a hear.....but it does determine how the persons heart belongs too

Sora's heart will collapse if his implanted memories are uprooted/destroyed because with the presence of his memories - which relates to friendship - his strength comes from the connections to his friends - physical, emotional, etc (which include memories)/his heart is connected to his friends, without these connections, his heart will weaken/become unstable. Without these, or other memories which are capacitated due to emotions, the emotions won't be present, and without emotion, emptiness occurs. Also purposelessness could occur from this, which would inevitably lead to nothingness

did you not play chain of memories for youself.....here's a something namine said after the battle with tthe last boss..."you never lose your memories....you seewhen you remember one thing, it leads to anothing thing and another thing. that's what makes a chain of memories...I dont break memories I just re-arangements"

dont take this personally man I'm just tryin to help out:)


New member
Dec 6, 2004
Re: Formation of Nobodies/NEOs - a shell theory

Black Acid said:
dont take this personally man I'm just tryin to help out:)

Namine only mentions this during/nearing the end of KH COM, so this would obviously contradict prevoius statements - also, memory technically/biologically can be destroyed. When Namine speaks, she says that memory cannot metaphorically be destroyed. So it is physically possible.

Also, since this is a theory, the reason why I chose dusk as the type of nobody to display was because:

It was the most relevant type of nobody to the theory
Also, ALL nobodies are controlled by the XIII order, not just dusk

Memory is not directly related to the heart, however, there definitely is a connection, in a metaphorical sense - remembering friends/ knowing their existence - which is stored in memory -
makes (Sora's) heart 'stronger' - This was mentioned several times towards the end of KH
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black acid

Heros need Villains
Apr 26, 2005
in some other forum, pissing people off
Re: Formation of Nobodies/NEOs - a shell theory

AinzX said:
Namine only mentions this during/nearing the end of the game, so this would obviously contradict prevoius statements - also, memory technically/biologically can be destroyed. when Namine speaks, she says that memory cannot metaphorically be destroyed

Also, since this is a theory, the reason why I chose dusk as the type of nobody to display was because:

It was the most relevant type of nobody to the theory

to me the most type of relevant nobdoy there is is a nobody himself...not that it hurts to explan the meaning of the dusk cretures


New member
Dec 6, 2004
Re: Formation of Nobodies/NEOs - a shell theory

Black Acid said:
to me the most type of relevant nobdoy there is is a nobody himself...not that it hurts to explan the meaning of the dusk cretures
Since I choose an apple as a representation, dusk was the most appropriate (scale, etc) - I couldn't easily refer to a nobody itself, dusk was just an example

black acid

Heros need Villains
Apr 26, 2005
in some other forum, pissing people off
Re: Formation of Nobodies/NEOs - a shell theory

AinzX said:
Since I choose an apple as a representation, dusk was the most appropriate (scale, etc) - I couldn't easily refer to a nobody itself, dusk was just an example

but then again wouldn't axel still count as a nobody...I mena yes axel has more"HUMAN" fretures than that of a dusk but the birth of an oragization member & a dusk seem to match alost perfectlly:)
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