Yay! I can't help but feel so proud of my little Oreo-cat! Ya, we were up until like, 01.00(EST) trying to come up with the most beautiful thing ever! And it is working! *dabs eyes on handkerchief*
Okay, yo, as Oreo reminded me last night, I am the official spam guard of this thread, and I'm cracking down! (Honestly, when I was looking for one of the chapters last night, I couldn't find it because of all these pages of fluff and Taro fangirling) It's going to stop. Now. When you comment, you comment on the story. No more posts for the sake of figuring out who has Taro and who gets him when. When you post, it is story related (no, Taro fangirling is not considered story related, I'm sorry, no).
This has been an official ordinance put in effect by Kya Incandescenza, Official Oreo Spam Guard, August 2 2007.