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Thank you, I'm really happy you like it.
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I thought no-one would like my fic, lol. I'm thinking about doing a sequel. The only thing is, I probably won't have the time for it. With all my schoolwork, and my original story, there probably won't be time. Plus, I think it's about time Sora and co got back to living their lives, lol.
Chapter Seventy-One
“In here,” Kairi opened the bedroom door, gesturing for them to lie Taiko down on the comfortable bed, where he could rest. Goofy and Riku carefully laid him down, before leaving the room and closing the door. All stood in the cockpit, Donald gladly closed the door of the ship, making sure he’d secured all the locks. Sora slumped down onto the floor, leaning back on a wall. He wiped the sweat from his forehead, yawning. Goofy noticed how tired Sora was, looked down to King Mickey.
“If you want, me and Donald can fly the ship first,” he offered kindly, knowing Sora would be needing a rest, just like Taiko. Donald’s eyes widened, rage bubbling up inside him.
“What?!” he yelled, waddling over to Goofy, hands on his hips. “You gotta be kidding me! What if I‘m tired?” Goofy grabbed Donald’s squabbling beak, tried to convince the hot-headed duck that this was the best thing to do.
“If anyone here deserves a rest, it’s Sora,” King Mickey announced, waving his arms, stopping their argument. “But, Donald, if you’re really that tired, then I’ll pilot for a while.” Donald sighed, shaking his head. He knew the King was right.
“Fine,” he quacked, stomping over to the pilot’s seat, noisily muttering to himself as he strapped himself in. Goofy gave a grin as he joined him, taking the controls. King Mickey chuckled to himself, before turning back to Riku, Kairi, and Sora.
“Right then,” he rubbed his chin, eyeing them all. He gestured for them all to sit down as the Gummi Ship began to shake, the machinery clanking loudly as Donald began the takeoff sequence. “I think we should move Taiko into my room.” They struggled to keep their balance as the ship lifted up into the air, soaring upwards, climbing higher into the atmosphere. Kairi looked up, sceptical.
“But won’t that just disturb his rest?” she asked, wobbling as the ship tore away from the atmosphere, up and out of Square-One. King Mickey sighed, rubbing his brow.
“Momentarily,” he said, agreeing with her, “but if we put him in my room, he’ll only take up one bed. He can have Donald’s, or Goofy’s, while they’re flying the ship. Once they’re done, I’ll be flying the ship, which means one of them will have my bed. Saves us having to move him more than once. Plus, I thought you three might want the same room.” He gave a nod to Riku, who smiled back. Sora just yawned noisily, taking no part in the plan. He was too tired and sore to do much else. King Mickey stood up, the movement of the ship now smooth. “Riku, please help me carry Taiko into the other room.” Sora tried to get up and help King Mickey, but Kairi grabbed him, stopped him getting up. Riku smiled as he stood up, before opening the bedroom door. He walked in slowly, followed by King Mickey.
Taiko lay still on the bed, the only movement his gentle breathing. He had not moved from the position Donald and Goofy had left him in. His face was contorted, creased in pain. Riku gave a look of sorrow as he slowly paced over to the bed, examining his friend’s pale face. He certainly did not look well, his whole appearance drained. He and King Mickey carefully lifted his limp body, slowly carrying him out into the cockpit. Kairi rushed to open the next door, allowing them into the King’s room. They returned after a few minutes, then both stood before Kairi and Sora. Sora gave them a tired smile, stretching before he stood up beside them.
“I’m going to bed,” he said dozily, his movements slow and heavy. “Wake me when I have to help with the ship, ok?” King Mickey nodded, smiling at Sora’s dedication.
“Alright,” the King smiled, “but if you’re still too tired, just let me know. I’ll teach Kairi here how to fly the Gummi Ship if I have to.” He gave a nod to Kairi, who looked up at Sora with a big smile, letting him know she was willing to do this for him. King Mickey looked at Sora, his arms behind his back. “You should be proud of yourself, Sora.” Sora smiled dozily, taking the King’s words for it. He was still having trouble recollecting the details of what had happened.
“Thank you,” he smiled gratefully, giving King Mickey a nod before opening the bedroom door. “See you guys later.” They wished him a good night, and he closed the door.
Sora carelessly kicked off his shoes, and pulled off his shirt as he approached the bed. He ruffled his spiky hair with one hand as he pulled the blankets back, climbing into bed alone. The bed seemed like an unusual luxury after so many nights of sleeping on a cold stone floor, although, in this exhausted state, any bed would be gladly appreciated. He wrapped himself up warmly, smiling as his head touched the pillow. He could fully relax now, all of the issues previously occupying his thoughts completely gone. Riku was safely on the Gummi Ship with them, Mikado and the New Generation had been defeated, and they had left Square-One behind forever. Taiko lingered on his mind a little, but Sora knew he was in good hands, would be left to rest, and hopefully make a good recovery. Only time would tell.
Now comfortably in a deep sleep, he did not notice Kairi and Riku coming into the dark room. Although Sora was usually a light sleeper, he was so exhausted that it seemed nothing would wake him tonight. He’d been in there alone for an hour, had fallen asleep quickly after lying down. Kairi smiled as she sat on the edge of the bed, watching him sleep, happily dreaming, lifetimes away from the world around him. Riku watched him a moment, before taking a pile of blankets over to the long seat along the window. He put them down on the soft, cushioned seat, before taking off his shoes. Kairi joined him, taking quiet steps over as Riku sat down. He turned to look out of the window, his eyes transfixed on the sight before him. The billions of stars, and the bright, swirling worlds all before him, right in front of his eyes. Kairi smiled as she sat down beside him, gazing out into the depths of space. Riku yawned, his whole face creasing up as he covered his mouth.
“Are you excited?” Kairi whispered, trying to keep the noise down for Sora. She was fearful of waking him, regardless of how tired she knew he was. Riku looked at her, his eyebrows slanted with a confused expression. He stretched out his long legs.
“Huh?” he replied, staying quiet. “About what?” She’d been rather vague with the details, had just blurted out a fragment of her sentence. Kairi smiled at his confusion.
“Going home,” she grinned as she saw the sudden realisation in his face. He smiled back, nodding.
“Yeah,” he responded, looking out of the window again, looking out for his world. He did not know that they were millions of miles from home. “I can’t wait.” He remembered the islands, their image still perfect in his mind. The comforting, warm waves, the golden sands, the Paopu tree, the Secret Place, his home, all these memories stayed securely in his mind, never to be forgotten. He’d longed to see the beauty of the islands again, had longed to sit on that familiar beach with his best friends at his side. Riku gave a small laugh, bowing his head, musing to himself. “It’s strange…” He seemed even quieter, more thoughtful, his eyes tightly closed. “Two years ago, I couldn’t wait to get off the Islands. Now, I can’t wait to get back.” Kairi nodded.
“I know,” she smiled, reminiscing of those happy times, remembering their raft, their plan to escape. She ran a hand through her long red hair, yawning. Riku’s eyes were fixed on the window, the sight before him.
“Just think,” he mused, looking back at Kairi. He was thoughtful, as usual. He fingered the cool window, his hands reached out to touch the worlds before his eyes. “All those worlds don’t even realise what could have happened to them. They’ll never know that Sora saved them all.” Kairi agreed, leaning on the windowsill, her head resting on a single bent elbow.
“I don’t think Sora realises it himself,” she smiled. Riku smiled too, yawning again. Sitting quietly, another question lingered in his mind as he examined the room.
“What do you think would have happened if Mikado had won?” Riku turned to her, his face creased with thought. He wanted to talk to Kairi a while, about anything and everything he could. She looked saddened by his question, her happy smile completely gone, replaced with an expression of sorrow.
“I don’t wanna think about it,” she said quietly, looking away from the window and towards Sora, lying asleep in bed. She’d almost lost him that day. They’d watched as he slowly began to stop breathing, his strength drained from his body. She closed her eyes, feeling her heart pounding with pain as she remembered those long moments. Riku watched as a single tear dribbled its way down her cheek. She understood Riku was just wondering, but it seemed a little too soon to be thinking about this. Riku felt guilty, seeing how his question had unintentionally upset her. He curled a friendly arm around her cool shoulders.
“Sorry, Kai,” he whispered quickly, looking down at her, “I didn’t mean for it to come out like that. I mean, about Sora.” She looked up at him, her bottom lip quivering. “I meant the worlds, and stuff. How it would have affected them.” Kairi nodded, understanding what he meant now.
“It’s ok,” she replied, looking up with tired eyes, “I’m sorry I misunderstood.” She smiled a little, quickly forgetting Riku had ever mentioned it at all. It had been a long, tiring day, and she was becoming emotional with her exhaustion. They stayed quiet for a while, both sat watching Sora sleep. He’d been so peaceful just lying there, barely even moving. It was strange to see him asleep. He usually woke up at the slightest sound, yet had not batted an eyelid, even as they’d spoke and moved around. Kairi turned to Riku, changing the subject. “We’re going to Taiko’s world first.” Riku snapped out of his daydream, nodding slowly.
“Yeah, Foris,” he smiled, remembering all Taiko had told him about this leafy, unspoilt world. “It sounds cool.” He sighed, rubbing his forehead, silently thinking to himself.
“I just hope he makes it back.” Riku hoped Taiko would get to see his world again, hoped he would live to see his family again. A realistic young man, Riku knew that there was a chance that Taiko could die before they reached Foris, but wanted to maintain his hope. He did not speak of this harsh reality, fearing it might come true if he said anything about it out loud. Plus, he did not want to upset little Kairi further.
“I hope he wakes up before we get there,” Kairi smiled, staying hopeful and optimistic. “His family are gonna be so happy to see him. It’ll be such a great surprise.” Riku nodded, smiling.
“Me too,” he agreed, yawning, getting tired. Riku began unfolding the blankets, unwittingly signalling to Kairi that he wanted to go to sleep. She nodded, standing up to give him some room. He nodded back to her, acknowledging her, placing a puffy white pillow down on the chair where she’d been sitting.
“Thanks,” he whispered, before standing up himself, arranging the blankets over the elongated chair. Putting his hands on his hips, he examined this arrangement, giving another wide yawn, showing off all his teeth. He looked up at Kairi, who smiled after watching the whole thing. He grinned back, letting his arms flop to his sides. “Well, I’m gonna go to sleep.”
“Ok,” Kairi said quietly, “goodnight.” Riku grabbed her for an unexpected hug, holding her with tight, muscular arms. Although startled at first, Kairi smiled, happily wrapping her arms around him. It was good to have her big brother back. He and Sora were her best friends, and there was nowhere she’d rather be than at their sides. Releasing her from his grip, Riku gave a brazen smile before sitting back down in the carefully arranged blankets. She gave him one last smile before turning, pulling back the blankets and climbing into bed.
Riku fell asleep quickly, his snoring rapidly becoming part of the background noise in the bedroom. Kairi did not notice it, after hours of lying awake and getting used to it. Sora continued to lie still and silent, his only movement that of his soft breathing. Kairi lay on her side, watching him sleep, as he had done to her many times before. His thin body was beaten, worn out, his face marred with cuts and bruises. She did not dare touch him, fearful of hurting him and waking him up. Yawning, she knew she couldn’t stay up much longer. Rolling over, she drifted off to sleep at a short distance to him, completely out of his way, letting him get a good night‘s sleep.
Hope you like it. I have serious writer's block right now, and I'm only two chapters ahead :blush:
<3 <3
I thought no-one would like my fic, lol. I'm thinking about doing a sequel. The only thing is, I probably won't have the time for it. With all my schoolwork, and my original story, there probably won't be time. Plus, I think it's about time Sora and co got back to living their lives, lol.
Chapter Seventy-One
“In here,” Kairi opened the bedroom door, gesturing for them to lie Taiko down on the comfortable bed, where he could rest. Goofy and Riku carefully laid him down, before leaving the room and closing the door. All stood in the cockpit, Donald gladly closed the door of the ship, making sure he’d secured all the locks. Sora slumped down onto the floor, leaning back on a wall. He wiped the sweat from his forehead, yawning. Goofy noticed how tired Sora was, looked down to King Mickey.
“If you want, me and Donald can fly the ship first,” he offered kindly, knowing Sora would be needing a rest, just like Taiko. Donald’s eyes widened, rage bubbling up inside him.
“What?!” he yelled, waddling over to Goofy, hands on his hips. “You gotta be kidding me! What if I‘m tired?” Goofy grabbed Donald’s squabbling beak, tried to convince the hot-headed duck that this was the best thing to do.
“If anyone here deserves a rest, it’s Sora,” King Mickey announced, waving his arms, stopping their argument. “But, Donald, if you’re really that tired, then I’ll pilot for a while.” Donald sighed, shaking his head. He knew the King was right.
“Fine,” he quacked, stomping over to the pilot’s seat, noisily muttering to himself as he strapped himself in. Goofy gave a grin as he joined him, taking the controls. King Mickey chuckled to himself, before turning back to Riku, Kairi, and Sora.
“Right then,” he rubbed his chin, eyeing them all. He gestured for them all to sit down as the Gummi Ship began to shake, the machinery clanking loudly as Donald began the takeoff sequence. “I think we should move Taiko into my room.” They struggled to keep their balance as the ship lifted up into the air, soaring upwards, climbing higher into the atmosphere. Kairi looked up, sceptical.
“But won’t that just disturb his rest?” she asked, wobbling as the ship tore away from the atmosphere, up and out of Square-One. King Mickey sighed, rubbing his brow.
“Momentarily,” he said, agreeing with her, “but if we put him in my room, he’ll only take up one bed. He can have Donald’s, or Goofy’s, while they’re flying the ship. Once they’re done, I’ll be flying the ship, which means one of them will have my bed. Saves us having to move him more than once. Plus, I thought you three might want the same room.” He gave a nod to Riku, who smiled back. Sora just yawned noisily, taking no part in the plan. He was too tired and sore to do much else. King Mickey stood up, the movement of the ship now smooth. “Riku, please help me carry Taiko into the other room.” Sora tried to get up and help King Mickey, but Kairi grabbed him, stopped him getting up. Riku smiled as he stood up, before opening the bedroom door. He walked in slowly, followed by King Mickey.
Taiko lay still on the bed, the only movement his gentle breathing. He had not moved from the position Donald and Goofy had left him in. His face was contorted, creased in pain. Riku gave a look of sorrow as he slowly paced over to the bed, examining his friend’s pale face. He certainly did not look well, his whole appearance drained. He and King Mickey carefully lifted his limp body, slowly carrying him out into the cockpit. Kairi rushed to open the next door, allowing them into the King’s room. They returned after a few minutes, then both stood before Kairi and Sora. Sora gave them a tired smile, stretching before he stood up beside them.
“I’m going to bed,” he said dozily, his movements slow and heavy. “Wake me when I have to help with the ship, ok?” King Mickey nodded, smiling at Sora’s dedication.
“Alright,” the King smiled, “but if you’re still too tired, just let me know. I’ll teach Kairi here how to fly the Gummi Ship if I have to.” He gave a nod to Kairi, who looked up at Sora with a big smile, letting him know she was willing to do this for him. King Mickey looked at Sora, his arms behind his back. “You should be proud of yourself, Sora.” Sora smiled dozily, taking the King’s words for it. He was still having trouble recollecting the details of what had happened.
“Thank you,” he smiled gratefully, giving King Mickey a nod before opening the bedroom door. “See you guys later.” They wished him a good night, and he closed the door.
Sora carelessly kicked off his shoes, and pulled off his shirt as he approached the bed. He ruffled his spiky hair with one hand as he pulled the blankets back, climbing into bed alone. The bed seemed like an unusual luxury after so many nights of sleeping on a cold stone floor, although, in this exhausted state, any bed would be gladly appreciated. He wrapped himself up warmly, smiling as his head touched the pillow. He could fully relax now, all of the issues previously occupying his thoughts completely gone. Riku was safely on the Gummi Ship with them, Mikado and the New Generation had been defeated, and they had left Square-One behind forever. Taiko lingered on his mind a little, but Sora knew he was in good hands, would be left to rest, and hopefully make a good recovery. Only time would tell.
Now comfortably in a deep sleep, he did not notice Kairi and Riku coming into the dark room. Although Sora was usually a light sleeper, he was so exhausted that it seemed nothing would wake him tonight. He’d been in there alone for an hour, had fallen asleep quickly after lying down. Kairi smiled as she sat on the edge of the bed, watching him sleep, happily dreaming, lifetimes away from the world around him. Riku watched him a moment, before taking a pile of blankets over to the long seat along the window. He put them down on the soft, cushioned seat, before taking off his shoes. Kairi joined him, taking quiet steps over as Riku sat down. He turned to look out of the window, his eyes transfixed on the sight before him. The billions of stars, and the bright, swirling worlds all before him, right in front of his eyes. Kairi smiled as she sat down beside him, gazing out into the depths of space. Riku yawned, his whole face creasing up as he covered his mouth.
“Are you excited?” Kairi whispered, trying to keep the noise down for Sora. She was fearful of waking him, regardless of how tired she knew he was. Riku looked at her, his eyebrows slanted with a confused expression. He stretched out his long legs.
“Huh?” he replied, staying quiet. “About what?” She’d been rather vague with the details, had just blurted out a fragment of her sentence. Kairi smiled at his confusion.
“Going home,” she grinned as she saw the sudden realisation in his face. He smiled back, nodding.
“Yeah,” he responded, looking out of the window again, looking out for his world. He did not know that they were millions of miles from home. “I can’t wait.” He remembered the islands, their image still perfect in his mind. The comforting, warm waves, the golden sands, the Paopu tree, the Secret Place, his home, all these memories stayed securely in his mind, never to be forgotten. He’d longed to see the beauty of the islands again, had longed to sit on that familiar beach with his best friends at his side. Riku gave a small laugh, bowing his head, musing to himself. “It’s strange…” He seemed even quieter, more thoughtful, his eyes tightly closed. “Two years ago, I couldn’t wait to get off the Islands. Now, I can’t wait to get back.” Kairi nodded.
“I know,” she smiled, reminiscing of those happy times, remembering their raft, their plan to escape. She ran a hand through her long red hair, yawning. Riku’s eyes were fixed on the window, the sight before him.
“Just think,” he mused, looking back at Kairi. He was thoughtful, as usual. He fingered the cool window, his hands reached out to touch the worlds before his eyes. “All those worlds don’t even realise what could have happened to them. They’ll never know that Sora saved them all.” Kairi agreed, leaning on the windowsill, her head resting on a single bent elbow.
“I don’t think Sora realises it himself,” she smiled. Riku smiled too, yawning again. Sitting quietly, another question lingered in his mind as he examined the room.
“What do you think would have happened if Mikado had won?” Riku turned to her, his face creased with thought. He wanted to talk to Kairi a while, about anything and everything he could. She looked saddened by his question, her happy smile completely gone, replaced with an expression of sorrow.
“I don’t wanna think about it,” she said quietly, looking away from the window and towards Sora, lying asleep in bed. She’d almost lost him that day. They’d watched as he slowly began to stop breathing, his strength drained from his body. She closed her eyes, feeling her heart pounding with pain as she remembered those long moments. Riku watched as a single tear dribbled its way down her cheek. She understood Riku was just wondering, but it seemed a little too soon to be thinking about this. Riku felt guilty, seeing how his question had unintentionally upset her. He curled a friendly arm around her cool shoulders.
“Sorry, Kai,” he whispered quickly, looking down at her, “I didn’t mean for it to come out like that. I mean, about Sora.” She looked up at him, her bottom lip quivering. “I meant the worlds, and stuff. How it would have affected them.” Kairi nodded, understanding what he meant now.
“It’s ok,” she replied, looking up with tired eyes, “I’m sorry I misunderstood.” She smiled a little, quickly forgetting Riku had ever mentioned it at all. It had been a long, tiring day, and she was becoming emotional with her exhaustion. They stayed quiet for a while, both sat watching Sora sleep. He’d been so peaceful just lying there, barely even moving. It was strange to see him asleep. He usually woke up at the slightest sound, yet had not batted an eyelid, even as they’d spoke and moved around. Kairi turned to Riku, changing the subject. “We’re going to Taiko’s world first.” Riku snapped out of his daydream, nodding slowly.
“Yeah, Foris,” he smiled, remembering all Taiko had told him about this leafy, unspoilt world. “It sounds cool.” He sighed, rubbing his forehead, silently thinking to himself.
“I just hope he makes it back.” Riku hoped Taiko would get to see his world again, hoped he would live to see his family again. A realistic young man, Riku knew that there was a chance that Taiko could die before they reached Foris, but wanted to maintain his hope. He did not speak of this harsh reality, fearing it might come true if he said anything about it out loud. Plus, he did not want to upset little Kairi further.
“I hope he wakes up before we get there,” Kairi smiled, staying hopeful and optimistic. “His family are gonna be so happy to see him. It’ll be such a great surprise.” Riku nodded, smiling.
“Me too,” he agreed, yawning, getting tired. Riku began unfolding the blankets, unwittingly signalling to Kairi that he wanted to go to sleep. She nodded, standing up to give him some room. He nodded back to her, acknowledging her, placing a puffy white pillow down on the chair where she’d been sitting.
“Thanks,” he whispered, before standing up himself, arranging the blankets over the elongated chair. Putting his hands on his hips, he examined this arrangement, giving another wide yawn, showing off all his teeth. He looked up at Kairi, who smiled after watching the whole thing. He grinned back, letting his arms flop to his sides. “Well, I’m gonna go to sleep.”
“Ok,” Kairi said quietly, “goodnight.” Riku grabbed her for an unexpected hug, holding her with tight, muscular arms. Although startled at first, Kairi smiled, happily wrapping her arms around him. It was good to have her big brother back. He and Sora were her best friends, and there was nowhere she’d rather be than at their sides. Releasing her from his grip, Riku gave a brazen smile before sitting back down in the carefully arranged blankets. She gave him one last smile before turning, pulling back the blankets and climbing into bed.
Riku fell asleep quickly, his snoring rapidly becoming part of the background noise in the bedroom. Kairi did not notice it, after hours of lying awake and getting used to it. Sora continued to lie still and silent, his only movement that of his soft breathing. Kairi lay on her side, watching him sleep, as he had done to her many times before. His thin body was beaten, worn out, his face marred with cuts and bruises. She did not dare touch him, fearful of hurting him and waking him up. Yawning, she knew she couldn’t stay up much longer. Rolling over, she drifted off to sleep at a short distance to him, completely out of his way, letting him get a good night‘s sleep.
Hope you like it. I have serious writer's block right now, and I'm only two chapters ahead :blush:
<3 <3