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Fanfiction ► First Fanfic! w00t!

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New member
May 3, 2006
Ooohhh, pretty fight scene.

So, they know Mikado's plan. What's to stop them from doing it on their own once Mikado's killed? If they were quick enough, they could probably get to Sora--especially since he'll be weakened by his fight. Actually, why haven't they tried to kill Mickey, Kairi, etc? They don't seem the type to keep their word, really. And it was only Mikado who made the promise, anyway.

But if they interfere, they'll be knocked out, or something like that, right??


is a girl
Mar 19, 2006
n. 1. a place of settlement, activity, or residenc
Hi everyone!

Thanks for all the comments. I wrote out that fightscene so many times, I needed a lot of practise in writing them!

IchigoNeko, the others are too afraid to carry out the plan themselves. They're scared of Mikado. If Riku and King Mickey get involved, then so will the members. Four on two isn't good odds...

Chapter Sixty-Eight

Striking Mikado’s sword with the Keyblade, Sora tried to knock the weapon from his hands. It was no use, Mikado gripped his sword with a tight grasp. The metal clinked as they duelled, their blades crashing together as they fought, each trying to outdo the other. Beads of sweat lined Sora’s brow, exhausted at their fighting. Mikado pushed the sword forward with all his weight, throwing Sora backwards. He almost tripped over his own feet, but managed to maintain his balance.

Undeterred by this powerful move, Sora launched another attack, driving the Keyblade forward, towards Mikado with a great amount of strength. Mikado hastily slashed forward with his sword, the blade crashing off the Keyblade as they crossed. Raising his foot, Mikado caught Sora off guard, quickly kicked him backwards.

Stumbling backwards, Sora winced in pain, clutching at his chest. His adrenaline had begun to flow, but it was not enough to numb this agony. Looking up, Sora felt a rush of panic as he saw Mikado approaching him quickly, stabbing forward with his sword. Knowing he had to continue moving through the pain, Sora moved on light feet, dodging the blade as it jabbed precariously close to his body. One slice of the sword and it would all be over. Tilting his head up to look Mikado in the eye, he saw the violent determination in his expression, the fury in his orange eyes. Letting out a loud shout, Mikado threw himself forward, putting all his strength into his sword. Agile, Sora dived out of the way, rolling across the floor and jumping back up.

Mikado came crashing down onto the floor again, as Sora watched from a safe distance, recovering at last. Holding the Keyblade forward, he silently decided to try some more magic, hoping it would work now that Mikado was unable to defend himself.

“Thunder!” Sora shouted at the top of his lungs, his voice resonant in the cavernous ravine. A bolt of lightning surged through the air from the Keyblade, crackling as it hurtled towards Mikado. Scrambling across the floor, Mikado narrowly missed being shocked by the incredible power of the electricity. The bolt sent a crack through the solid rock ground, showing the sheer amount of force that could have hit him. He smiled, cocky as he managed to drag himself up. It seemed magic really wasn’t going to work.

“You’ll have to do better than that,” Mikado grinned, taking steps towards Sora, slashing at the air with his blade.

Sora frowned. Running towards Mikado, he held the Keyblade back, focusing his strength. Skidding to a stop before him, he thrashed at Mikado with the Keyblade, furiously barraging him with a chain of attacks. Trying to defend himself, Mikado slashed around with his sword, but was caught off guard. Sora struck his arm with the Keyblade, watched his sword drop to the floor with a horrible clatter. Not one to give up easily, Mikado quickly raised his fists, ready to counter Sora’s continuing attacks. Managing to throw a few punches at Sora’s face, he tried everything he possibly could to get the upper hand. Sora was in pain, but knew this was a golden chance to strike, not to be wasted. Holding the Keyblade back, Sora clubbed Mikado’s side with the full force of the Keyblade.

Weakened, Mikado frantically tried to defend himself, but it was no use. Sora was much too powerful. Dropping to the floor, he closed his eyes, bracing himself for Sora’s finishing blow. Mikado opened one eye, saw Sora towering over him, knew he had to do something, and quickly.

Sora’s attention wavered, his eyes wandering towards Kairi, Riku, and King Mickey, all stood shouting encouragement from a distance. They’d come closer, try to help, but the members were watching like hawks, ready to strike if any of them tried to move towards Sora.

Taking advantage of Sora’s lapse in concentration, Mikado grabbed his fallen sword, then reached upwards, grabbing Sora roughly by the shoulders. He dragged Sora to the ground, before jumping up off the floor, towering over him. Stood over Sora, his sword at his chest, Mikado gave a superior smirk.

“Well, it seems the tables have turned,” he laughed, looking Sora in the eyes. Sora frowned, lying still on the floor, trying to think of a way out of the situation. “It seems that Darkness has won over Light, contrary to your silly beliefs. In every heart, Darkness lies within.” Sora shook his head slowly, watching with horrified eyes as Mikado dangled his sword over his chest. “For Master Ansem!”

Strangely, Mikado ‘dismissed’ his sword. It slowly disappeared from sight, blurring into the darkness. Sora looked on, frantically trying to think of a plan. Unfortunately, nothing was springing to his mind. He was frozen to the spot, unable to move. Mikado narrowed his orange eyes, giving a cruel smile.

Tightly clenching his fist, he held his hand over Sora’s chest, almost as though he was trying to aim at something. Closing his eyes, focusing all his energy, a soft glow began to surround him. It slowly coiled around his arm, gathering into his fist, before steadily looping through thin air, swirling and dancing towards Sora’s thudding chest. Mikado’s face contorted as he concentrated his power into this growing glow, his tensed arm muscles shaking.

Sora let out a loud, sudden cry as the glow began to envelop him. Suddenly, a beam of light shot from his chest, into Mikado’s clenched fist. He slowly opened his orange eyes, a wide grin on his face as he watched Sora’s painful expression.

“Your power will be mine, soon enough,” he cackled, glaring at Sora. “Your power lies within your heart, Sora, but not for long. You had best say goodbye.” He glanced back up to the others, all stood still, paralysed with fear. Riku was desperately trying to think of something to help, but he was too afraid to leave his spot. Terrified tears tumbled down Kairi’s pale face as she watched Mikado raise his fist above Sora’s body, gently lifting him into the air.

Sora slowly closed his eyes, barely able to even keep them open. He felt light-headed, was unable to control his body. Apart from the excruciating pain in his chest, he was numb, beginning to float into unconsciousness. His breathing began to stop, and his heartbeat slowed down, until it was a tiny, periodic thud in his chest. Slowly, the pain in his chest began to ease, before steadily disappearing completely. Unable to move, or even think by now, he had no idea what was going on. He could feel himself gently floating, could hear voices swimming around him, heard a familiar shout.

“Sora!” Riku shouted at the top of his voice, hoping that, somehow, Sora would hear him. “Come on, Sora, don’t give up!”

Sora recognised the voice, but his slowly fading mind made it impossible for him to even register who it was. He was slowly slipping away, his life disappearing before their very eyes, dying at Mikado’s hands.

So, uh... cliffy... please don't hurt me! :D

<3 <3


New member
May 3, 2006

Main question: Why did they say they didn't need Sora alive if they were gonna do that to him? They need his heart beating if they're gonna suck it out. Also, why would Sora die if his power got taken away? He'd probably be unconcious for a whille, then really weak...but not dead.

Does this also mean Mikado is a Heartless? No other being can take a heart, as far as Kingdom Hearts goes.


is a girl
Mar 19, 2006
n. 1. a place of settlement, activity, or residenc

Thanks for all the great comments. IchigoNeko, I think all your questions shold be answered in the next chappy.

Oathkeeper2u, thanks for putting me in your sig ^-^

Chapter Sixty-Nine

Kairi wailed uncontrollably, rivers of tears making their way down her face. Her mind was fraught with terror, but she knew she had to do something. She tried to think logically, trying to be brave for Sora. The beam of light from Sora’s heart was a connection between them both, was how Mikado was stealing his power, and his life. If she couldn’t stop Mikado, then Sora would die. She had to break their connection. Her mind told her to stay still, but her pounding heart overruled the voice in her head. She knew the members would interfere, but she had to try to help Sora. Whether it was bravery, or just plain stupidity, she’d never know, but she took a deep breath, and ran.

“Sora!” she shouted, throwing herself at Mikado.

Taking Mikado’s attention away from Sora, she struck him with all her strength, knocking him down onto the ground. Just as she’d hoped, the beam of light disappeared. The strange glow surrounding their bodies faded, the connection between them completely broken. Sora took a sudden deep breath as he hit the floor, began gasping for air. They all tumbled to the floor in a heap of flailing limbs.

Riku immediately ran over, helping Kairi up off the floor. He leaned down, heaved Sora’s body off the floor. He was almost cradling his best friend as he began to regain a normal breathing pattern. Feeling his consciousness returning, Sora felt a strange sensation as a small amount of strength ran through his body. Luckily for him, Kairi’s interruption in the connection between his and Mikado’s bodies had stopped Mikado from keeping Sora’s power. Although, it would be a while before Sora returned to his full strength. Letting out a cry of anger, Mikado jumped up, a furious frown on his face. He glared at Kairi, his orange eyes blazing with fury.

“You…” he stomped towards her, his thunderous steps echoing through the air. Stood in front of Kairi, sinisterly looking down on her, he scowled. “A one-on-one battle, child! How dare you interfere with our duel!” His gaze pierced her, sending shockwaves through her trembling body. Still staring at Kairi, quite obviously weary, he yelled at Sora. “Our deal has changed, thanks to this impudent little brat. The fate of your friends now rests on the outcome, Sora.” He shakily grabbed her by the shoulders, held her up in the air. Mikado looked down on Sora, lying in Riku‘s arms, breathing heavily. He smiled, taking delight in their terror.

“You can’t do that, Mikado,” Sora protested, his voice quiet, gasping after each word. “We… we had a deal, that Kairi and the others wouldn’t be brought into this! It was supposed to be between you and me!” Mikado scowled back.

“Yes, it was supposed to be between you and I, Sora,” he growled, panting, like a bloodthirsty wolf. “But she decided to drag herself into the situation.” He narrowed his orange eyes, glaring at Kairi, shaking in his hands, whimpering quietly. “I can’t help feeling that this renders our last deal obsolete. I have tired of all these interruptions, these changes in the circumstances. I am not making any more offers, nor will I be accepting them, Sora. I will be making the final decision, whether you like it or not. You do not have a choice in this.”

Sora lay silently, looking back and forth between Kairi and Mikado, between a trembling little girl, and a glaring man holding her in tight hands. It was obvious that Mikado was absolutely exhausted. His legs shook beneath him, his breathing increasingly rapid, his frantic heartbeat visible through his shirt. There wasn’t time to think this over, try to think of a plan to save Kairi. She’d risked her life for him. Now it was time for him to return the favour, no matter how weak he was feeling.

Riku lay Sora down on the floor, standing back as King Mickey approached his best friend. King Mickey held his sword high, cast a healing spell on Sora. He leaned down, whispering in Sora’s ear as he slowly sat up.

“Sora, this is only temporary,” he whispered. “You have to do something quickly. It’ll be a while before you get your own strength back, so you’ll have to make the best of this!” Sora nodded, feeling his limbs tingle. He felt better already, managing to stand up alone.

“We will continue our battle,” Mikado announced, looking Sora in the eyes. “A fight to the death, the winner obtaining the immense power within you. But, with a major difference. Thanks to your little ‘girlfriend’ here, your friends will no longer be immune.” Sora gasped, his eyes wide with shock. “If I win, they will die, along with you. But, if you win, they are free to leave.” He smiled, breathing heavily, staring intently at Kairi, still whimpering in his hands. “However, you shall not be as lucky, my dear.”

“What are you trying to say?” Sora whispered, his eyes fixed on Mikado’s wicked glare.

“She will die now,” Mikado stated, matter-of-factly, “for her insolence, her disregard towards the deal you and I made.” Kairi bit her tongue, trying not to panic. First Kali, now this. Mikado stared sinisterly into her round blue eyes, filled with silent fear. Sora, too, tried not to panic, knew that this time, there was no offering himself. He had to get Kairi back, no matter what it took. Sora’s eyes narrowed in disapproval, deciding quickly to make the first move, to save Kairi. He had to think fast, think of a way to get Mikado away from her before the spell wore off.

“No!” Sora did not wait a second to give Mikado a chance. He knew it was fighting dirty, but there was no other option. Kairi would die if he didn’t do anything. Holding the Keyblade back, he struck the back of Mikado’s legs, watched him drop back down onto the ground. He loosened his grip around Kairi’s shoulders, let her fall to the floor. Sora took her hand, quickly moved her to the side, before kicking Mikado down, flat on his back. He stood over the leader of the New Generation, who lay with wide, unusually terrified eyes.

Mikado’s words fresh in his mind, it suddenly hit him. Taiko’s words at the fireside came flooding back, his memory of the moment still clear as day. He remembered his question, Taiko’s positive response, his assurance it was possible. Mikado’s attempt at stealing the strength in his heart only convicted him further. Sora knew what he had to do.

Sora held the Keyblade securely in two shaking hands, held it back. He closed his eyes, trying to block everything out of his mind, knowing what he was about to do. He knew it was the way to stop Mikado. Thrusting the Keyblade down with all the strength he could muster, he drove it into Mikado’s chest, before reluctantly opening his eyes.

Mikado let out a loud, painful shout as the Keyblade pierced through his body, a dreadful shout that would linger in Sora’s mind for as long as he lived. His whole face contorted with agony as Sora stood over him, breathing heavily, a strange feeling of guilt filling his body. Looking down on Mikado, his insides fraught with a hideous, guilty sensation, Sora fought back tears of pain and remorse. It was strange to him, Mikado had not thought anything of trying to kill him. But, now that he’d done this to Mikado, he couldn’t help feeling remorseful.

“What… have you done?” Mikado whispered, looking up at Sora. He breathed slowly, his orange eyes lit with unusual fear, an expression of terror in his whole face.

The sinister atmosphere began to disappear, a stunned silence drifting across the ravine, giving rise to uncertainty. The members stood with solemn faces, all knowing what had happened, their heads bowed. Staying at a distance, they looked on as Sora jerked the Keyblade back, pulling it from Mikado’s chest. King Mickey and Riku winced, knowing this must have been incredibly painful. Unlike the members, they were not sure of what had happened, did not understand the gravity of this situation. Kairi just stood still, her eyes fixed on Sora, rather than Mikado. He breathed slowly, his heart thudding inside his chest, his whole body trembling as he dismissed the Keyblade. Mikado gazed up at Sora, helpless, his face drained of all colour.

“H-how did you… know?” he whispered, unable to raise his quaking voice any more. Sora’s breaths were heavy, his blue eyes wide, his limbs like jelly. He slumped to the floor, sat by Mikado. The spell was wearing off.

“Taiko said… you’d been drawn into the Darkness,” he responded quietly, his voice shaking. “I-I guess I was… right…” He closed his eyes. “You were trying to steal my heart…you’re a Heartless… aren’t you?” Riku and King Mickey gasped, unaware of this. Kairi nodded, remembering how Sora had told her of his conversation with Taiko at the fireside. Mikado narrowed his eyes, refused to directly respond to this question.

“I suppose… this means y-you were right… about everything,” he whispered, his voice growing quieter, his words breaking up. This wasn‘t like Mikado, admitting he was wrong, probably for the first time in his life. He looked at Sora, his orange eyes beginning to fade. “About Light always triumphing over Darkness… no matter what.” His body was surrounded by a faint purple aura, slowly fading into a black haze around him, before eventually enveloping him. “It seems… I was not s-strong enough to defeat you, Sora.” Mikado looked down, seeing his body being consumed by the gathering black haze. He then looked back up into Sora’s glassy blue eyes. “I do not have much time left. What I will say is t-this, young one.” His words were dragged out, broken. “Use your power wisely. I will admit that… you have a special power, Sora. Don’t just waste it as you have been. Do what…”

Mikado’s words completely trailed off, the bright orange circle of his eyes now completely gone. He did not move, his whole body now disappearing into a deep, black shadow. Glowing, purple orbs of light surrounded his shadowed body, gently hovering over him, lying still on the floor. The shadow absorbed them, then contorted into a small, single ball of light. It hovered in mid air a second, then seemed to burst, and was gone. Mikado was gone.

In the first draft of the story, Sora died. I changed it 'cause I thought it would be mean...

Hope you like it, some CC would be good.

<3 <3


New member
May 3, 2006
It was good.

...Oh my gosh, I WAS RIGHT.

What position, exactly, did Mikado have in the New Generation? You said everyone was scared of him, but how much of their ability to think did they retain under his rule? Did they just obey without question, or did they actually have ideas?


is a girl
Mar 19, 2006
n. 1. a place of settlement, activity, or residenc

Pretty much obeyed without question, IchigoNeko.

Thanks for all the great comments ^-^ I really appreciate them!

Chapter Seventy

Shaking, Sora sat still on the cold ground, his arms wrapped around himself. Aches and pains were popping up all over his body, the adrenaline completely gone from his system, just like the spell. After the long, difficult battle, it was all over. Mikado was gone, and wouldn’t be coming back. The worlds were safe from his grasp. All he could think about now was getting away, forgetting all about Mikado forever. Not remembering that the members were still there, Riku and King Mickey approached him, knelt at his side.

“You did it,” Riku smiled at him, trying to lighten his spirits. “You beat Mikado, Sora.” Sora raised a weak smile, looking up at his friend with tired, blue eyes. He looked back, feeling a warm touch around his neck, saw Kairi grinning down at him, her arms gently encircling him. She did not speak, simply smiled at him. King Mickey leaned in, an expression of suspicion in his face.

“What about them?” he whispered, giving a nod to the remaining members of the New Generation. They all looked lost and forlorn, unsure of what to do with themselves. They never thought that their leader would lose. Neither did Mikado. Riku gave a cocky smirk, standing up, facing them. Narrowing his aqua eyes into a frown, he cupped his hands around his mouth.

“You see that?” he shouted, instantly gaining their attention. “Let that be a lesson to you! Don’t even try something like that again!” They frowned before turning around, disappearing into the darkness. Although angered at the death of their leader, they did not protest against Riku, nor try to attack, knowing that Sora could finish them off too. They simply skulked away, hopefully never to be seen again.

When Riku turned around again, smug after scaring them away, Sora had disappeared. He’d crawled to Taiko’s side, something he’d been desperate to do for a long time now. Kairi had picked up Taiko’s fallen rucksack and followed Sora over. King Mickey looked up at Riku with a sorrowful expression, obviously worried at what the outcome could be.

Kneeling at Taiko’s side, forgetting all about the New Generation, his victory over Mikado, Sora examined his face. His old face was contorted into an expression of pain, lines of agony creasing across his forehead, his eyes tightly closed. Looking up at Donald, Sora’s expression seemed to ask how he was, unable to speak, a wave of shock still rippling through his body.

“He’s still breathing,” Donald explained, strangely quiet. He pointed at Taiko’s chest with a feathered finger, showing Sora the gentle heaving of his lungs. “But it doesn’t look good right now.” Sora’s face fell into a mournful expression, his hope of Taiko’s recovery fizzling away with each passing second. Kairi looked at Taiko, her grief-stricken eyes dribbling with crystal tears again.

“All he wanted to do was go home to his family,” she whispered, wiping her eyes, letting herself slump to the stony ground. “You guys shoulda seen how happy he was when I told him we could take him back.” Sora nodded silently, breathing a heavy sigh.

“I know,” he empathised with her quietly, “he was the same when I told him he could come with us.” Riku nodded. He had not experienced this first-hand like Kairi and Sora, but knew just how ecstatic Taiko would have been at this news.

“What have you two tried?” King Mickey asked, stood rubbing his chin. Because of his short stature, he was at eye-level with the others, all sat around Taiko’s motionless body.

“Spells, potions, the works,” Goofy sighed. “I reckon a rest is gonna be the best thing for him. I guess we’ll have to wait to see how he is.” Donald nodded in agreement. Riku paced around restlessly. Just like with Kairi, he wanted Taiko to be alright now, did not want to wait. He could not stand to see his friend suffering like this, but reluctantly accepted that only time would tell. They stayed quiet a moment, their eyes fixed on Taiko, could not tear themselves away from him.

“How are we gonna get him out of here?” Kairi whispered, breaking the silence, looking up at the others. Her face was stained with the tracks of her tears. King Mickey’s eyes widened. He had absolutely no idea. They could not carry him to the Gummi Ship, nor could they wait for a few days while some of them went back, fetched it closer. They couldn’t just sit there until he woke up, either. It could be days. He looked to the others, hoping they would have a solution. Sora blinked, thinking of an idea.

“Duossus…” he whispered, looking up at Riku, who instantly knew what Sora was thinking.

“I don’t know…” he replied, scratching his chin. “I mean, Taiko says he’s friendly, but it’s supposedly a lot more aggressive since it got here. Plus, why would it listen to us?” The others sat bemused, with no idea what they were talking about. Kairi gently tapped Riku’s knee, catching his attention, stopping him talking for a moment.

“What are you guys talking about?” she asked, blushing a little.

“Oh,” Riku smiled, scratching his head gingerly. “To cut a long story short, Duossus is from Foris. That’s why it listens to Taiko’s commands. We were thinking we could get Duossus back down here, let it carry us and Taiko down to the ship.” Kairi and the others nodded, now on the same wavelength.

“But how would we get Duossus to listen?” Sora asked, staring up at a baffled Riku. “I mean, Taiko’s hardly in the state to be whistling for it to come down.” King Mickey thought a moment, then snapped his fingers.

“Taiko stopped Duossus attacking you,” he said to Sora, “so maybe Duossus might think you’re a friend now. It could listen to you.” Riku nodded, as did Kairi. It seemed plausible to them, but Sora wasn’t so sure. It didn’t sound so possible to him. Although, looking down at Taiko’s helpless body, it just had to be worth a try, no matter how unrealistic the plan seemed. He’d try it. He couldn’t just give up now. For Taiko’s sake.

Struggling, standing up, Sora put his fingers in his mouth, let out a loud, shrill whistle, just like Taiko‘s. It echoed throughout the whole ravine, hopefully amplifying the whistle enough for Duossus to hear, wherever it was. After all, Square-One wasn’t very big. They stayed silent, hoping to hear the sweeping beat of its wings. Riku felt slightly apprehensive, as he’d never seen Duossus before, but curious at the same time. After a few minutes of silence, they felt disheartened, looking at each other with dissatisfied expressions.

“I guess it didn’t work,” Riku sighed, in an unusually defeatist manner. He sat down, resting his head on a bent elbow.

“Give it a little longer,” Kairi shushed him, looking up at Sora, still stood staring upwards. With good reason, too.

Slowly but surely, they heard those snuffling noises, the beating of furious wings. The torches flickered in the gusts of wind, some even going out, dimming the lights lower. Landing on solid, ebony hooves, it whinnied as it eyed the group. Shaking its mane, Duossus stood before them, its eyes fixed on Taiko’s still body. It took thunderous steps over, sniffing his body, distressed as it realised something wasn’t right.

“What do we do now?” Kairi whispered, trying not to startle this giant horse further. Riku looked up at it in amazement, with wide eyes and a bemused expression. Sora smiled, hoping the rest of the plan would work. It looked even more promising as Duossus lay down, inadvertently giving them a chance to get on.

“Quick,” Sora whispered, with alarm in his hushed voice, gesturing for Donald and Goofy to lift Taiko onto Duossus’ back. Sora’s logic told him that Duossus might be willing to carry them if Taiko got on first. They had to be quick though, as this giant horse seemed fidgety as it lay down. With Riku’s help, Donald and Goofy managed to climb onto Duossus’ back, holding Taiko tightly. Riku and Kairi then followed. Luckily, Duossus did not bat an eyelid, noticing that Taiko was there, feeling reassured. King Mickey and Sora were left standing there, looking on as they manoeuvred around, trying to sit tightly together. They left a space at the front, for whoever would be left to try to control this beast.

“Ever ridden a horse before?” King Mickey smiled at Sora, who shook his head silently. “Then I suppose I’ll have to do it.” He walked over, climbed up onto Duossus’ gigantic shoulders. Sora followed, and after a little struggle to climb on, he sat behind Kairi, right at the back. He wrapped his arms around her, holding on tightly. King Mickey turned, making sure they were all ready, before turning back to the beast.

After receiving a single, sharp tug on its mane, Duossus jumped to its feet, flapping its wings wildly, before lifting up into the air. It beat its wings, loudly soaring up and out of the ravine, into the murk of the sky. King Mickey was doing an excellent job of controlling the beast, was managing to keep it to a set path. The hot air felt strangely cool as it rushed past them, Duossus’ wings spread widely as it drifted along through the air.

Sora tried not to look down through the blanket of murk hovering above the ground, his arms tightly wrapped around Kairi’s body. Donald and Goofy did not lose concentration, holding Taiko securely. The mighty volcano exploded beneath them, its roar ominous, a reminder of its sheer power. The filthy air swirled around them. Riku stared down at the ground, looking down on the path his friends had followed. He saw the narrow, boulder-strewn path, the trail through the canyon, the rock-lined path that they first followed all those days ago. Sora blinked. It was strange that this was how they were leaving. Almost impossible, like some sort of alien dream. It was an unbelievable occurrence. Before they knew it, they were above the hidden Gummi Ship, this journey so much faster than the first.

“It’s a shame we didn’t have Duossus the first time around,” Kairi joked, smiling at Sora. He absent-mindedly smiled back, just seemed happy to be getting out of there.

They slowly began to descend, gliding down towards the ground. Now beating its wings again, Donald and Goofy held onto Taiko, making sure he did not fall off in all these frantic movements. Landing carefully amongst the rocks, under King Mickey’s command, Duossus knelt as close to the ground as it possibly could, trying to let them off.

Kairi and Riku climbed off quickly, followed by Donald and Goofy, carefully lifting Taiko off again. They hoped all this movement had not been too stressing for him. Sora slowly climbed off, being careful. Riku helped him down. King Mickey climbed off too, but before he could properly say goodbye to the gigantic beast, it lifted up off the ground again, its ears twitching, hearing something in the distance. Soaring off into the filthy sky again, it was gone within seconds. King Mickey sighed, joined the others.

Sora watched Duossus soaring off into the sky, watched it fade into the swirling smoke, dust, and gas. He stood still, while time flew by, all around him. After defeating Mikado, everything had turned into a blur. It seemed like seconds since he’d been in the ravine, and now he was back at the ship. It had all happened so quickly, given him very little time to take anything in, understand what was going on around him. Although, he couldn’t help feeling glad he couldn’t remember much. Perhaps it was for the best that time had gone by so rapidly, racing along at such a furious pace. Stood quietly, lost in his thoughts, he jumped a little as Kairi tapped his shoulder, taking him from his deep contemplation.

Donald carefully laid Taiko’s heavy, lifeless body down on the ground, before getting rid of the invisibility spell on the ship. In a flash, they could see the Gummi Ship, stood before them, just as they’d left it. Smiling, buzzing with excited energy, Kairi ran towards it, happily opening the doors. Riku helped Goofy carry Taiko inside, followed closely by Donald, King Mickey, and an exhausted Sora.

I loved that idea with Duossus. I thought it was so unbelievable and unexpected ^-^

<3 <3


New member
May 3, 2006
Nice chapter, snow.

I find it reaaalllly hard to believe they'd slink off without a fight though (the members). I don't know...it almost seems too easy...


is a girl
Mar 19, 2006
n. 1. a place of settlement, activity, or residenc

If I have the time, I won't rule out the sequel. I have a few ideas, but I'm not sure it's enough to write a whole story. Plus, I'm still writing my new one. Yay!

IchigoNeko, I did it to leave the option of having a sequel open.

I'll post the next chapter in a few days. Thank you for all the great comments ^-^

<3 <3
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