Hi everyone!
Thanks for all the comments. I wrote out that fightscene so many times, I needed a lot of practise in writing them!
IchigoNeko, the others are too afraid to carry out the plan themselves. They're scared of Mikado. If Riku and King Mickey get involved, then so will the members. Four on two isn't good odds...
Chapter Sixty-Eight
Striking Mikado’s sword with the Keyblade, Sora tried to knock the weapon from his hands. It was no use, Mikado gripped his sword with a tight grasp. The metal clinked as they duelled, their blades crashing together as they fought, each trying to outdo the other. Beads of sweat lined Sora’s brow, exhausted at their fighting. Mikado pushed the sword forward with all his weight, throwing Sora backwards. He almost tripped over his own feet, but managed to maintain his balance.
Undeterred by this powerful move, Sora launched another attack, driving the Keyblade forward, towards Mikado with a great amount of strength. Mikado hastily slashed forward with his sword, the blade crashing off the Keyblade as they crossed. Raising his foot, Mikado caught Sora off guard, quickly kicked him backwards.
Stumbling backwards, Sora winced in pain, clutching at his chest. His adrenaline had begun to flow, but it was not enough to numb this agony. Looking up, Sora felt a rush of panic as he saw Mikado approaching him quickly, stabbing forward with his sword. Knowing he had to continue moving through the pain, Sora moved on light feet, dodging the blade as it jabbed precariously close to his body. One slice of the sword and it would all be over. Tilting his head up to look Mikado in the eye, he saw the violent determination in his expression, the fury in his orange eyes. Letting out a loud shout, Mikado threw himself forward, putting all his strength into his sword. Agile, Sora dived out of the way, rolling across the floor and jumping back up.
Mikado came crashing down onto the floor again, as Sora watched from a safe distance, recovering at last. Holding the Keyblade forward, he silently decided to try some more magic, hoping it would work now that Mikado was unable to defend himself.
“Thunder!” Sora shouted at the top of his lungs, his voice resonant in the cavernous ravine. A bolt of lightning surged through the air from the Keyblade, crackling as it hurtled towards Mikado. Scrambling across the floor, Mikado narrowly missed being shocked by the incredible power of the electricity. The bolt sent a crack through the solid rock ground, showing the sheer amount of force that could have hit him. He smiled, cocky as he managed to drag himself up. It seemed magic really wasn’t going to work.
“You’ll have to do better than that,” Mikado grinned, taking steps towards Sora, slashing at the air with his blade.
Sora frowned. Running towards Mikado, he held the Keyblade back, focusing his strength. Skidding to a stop before him, he thrashed at Mikado with the Keyblade, furiously barraging him with a chain of attacks. Trying to defend himself, Mikado slashed around with his sword, but was caught off guard. Sora struck his arm with the Keyblade, watched his sword drop to the floor with a horrible clatter. Not one to give up easily, Mikado quickly raised his fists, ready to counter Sora’s continuing attacks. Managing to throw a few punches at Sora’s face, he tried everything he possibly could to get the upper hand. Sora was in pain, but knew this was a golden chance to strike, not to be wasted. Holding the Keyblade back, Sora clubbed Mikado’s side with the full force of the Keyblade.
Weakened, Mikado frantically tried to defend himself, but it was no use. Sora was much too powerful. Dropping to the floor, he closed his eyes, bracing himself for Sora’s finishing blow. Mikado opened one eye, saw Sora towering over him, knew he had to do something, and quickly.
Sora’s attention wavered, his eyes wandering towards Kairi, Riku, and King Mickey, all stood shouting encouragement from a distance. They’d come closer, try to help, but the members were watching like hawks, ready to strike if any of them tried to move towards Sora.
Taking advantage of Sora’s lapse in concentration, Mikado grabbed his fallen sword, then reached upwards, grabbing Sora roughly by the shoulders. He dragged Sora to the ground, before jumping up off the floor, towering over him. Stood over Sora, his sword at his chest, Mikado gave a superior smirk.
“Well, it seems the tables have turned,” he laughed, looking Sora in the eyes. Sora frowned, lying still on the floor, trying to think of a way out of the situation. “It seems that Darkness has won over Light, contrary to your silly beliefs. In every heart, Darkness lies within.” Sora shook his head slowly, watching with horrified eyes as Mikado dangled his sword over his chest. “For Master Ansem!”
Strangely, Mikado ‘dismissed’ his sword. It slowly disappeared from sight, blurring into the darkness. Sora looked on, frantically trying to think of a plan. Unfortunately, nothing was springing to his mind. He was frozen to the spot, unable to move. Mikado narrowed his orange eyes, giving a cruel smile.
Tightly clenching his fist, he held his hand over Sora’s chest, almost as though he was trying to aim at something. Closing his eyes, focusing all his energy, a soft glow began to surround him. It slowly coiled around his arm, gathering into his fist, before steadily looping through thin air, swirling and dancing towards Sora’s thudding chest. Mikado’s face contorted as he concentrated his power into this growing glow, his tensed arm muscles shaking.
Sora let out a loud, sudden cry as the glow began to envelop him. Suddenly, a beam of light shot from his chest, into Mikado’s clenched fist. He slowly opened his orange eyes, a wide grin on his face as he watched Sora’s painful expression.
“Your power will be mine, soon enough,” he cackled, glaring at Sora. “Your power lies within your heart, Sora, but not for long. You had best say goodbye.” He glanced back up to the others, all stood still, paralysed with fear. Riku was desperately trying to think of something to help, but he was too afraid to leave his spot. Terrified tears tumbled down Kairi’s pale face as she watched Mikado raise his fist above Sora’s body, gently lifting him into the air.
Sora slowly closed his eyes, barely able to even keep them open. He felt light-headed, was unable to control his body. Apart from the excruciating pain in his chest, he was numb, beginning to float into unconsciousness. His breathing began to stop, and his heartbeat slowed down, until it was a tiny, periodic thud in his chest. Slowly, the pain in his chest began to ease, before steadily disappearing completely. Unable to move, or even think by now, he had no idea what was going on. He could feel himself gently floating, could hear voices swimming around him, heard a familiar shout.
“Sora!” Riku shouted at the top of his voice, hoping that, somehow, Sora would hear him. “Come on, Sora, don’t give up!”
Sora recognised the voice, but his slowly fading mind made it impossible for him to even register who it was. He was slowly slipping away, his life disappearing before their very eyes, dying at Mikado’s hands.
So, uh... cliffy... please don't hurt me!
<3 <3