Giving Fire Emblem Fates Birthright a run. Chose the Hoshido path, even though I felt a tad more attached to the Norhs.
Still can't get over Lissa with an axe, lol nuns with axesFE Warriors Intro Trailer
Still can't get over Lissa with an axe, lol nuns with axes
FIRE EMBLEM Warriors >>> Hyrule Warriors
This is honestly the engine that subsequent Warrior games should utilize. I like the assist system a lot, and it's VERY similar to Dissidia 012's Assist System. I can honestly see a FINAL FANTASY/Dissidia Warriors game with FE Warriors' engine. I hope that, if it ever comes out, Hyrule Warriors 2 utilizes this engine. DO YOU IMAGINE HOW COOL IT WOULD BE TO SEE GANON ASSIST LINK?!?!?!
I meant in some departments, not overall, haha. Sorry, should have been more specific.-HW has more than 10 movesets between it's characters.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHASeriously, did Sakurai work on FEW or something?
I mean, you can't get as detailed with FE as with Zelda. There isn't much to reference from FE, seeing as how it's all basic weapons. Not defending FE Warriors on this area, but Hyrule Warriors does make a better job at this. Also, the Assist System is the closest we got to xtra movets.-Said movesets have more "flavor" to to them, with many containing multiple nods & references to Zelda's past (IE Great Fairy doing the tennis match sctick with Link, Sand Wand summoning the ST train, Zant & Ghirahim having the same attacks as when they were bosses, Ganondorf with Demise's lightning). FEW movesets are fairly generic par for the course by Musou standards.
Yes. The levels aren't as created as they can be, but I am personally so engrossed in the battle and character swapping that I don't notice, in my particular case.-Similarly, the Zelda universe lends itself to better environments. The Skyward Sword & Wind Waker battlefields especially stand out.
Yes. This is something I hate about the game. The enemy characters aren't unique. With Hyrule Warriors, you had a wide variety of enemies, and they were separated from basic goons, to an upper level goon. Not only that, but enemy models in FE Warriors feel like they were done at the lost hour. Their resolution is even different from the rest of the crew.-FEW has like 2 types of armies in the whole game & the monster army is fought far less than the constant palette swapped humans. At least thrown in risen and/or bandits.
Yeah, this is true. I found it very extra that Frederick arranged an entire chapter just to defeat and recruit him. Like really?-The story sucked in FEW. Just how many misunderstandings or mind control did we knew. There's little actually progression in the narrative until the endgame. before that it's all "here's some new characters to fight & then recruit" over & over. At least HW waited until the final level to start jumping the shark (ok, negating the triforce's effects by removing a giant sword from the castle is pretty dumb I'll admit)
I haven't been paying attention to the songs, haha.-Every track is another remix of the same damn theme song.
I mean, I AM enjoying the game, but yeah, it doesn't feel as inspired as HW. And I'll definitely get all over HW2 if it happens, and if it has FEW mechanics.Basically overall FEW is much more monotonous & bland than HW in virtually every aspect except for a few mechanics that'll probably be in HW2 anyway.
HEY! I first started suggesting KH Warriors even before FE, hahaha. Even KH Dissidia and Theatrerhythm.Why is it always FF that I see people suggesting get the Warriors treatment?
Spoiler ShowAlso, Power Rangers Warriors, Mario Warriors, Marvel Warriors, Lord of the Rings Warri-wait scratch that: LEGO Lord of the Ring Warriors!
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Edelgard von Hraesbelgr, Dmitri Alexandre Blaidad, Claude von Regan
I know i'm going to get a lot of flak for this, but they look like the three leaders from Pokemon Go. Maybe it's the colors.Spoiler Show
Edelgard von Hraesbelgr, Dmitri Alexandre Blaidad, Claude von Regan
Gematsu press release
Nintendo JP article
Seems like the Byleth character is gonna be the avatar.